A/N: Okay, this is a long overdue chapter and I needed to get this out.
I know, I know. Yandere chapter, when is it coming?
When I'm free, it will be up.
I wanted to take the time to dedicate this to everyone celebrating Christmas to just have a moment of remembering their old folks at home. Try spending more time in bonding, okay?
This is a grandpa type chapter.
In NO WAY this is a romance between the reader and Alpha Trion.
(Hinting of OP is mentioned.)
Thank you for reading and I hope you'll enjoy this chapter; I CUT A BUCKET FULL OF ONION FOR YALL.
Okay, fine. It's not all the way angsty; I got a sweet, cute ending for everyone BECAUSE CHRISTMAS YALL-
UWU love you guys ejeebrekhbrew-
'Dad, I won't be coming back till the end of year. Please take great care and stay safe. The money has been sent into your account.
Much regards,
Sighing, Alpha Trion folded the crisp letter and set it aside. He glanced out through the window, watching the evening sunset covering the streets with its beautiful vermilion hue.
"Mr. Terrance!" An afro-haired man stepped out of the car, walking towards the aged man with a frown. Though the latter knew what the young man was about to say, he remained impassive and set a serene smile on his face.
"Ah, Barney-"
"Save it. I got no time to chat, Terrance." Barney scowled. "Your library has barely any customer coming by and the town council are in favour of turning your worn-down place into an arcade corner."
"But I pay my taxes without fail and I've never wronged anyone. This is my blood, sweat and tears Barney, I cannot allow this precious place to be brought down into rubbles." Albert softly defended, weary blue eyes glistening with sadness.
"I know you feel some connection with this place, but it won't do you well. You're paying bills for nothing; how's that okay!? Don't you just wanna retire back in your home? To sit back and relax without any worry of handling this...library?" The African-American man sighed, pinching his nose bridge.
"This IS my home, sir." Albert explained, gripping his walking stick tightly. "Even if there's one person that's willing to stop by, I'm happy to allow them in. My library stays until I say otherwise."
"Fine! But don't say I didn't warn ya if them big bosses come around with a mean look!" Barney huffed and walked back to his police car, driving off and left Alpha in the dust.
"..." Alpha was silent.
His heart ached in loneliness as he gazed upon the antic building before him. This was passed down onto him by his father and it has been so for the last few decades. This was his only familial heritance, besides the gift of clairvoyance.
His family were once dubbed heroes...but history had forgotten them.
As if the whole world has been casted by a spell of forgetfulness, no one remembered that Alpha Trion's bloodline were important individuals; people with the capability of changing the world for the better.

Transformers Prime Imagines Book 2
FanfictionENIGMA CHAN IS BACK AT IT AGAIN!!! If you're new to this book, Hi there! This is a fanfic of the TFP crew! There will be tiny drabbles, chaotic and crazy oneshots, love story and many more! Unfortunately, Enigma don't do smuts, only make some jokes...