Chapter 8

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I woke up to loud noises all around me. Some were yelling something like my name? And other's were talking but I couldn't understand them because everything was kind of muffled. My head was pouncing in pain and I let out a small groan.

My head wasn't the only thing that pained, besides that were my arms, my hands and my left ankle. As I tried to move the pain grew and I flinched at the pain. I slightly tried to open my eyes but as soon as I opened them a little I closed them again. The light was too bright and my head started paining more. There were too many noises and too much going around it irritated me. I didn't know where I am and neither did I know what happened.

I opened my mouth and sighed out. I knew I couldn't yell so whispering should do I hoped. "Fuck... Off... Too..." My voice broke due to my headache increasing with every word I was saying. I still didn't gain my senses back so the only thing I could hear was someone talking to everyone and multiple footsteps leaving the room. I sighed out in relief and let the silence over come me.

What happened? Where am I? Oh, wait, fuck. I remember I ran off on Deku like that yesterday and then in the forest...? I think I slipped and fell on my head, that's everything I remembered. I tried opening my eyes again but straightly shut them, this time the reason being two big green orbs looking worried in my crimson red ones. Fuck why is he here?! Ahhh fuck! This is definitely something that bastard from teacher did again!

I groaned again in pain started to open my eyes again, this time successfully. No beautiful emerald eyes staring in mine, no light that was too bright. Everything was perfect. Besides the fact everything hurt.

My head was still going crazy as I started looking slowly around and stopped as I saw a nurse talking to Aizawa-Sensei and Deku all three looking concerned. The fuck is going on with them? They're worried about me! Hell what the fuck?! Stop looking down on me!

My anger was rising as the seconds were passing by and the nurse finally had finished talking to both of them. As they came back I looked both dead ass in the eyes. "So Bakugo, whatever you were thinking of going to the forest in the dark, well it lead you to two broken hands, one broken ankle and several injuries around your arm and a deep cut on your head." What. The. FUCK?! "And since our beloved nurse isn't here you'll have to live with those injuries, the doctor's here brought it to a minimum and all they said it should be healed in a like one or two days but till then Midoriya is going to take care of you in your usual day routines such as eating, drinking, changing, etc." I inhaled deeply and started yelling. "WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK?!" But oh boy did I regret this. I immediately winced at the pain in my head and let out a groan. "You head should be fine after a few medications she said though." Aizawa-Sensei gave me a short all knowing smirk before leaving the room.

That nerd's gonna get stuck me for like anything I'm gonna do. Great! Gonna help me perfectly with the feelings I already have! "U-Uhm K-Kacchan?" My eyes fell on the boy who was fidgeting on his seat and looking unsure and concerned at the same time. I hummed in response and kept my eyes on his hair. The urge to touch them was rising. "I-I know I'm the worst person that you could get help from right now but therefore that we're roommates anyways we thought it's the best..." I just closed my eyes and sighed.

Sure I can't do anything for a few days and that shitty nerd who also seems to be the person I'm in love with has to take care of me. Great. Amazing... Wait- My eyes shot open and I looked at Deku. "If you ask me ever to help me in the fucking washroom in any case I'm going to fucking murder you." I was embarrassed just thinking about and had to control myself a lot to not blush which was difficult with my head hurting more with every word I said. Deku flinched at my words and nodded. "Y-yes Kacchan. I-I wasn't thinking about that to be honest." He looked at his legs kind of embarrassed? Blushing?

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