Revolution Starts With Me! Part 2 (Megatron! Human! Reader)

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I'm going on a week plus trip so I'll prepare more chapters before I go! UWU

Enjoy this chappy~ It's a little angsty, so yeah XD


After a few weeks of spending my time with the Decepticons while maintaining my job of helping around, I have concluded a few things during my stay.

Let me do the honours of narrowing it down for everyone, alright?

Firstly, Screamer likes to scream. Pretty straightforward so I won't go into details, but what you DO need to know is that my left ear is still ringing since yesterday.


Next, Knockout is a diva and his boyfriend is a wholesome dude. Simply put, they are a crackship pair and I'm one of the loyal shippers!

Who's next...Oh!


He's genuinely a cool guy and a genius too! Soundwave has got this visor on his face, and it's really lit! He doesn't speak, so he uses voice recordings to communicate.

Most of the time though? He's spending his time in front of the computer, transferring data and whatnots.

On the bright side of this; he's teaching me CYBERTRONIAN!


That leads us to Dreadwing. That seeker is a chill mech unless you piss him off. Dready likes my speeches which was really touching, so I've decided to let him proof read my scripts and rewatch my livestreams in hopes that he can give more input and feedbacks.

He's also REALLY good at bombs, by the way. He gave me some mini ones just in case I've gotten myself in some sticky situation and needed a clean exit.

I gladly took it, DUH!

Now, let's talk about Airachnid.

She's...really complicated, but at least she's trying to be civil. After all, we're the only females in base, so we kinda stick after a few days. Though, I never had the heart to tell her that I REAALLLLYY don't like spiders.

...She's okay, I guess?

Ergh, the legs though...

Right, back to the main point! I've saved the best for the last!



From his leadership to fighting to his speeches, he aced them all like a champ. I was...enamoured by his style of speaking and I frequently asked for advice from him too, and he taught me in a heartbeat, not once rejecting my offer of improving myself.

He is also a MASTER at fighting, like I mentioned earlier. According to the big guy, he was a former champion in a fighting pit at Kaon and he was feared by many while ALSO gaining several followers, Soundwave being one of the very first among them.

Naturally, I asked him to TRAIN me.

Yup, you heard me right!

That mech was able to downsize himself to my size and gave me some agonising training, but I powered through them despite being brutally assaulted and injured.

I improved greatly in a such short span of time, so what's some skin wounds gonna do to me? Absolutely nothing.

The team was perfect.

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