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"GUYS! WE HIT 1K ON THE SECOND BOOK!" Enigma cheered, skidding to a stop as she raised the laptop above her head.

"Congratulations." Optimus nodded with a hint of smile on his face.

Megatron came close, picking the laptop close and smirked. "Can't say I'm surprised. After all, they love me best." He boasted, waving his claws haughtily.

Enigma rolled her eyes, extending her hands and made a motion of taking the device back.

"Don't be cocky. Now, say thank you to the fans!" she sighed, getting the laptop and sat on the couch. Jack leaned over, surprised evident on his face.

"Wow, that's fast." He commented, peeking at the data flashed across the writer's screen. "Didn't you start this book like...a month ago?"

"I know right?!" she beamed, scrolling through the comments and replied.

"Half of your response is 'XD', 'UWU' and keyboard smashing." Miko snickered. Enigma rolled her eyes and threw a pillow at the Japanese girl's face, the soft cushion landed on the girl with a thud.


The femme writer smirked, still typing on the computer. Wheeljack came around, bending down and spoke to the tiny human.

"You know, you still haven't figured out about the 1K special chapter. So-" he smirked and pulled out a spinning board. "How about we draw lots!?" he grinned, rubbing his servos together.

Knockout and Breakdown came along, peeking at the Wrecker's idea with fascination.

"Hmm, fancy~"

"I think that might be a good idea."

"Actually..." Enigma chuckled, waving her hands at them to catch their attention. "I'm planning on making a royalty AU...but um- I've yet to find the suitable bot for the chapter...?" she trailed off, poking her fingers together.

The whole team went silent, staring at her before it erupted into a full blown chaos.

"TO THE PITS WITH THE SPINNING BOARD! I'M IN!" Megatron roared, slamming his servos down on the table, smashing it.

"WATCH IT!" The humans chorused, glaring at the silver warlord.

"FRAG THIS, I WANT THAT CHAPTER!" Knockout said, servos on his hips.

"NO WAY! THAT'S MINE!" Starscream argued, his claws pointing towards his chassis.

"NUH-UH! I CALLED DIBS ON IT FIRST!" Smokescreen chimed in. Arcee rolled her optics, arms crossed in front of her.

"No, you didn't." she muttered.

"Damn it, I want that chapter! Fuck this idea of mine!" Wheeljack growled, tossing the cardboard creation away. Ratchet grumbled, picking the spinning board up with annoyance.

"Oi! Don't litter!" he growled before turning towards the writer. "And I would like to have that chapter please." He added.

"Illogical. That chapter belongs to-"

"ME!" Airachnid yelled, pushing the scientist away.

"Nonsense." Dreadwing said, clicking his glossa in frustration.

"Something to say, idiot?"

"Indeed, spider-freak."

"Statement: Soundwave wants the chapter too." The Decepticon communication specialist chipped in, gently tapping onto Anna's shoulders.

"U-Uh..." she sweatdropped at the chaos.

"Shut up, all of you."

"Oh? Don't tell me you want that chapter, Magnus?"

"It's 'Ultra Magnus sir' to you, Wheeljack."

"Tsk, annoyance to society." The wrecker replied. Anna burst into a fit of laughter, shaking her head.

"Seriously? Did you just use my line?"

"It's a good quote." Wheeljack shrugged, grinning cheekily at the blue-haired lady.

"Young one, I would like that chapter too...please?" Optimus requested, gently tugging onto the girl's t-shirt. Enigma chuckled, patting his digits and leaned in close to his audial receptor.

"It was supposed to be yours." She whispered, winking at the beaming Prime.


"...shit." Enigma smiled and jumped away from the couch, taking her laptop with her as she made a dash out of the studio, the rest of the team hot on her tail.





Transformers Prime Imagines Book 2Where stories live. Discover now