Broken Promises. (Megatron X Femme! Reader X Autobots)

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A/N: SKLFNLFNSSD ANOTHER MEGS CHAPPY, THIS TIME REQUESTED BY storyaboutHP! I hope you like this chappy, because Enigma sure as hell was writing this XDDD 

Enjoy this bias long chapter of our favourite warlord >O<


"WHAT DID YOU DO!?" I slammed my servos on the table, glaring at Arcee and Bumblebee. The two slaggers didn't even have the bearings to look at me, casting their gaze on the floor instead.

"(Y/N), it wasn't our call to make-"

"NO! WE HAD A FRAGGING DEAL!" I snapped, shutting Bulkhead up.

"You weren't there!"

"Because you wouldn't let me, genius! For a medic, you sure as hell are fragging dumb, Ratchet!" I seethed, flinging a can of oil at the doctor's face. He caught it with equal ferocity, glaring back.

"And you as a medic, you should be more level-headed in such given situation!" he retorted, throwing a wrench at me in retaliation. I swatted the metal tool away, letting it land on the floor with a loud clang.

"NO! We had a fragging promise! The reason why I've joined with you lots was because I've truly believed you scraps would be better than this!"

"(Y/N), Knockout's a Con!"

"AND HE'S MY BROTHER! YOU MAIMED HIM!" I tackled the femme down, holding her in a deadlock position. Optimus came forward and pried me away, giving Arcee a chance to get away.

"LET ME GO!" I said, struggling in the Prime's grasp.

"(Y/N), calm down. I was there, the team didn't have a choice-"

"YOU SURE AS HELL DO; BY SENDING ME INSTEAD! BUT NOOOOO, Y'ALL SAID I WOULD LET MY EMOTIONS GET THE BEST OF ME! LOOK AT THE OUTCOME NOW!" I fought back, slamming my helm forcefully onto his face, making him release me. There was some Energon dripping from the Prime's face but he didn't care, choosing to calm me down instead.

Bad call.

"This was the very reason why! Listen to reason (Y/N), Knockout and Breakdown had them cornered, we didn't mean to hurt him terribly!" Optimus pleaded, raising his voice.

"THAT WAS THE VERY FUCKING REASON WHY I WANTED TO GO! I KNEW HOW TO DEAL WITH THEM, MORE THAN YOU GUYS!" I yelled, picking up another tool and threw it at Optimus just to get my point across. "-BECAUSE I'M HIS FRAGGING TWIN, YOU BUNCH OF RUSTED SCRAP METALS!" I finished; hot stream of coolants leaked from my optics.

Right, I need to address the situation on why the hell was I so pissed with the team.

They were out for the usual Energon scouting when they came across with the narcissistic mech with his trusty helper. Knockout had them in a tough situation until Bumblebee had managed to distract the mech long enough for the two-wheeler to land a mean kick on the Decepticon CMO's face.

With that one hit, it should be more than enough to retreat OR call for backup. HOWEVER, that glitch went on and pounded my brother brutally, severely hurting him.

I should know, the bonds we shared told me so. I could faintly hear his pleas but the A-class slagger went on, releasing her fury onto him to the point where Soundwave had to step in and pull the two Cons back.

Yeah, even Breakdown got the brunt of the situation too.

"I'M. DONE." I said, turning away and transforming into my vehicle mode, speeding away from the base I've once called home. The very place that held my respect and pride, seems all but a lie to me now. I've shielded my signals and cut off all commlinks from the team, because if I hear one more call from them, I'm SOOOOO going to commit murder on those fraggers.

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