Beauty And The Beast. (Human! Megatron X Human! Reader)

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A/N: If you know Beauty and the beast (THE DISNEY 1991 ONE, NOT THE LIVE ACTION!), then I'm guessing you know how this goes XD

Or at least, part of it XDD

XDXD IDK haven't watched it in a while(I'll probably mix the scene up, ehe) but this idea came to me now as you read so by the time I've upload it it's probably late night in my area UWU


PS: The characters age varies DIFFERENTLY so um my normal TFP scene/oneshot age does not apply here , just a heads up!


"D-Dad, do you really have to go?" I sighed, tugging on his shirt.

Father chuckled and pulled me in for a bear hug, gently kissing the top on my head. "Don't miss me too much, my dear (Y/N)." he comforted, placing another kiss again.

"I hope you'll win the showcase! Your creation of the groundbridge would woo the crowd, papa!" I giggled, pecking his cheeks before running to the clothe stand and gave my father his windbreaker. "It's getting chilly lately, you must not fall ill father!" I chided, giving him an Eskimo kiss.

"Yes, yes. As you wish, my little genius." He laughed, hoisting himself up on our family horse, Beauty. "Bye-bye, my shining star. I will be back before you know it."

And off he went, leaving me at home with my books to pass time.

Sighing, I shrugged and decided to walk around my town and probably borrow some books from the local library. Humming to myself, I wasn't bothered with the townsfolks' murmurs as I carried my merry way to the dusty old library called Iacon Hall of Records.

Ironically, it was a decent-sized cosy library with only two workers, the owner and his son.

Stepping into the warm and welcoming store, I was immediately greeted with the homy feeling and I couldn't help but released and comfortable sigh.

"Hello, dear." Alpha Trion greeted, head peeking out of the tall shelves. His son, Orion Pax, was on the long ladder, sorting out books and hadn't noticed my presence yet.

"He's really into this, isn't he?" I whispered, muffling my laugh as we both glanced up at the tall brunette. Alpha Trion chuckled and knocked against the wooden ladder, startling his young prodigy.

"GAH!" Orion gasped, teetering dangerously on the ladder before stabilising with the help of the upper shelves support.

Glaring at his father, the young male hastily got off the stairs.

"Father, I could've dropped!" he said, still not spotting my figure.

"But you didn't." Alpha Trion said, stroking his old beard. Orion rolled his eyes and turned around, nearly crashing head first with me.

"(Y/N)!" he exclaimed, eyes brightening up. "Oh my Primus! Dad, why haven't you informed me that she's here!?" he yelled at the old fella.

"Huh? Whaaat?" Alpha Trion asked, stretching his head out dramatically before shrugging. "I guess I must be hearing things..." the hunched guy slowly retreated back to his office, leaving his son with me.

"He ALWAYS does that!" Orion whined, shaking his helm at his father's direction. Turning back to face me, Pax returned his usual smile and motioned his hands at the shelves, chuckling.

"The usual, dear bookworm?" he asked, setting a hand on his hip.

'Don't be sassy now, Paxy." I giggled, gently pushing his arms away. Strolling around rows after rows, me and Orion interacted along the way.

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