Requested by @KaitlynGlovick! I am so sorry for the late chappy but I swear this was on my mind for a while now!!
I did some tiny research about Thanksgiving meals, but if there's some mistakes I'd like to apologise, I have never celebrated it >o<
Without further ado, enjoy this crackhead chapter!!
"Turkey, turkey..." I murmured, watching my Thanksgiving bird being slowly roasted in the oven. The timer showed '13 minutes' and I nodded, eager to get the poultry out and serve it to my guest.
"Ara, ara! I guess I'll bring out the steak pies too!" I giggled, twirling around and grab a mitten as I carefully brought out two trays of hotpot pies and set them on the table.
Taking the protective gloves off, I blew air into my hands and rubbed them together, feeling a little chilly in this autumn season. Glancing at the wall clock, I realised it was a little later than normal and I sighed, hoping my guests are okay.
"Oh dear, I hope it doesn't rain now! It must be tiring for them to be out till late..." I murmured and continued to set the table accordingly, peeking at the clock every few minutes to check the time.
With one last huff, I finally got the table prepared. The turkey was roasted to perfection and I had some cranberry sauce ready for the meat. Sitting on the sofa, I checked my phone to see no message or notification, making my worry deepen.
Punching in the familiar number, I pressed enter and placed the mobile by my ears, biting my nails as I prayed for them to pick up.
"I-Is it a bad timing? I'll call later, s-sorry!" I squeaked.
"SCRAP! No, no, NO! Don't put down!" Megatron said and I heard him grunting before letting out some curses to someone. "(N/N), I swear I'll come by this evening! I'm just- I'm REALLY busy now, apologies!"
"O-Oh, don't worry! J-Just be safe, Megs! I'll wait for you!" I smiled and severed the connection, not wanting to further disturb my friend in his activities.
Megs, or Megatron, said that he works in a mining area and he's the head of his mining team. I met him in at one of his work stations by accident and he saved me, getting me out of the blue crystal area before I could possibly trigger something bad.
I don't know much about Megs, but what I do know is that he may be a hard and angry fella, but he has a nicer side that I'm privilege enough to witness.
Humming in delight, I scrolled down my contacts and rang another number. It took a few rings before a familiar baritone voice resonated through the speakers.
"Optimus speaking."
"Hey Orion! Are you alright? I hope you are able to make it for the Thanksgiving dinner, sweety!" I said.
To my surprise, I heard some loud bangs and grunts too.
"Worry not, little one. I will b-be certain to arrive...p-perhaps in a little while." He trailed off and clicked his tongue. "Is it o-okay-TSK- if I cut this conversation short, sweetspark?"
"Oh please, go on! Bye-bye!" I agreed and put the line off.
Hmm, everyone seems to be busy lately...

Transformers Prime Imagines Book 2
FanfictionENIGMA CHAN IS BACK AT IT AGAIN!!! If you're new to this book, Hi there! This is a fanfic of the TFP crew! There will be tiny drabbles, chaotic and crazy oneshots, love story and many more! Unfortunately, Enigma don't do smuts, only make some jokes...