Chapter 5

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I woke up to someone playing with my hair. It felt amazing and I just let it happen. Wait who the fuck?! I shut my eyes open and saw two green orbs staring at me, frozen in his movements like a statue. His eyes are so beautiful.. Shut up! I forced myself to stop looking at those beauti- I mean those green eyes of his and looked at my hands, realizing our fingers were intertwined.

He finally spoke up nervously "A-ah, K-Kacchan y-you're awake." He quickly removed his hand from my hair and looked away with a pink tint on his cheeks probably not realizing that his other hand was still in mine. I took a glance at our intertwined fingers and smiled a slight smile before removing my hand.

I felt a short sting in my heart and the disturbing feeling in my hand that told me to grab his again. Shut up brain! I don't want to hold the damn nerds hands! Deku looked a little disappointed before putting a smile on his face. Why was he disappointed?

"How are you feeling, K-kacchan? You slept quite a long time." I glanced at the time and realized that it is 6am. "How long did I sleep?" My throat didn't hurt anymore while talking and my voice came of as usually, just a little bit husky considering I just woke up.

"16 hours." My eyes widened and I looked at him. Just now I realized I didn't have any dreams, no nightmare, nothing. Everything was fine. He was holding my hand and I slept better than a fucking Sloth!

I clicked my tongue in anger and sat up. My body was still paining but it was way better than when I was awake the last time. So it did help me to sleep with him holding my hand. I sighed and looked up to him. I would never tell them this.

"U-Uhm, Kacchan can I, uhm c-can I ask you something?" His eyes were burning of curiosity and I nodded as response to let him know he can continue. "W-why did you- uhm w-why" I got angry and flicked my fingers on his forehead which resulted in him holding his hands there at the same place. "Ow!" His voice was soft and he looked at me confused. Cute. "Stop stuttering like a baby and spit it out you nerd." I didn't resist my thoughts saying he's cute because I had to admit that he was. Fuck.

"Well", he took a deep breath in visibly concentrating on not stuttering, "why did you ask me to hold your hand?" I slight blush formed on his cheek and I couldn't resist to chuckle. Fuck fuck fuck he's cute fuck this pisses me off.

"None of your damn business you fucking scum!" My voice came off harsh but not as harsh as I wanted it to be. Fuck. The boy just gave me a smile and nodded. "It's okay I guess you don't want to tell me." I punched him on the head, slightly so it wouldn't hurt. Why the fuck do I care?!

"HAH?! You telling me I'm weak and scared to tell you or what?!" I was scared to tell him. I didn't want him to think I'm weak for seeing nightmares of him. Deku again hold his hands at the place I hit him but didn't stop smiling at me. He looked happy.

"What're you so happy about you fucking nerd?!" I let out a small grunt before looking out of the window. I didn't realize until now how fast my heart was beating. The fuck is going on? "A-ah, s-sorry... I was just happy that you didn't yell at me...yet." His last word came as a disappointed whisper and I couldn't resist and looked back at him.

He's so cute when he's happy. He shouldn't be sad or disappointed. I didn't resist my thoughts anymore because I realized it was for nothing. I knew exactly what was going on with me. I always knew it.

It was as if my hands started moving on its own as they touched his cheeks. So soft and beautiful... I felt happy and free. I felt certain. I knew what I was feeling I always have known it but I never accepted it. I pushed all those thoughts aside. Shut up.

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