Wrong Choice, Idiot! (Brother! Megatron X Femme! Reader X Optimus)

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A/N: A HAPPPYYYYY CHAPTER BECAUSE storyaboutHP 's request made me cry alkdsdklfn-

Have this is to cool the burning feeling from earlier angsty as fuck chapter T^T

Anyways, enjoy this chapter! UWUUU


"B-Brother...it's c-cold..." I sneezed, huddling close with my brother. D-16's optics softened, hugging me close.

"It's okay, I'm here..." he said, pulling me tighter as we shared our warmth in the harsh weather. The young miner sighed, taking his share of tarp off and covered me, rubbing my tiny helm.

"Here, have mine!" he grinned, still holding me safely in his embrace. My dermas quivered, not wanting my brother to get cold.


"Shush. I am fine, little one. I'm made out of a sturdy material, don't you worry about me." He said, sending me an assuring smile. Nodding, I hugged him close, happy to spend my time with my only family member.

"Mhmm! Thank you!"

Later on, D-16 joined the fighting Pits, earning credits day by day as the amount rapidly rose, just likes his opponents. You were constantly worried of him fighting but the stubborn mech loved you most and swore to give you only the best of everything after your useless parental units dropped the both of you off to the middle of nowhere, leaving you and D-16 to fend for yourself.

Ever since he joined the fighting ranks, your brother saw fit to change his name to Megatronus, taking a liking with that designation.

"How's my designation, sweetie?" he chuckled, stretching his aching arms as he casted you a tender look.

"Megatronus, right? The name is quite long..." I mumbled, sucking on an Energon pop he bought for me as I swung my legs happily on the stacks.

"Is it n-not to your liking!? I-I'll submit a-another-"

"I LOVE IT!" I giggled, hopping of the tall stacks and lunged onto him. He chuckled, spinning me around with joy.

"Then that's all it matters." He smirked, happy to get my approval.


"B-Brother!" I cried out, chasing after him. His optics widened as he opened his arms and caught my small frame.

"By the Allspark! What are you doing out here!?" he gasped, backing away to his locker. I bawled, clutching his chassis as my coolants leaked uncontrollably.

"H-Help..." I shivered, hiding in his embrace as the group of incorrigible mechs appeared. Megatronus's optics hardened as he puts the pieces together, growling with much animosity at the sight of the leader stepping forward.

"Oho? The little femme's got company~" he said, not realising who the frag he was talking to. Taking a deep breath, Megatron picked you up and handed you over to Soundwave, who just so happens to be at the Pits' locker with your brother.

"Keep an optic out on her." He seethed, barely able to contain his anger any longer. Soundwave nodded, taking the jacket handed by Megatronus and dropped them onto your helm, blinding your visions from the harrowing images. Tugging the leader's collar, Megatron dragged the slagger by the neck and threw him on the ground next door, away from your sight and hearings.

"I'll cut your fragging digits off ONE. BY. ONE!" He roared, unleashing his fury on the leader. The other mechs tried to stepped in but Megatronus wasn't the champion for nothing.

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