Chapter 9

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TW! I know there's always some part of suicide because of Bakugos dream but this one will be a little bit deeper!

My eyes were following every movement of Deku. I had never realized how fluffy his hair looked and his body was filled with muscles. He did change a lot... I sighed and looked out of the window feeling my body starting to pain again. "Hey Nerd, time for medicine."

Deku infront of me started blushing like crazy and just nodded in silence. He put the medicine in between of his lips and locked his eyes with me. I have no idea why I ever asked that fucking question and why he fucking agreed but he's going to "kiss" me now. My heart started beating faster than ever and I felt the heat rush up to my cheeks as I realized what was going to happen. Before it was not really in my mind but now that the nerd came closer it became fucking reality.

"Don't think this means anything it's only because I don't need your dirty ass finger in my mouth." I whispered and came closer to deku. My eyes were looking into those damn beautiful green orbs and I just started getting lost in them as I kept leaning in just like Deku did. His face was in a cherry red color and I could feel his breath tingling my nose. He closed his eyes in embarrassment and finally I felt those oft lips of him touch me. My heart skipped a beat and I couldn't move anymore. He's just giving medicine, he's just giving medicine, he's just giving medicine. AH SHIT. His lips were soft and tasted like sweet cotton candy.

It felt amazing and I didn't want to get out of this kiss but I had to. I slowly snatched the medicine out of his lips with my tongue teasingly gliding over his lips as I pushed the Pill inside my mouth. Deku flinched at the sudden feeling of my feeling and pulled away breathing for air. His head was place in his head and I could only see the redness that covered his face on his ears. I myself probably wasn't better, my heart was racing faster than Four Eyes quirk and my face was burning. I could still feel the tingling sensation on my lips and smiled slightly. The tase of cotton candy and the feeling of his lips on mine had been amazing and wasn't yet going away which made it more difficult for me to not go for another kiss. I was breathing heavily and started looking down at my hands. Fucking Deku, going to be the death of me. Shit.

I felt something cool touch my cheeks and looked up, only to see Dekus outstretched arm, holding a water bottle at my cheek while looking away. Ah right... It's still in my mouth. "Deku? I can't use my hands you idiot..." My voice was calm and soft which surprised me more than the green haired boy. "R-r-r-right! S-s-sorry!" His voice was screaming of embarrassment and he opened the bottle. He know faced me and put a hand behind my neck putting the opening of the bottle on my lips, slowly filling my mouth with water, so I could drink my medicine. The color of his face hadn't changed and he was not looking in my eyes but at my lips?

As I was finished with drinking the medicine an awkward silence made its way into the room. I couldn't keep my gaze away from Deku, who on the other side had stood up to wash his face, put our clothes and everything into the wardrobe and change in the bathroom.

Once he came back he turned off the lights and straightly lied down on his bed. He mumbled a short "G-good night K-kacchan.." and I just hummed in response. Everything was great. It was amazing. I kissed my crush, we're sleeping in the same room and it was all amazing. I smiled in silence and closed my eyes, feeling the weight of tiredness crawling its way into my body before falling asleep.

"Hey Kacchan, don't look at me with that face!" The green haired boy smiled at me a strange smile. A fake smile. "I know you're happy I'm doing this! You wanted it in the end right?! You told me to take a swan dive off the roof! Now don't give me that sad and worried expression!" My heart started hurting and my eyes started filling with tears. I tried to talk but nothing came out of my mouth. "Don't do like you fucking care about me now all of the sudden KA-TSU-KI!" His words hit me like a spear and hurt worse than every physically pain could. "Hey if you're so sad, why don't you just jump as well?" The boy infront of me started to laugh and cry at the same time before he let himself fall backwards into the deep. I couldn't move, I couldn't scream, I couldn't do anything. I started to feel suffocating and I could only watch deku as he fell. Deeper and deeper into the nothing.

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