Chapter 1

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TW: Mention of suicide.

I woke up covered in sweat and my eyes wide open. I had a terrible nightmare which I barely remembered at this moment. I looked at the time and let out a deep sigh. It's just 4:50am and I'm awake like someone poured cold water on me. Nice. I closed my eyes and tried to remember the terrible dream and some flashy pictures came in my mind.

Deku standing on the edge of the roof smiling at me while tears left his eyes. I could see my hands reach out and a few seconds later he was gone.

Why the fuck did I dream about Deku?! I let out an annoyed growl and stood up from my bed, realizing sleep wasn't an option anymore. I put on my training clothes and silently left my dorm, hoping nobody would hear me and wake up. I looked around and took the route towards the outside. I decided to take the stairs instead the elevator and slowly jogged downstairs until I reached my destiny. I slowly opened the door and found myself in the commons.
My eyes landed on the time and I still had 3 hours before school starts, so I walked towards the dorm exit and opened it only to get hit in the face by a freezing cold which made me shiver before taking my steps out. I started jogging towards the run area and continued there.

Why was I dreaming about Deku killing himself? And why did it hurt? I looked at the sky my feet still moving forwards and my breath leaving small smokes in the air infront of me. I hated Deku. I told him to take a swan dive of the roof but thinking about him really doing it? It oddly hurts. Without me realizing my feet started running faster in anger.

He's a worthless shit, I shouldn't care about him. He's a fucking scumbag and deserved to die. No he didn't but couldn't care less right now. I wanted this feeling of irritation to fade away but nothing that I was telling myself helped.

I stood still for a second still panting from my running and looked around. I was pretty far from the dorms and the sun started slowly rising. Before I could think about anything I felt my body move on its own starting to hit a tree, my thoughts were overwhelming me. With every hit my punch got stronger and angrier and I could barely control myself. This is Deku's fault. I punched the tree one last time and let out a loud scream with the top of my longs. I looked at my knuckles, only to realize that they were bleeding and damaged to the core.

I let out a growl and started jogging back to the dorms. I hate deku. With every step I took I repeat the sentence in my mind and kept running faster. I hate deku. I hate deku. I hate deku.

Once I arrived at the dorms I checked the time and went to take a shower. It was 6:45 am so I still had 1 hour and 15 minutes. Enough time to take a long shower and eat breakfast.

As I felt the hot water rinse down my body I felt myself tense up once it hit my knuckles. I totally forgot about my wound. A growl escaped my mouth and I started thinking about Deku again. Why the fuck do I keep thinking about this shitty nerd?!

I again felt the urge to punch something and clenched my hands to a fist. Fucking deku. Fucking deku. Fucking deku. Fucking deku. Fucking deku. With every thought I hit the wall on the shower with the fist that was unharmed, until now. I didn't even realize that I started punching until I saw blood on my hands again. "Fucking nice!" I yelled while looking at my other now demolished hand.

Once I was out of the shower I put on my uniform and went downstairs to the kitchen, so I could start preparing my food.

"Oi Bakubro! What happened to your hands?!" Shitty Hair fucker. "None of your fucking business." It came nearly out as a whisper, not a nice whisper. Everyone who would've heard this, means Shitty hair, would've run. But that dumbass didn't get the fucking message. "But Bakubro it looks bad let me s-" Before he could finish his sentence I sent an explosion towards him and kept going until I reached the kitchen, ignoring Shitty Hairs yelling.

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