Corrupted Minds! (Optimus/Megatron X Femme Reader X Enigma)

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A/N: I'm writing the chapter because Anna had just received her vaccine today and she wasn't allowed to type on the computer by her human carrier.

I see no logical reason behind the femme parental unit's reason but I want nothing to do with them and thus I have decided to take charge on this.

I would like to first and foremost mention that this had NOTHING to do with me, AT ALL.



You may proceed to read this...chapter now.

"(Y/N) , be a dear and pass me the data pad from Shockwave's lab please." Knockout extended his claws, waiting patiently for femme to hand him said device.

"Why can't you get it yourself? I'm tired." You said, dangling lazily on the table. "Are you done yet? I want to go out and have a drive with you and Breaks!"

"If you would help me with my request, I'd be done by now."

"That's a lie and we all know it."

"Watch it, I'll conduct another test and trap us both in this." Knockout teased, poking his talons on your (f/c) frame. "Come on darling, you know you wanna help this fancy mech~" he cooed, trying to coax you on walking out of the door and retrieve the damned data pad.

"Ugh, FINEEE!" You groaned, liftly your body up and begrudgingly went into next door. Mumbling profanities under your breath, you walked into the lab without asking permission.

And boy, were you SURPRISED.

There stood Optimus and Megatron, both smiling for no apparent reason as they fought the will to topple onto the ground. The two grand but intoxicated leaders turned their helms towards you, the smile on their faces got wider as they recognised the person standing at the door.

"(Y/N)!!" They slurred. Optimus gave you a lop-sided grin while the warlord made a finger-gun motion.

All in all, this looks like something out of the twilight zone.


"U-Uh..." You mumbled, still in shock of this situation. The Prime sauntered to your way and grabbed your hips, pulling you close to his broad chassis.

"Mhmmm...hello darling..." Optimus growled into your audial receptors, slowly tracing his digits down your backstruts.

"O-Optimus!" You blushed, not at all used to this sudden close contact. Your thoughts were further muffled when a pair of strong, sharp claws made its way around your neck, tugging your helm up to face the warlord.

"Optics on me too, femme." Megatron purred, dipping his own helm to match to your small figure. "Such petite figure, yet so...inviting~"


"Good. I love it when you call me that..." Megatron encouraged, dragging his fine digits down your cheeks. You were in a state of mess, blushing wildly at these two leaders trying to hold you down while they were on to something.

"Spare a glance on me too, sweetspark." Optimus said, inching closer to your face. Casting a dimmed optic to your dermas, he slowly looked up to gaze into your very own (e/c) optics. "Perhaps you may even spare me your dermas, if you may."

"W-Wait, what's g-going on??!" You exclaimed, looking around to find the cause for these two's strange attitude.

It wasn't like them, at all.

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