Chapter 3

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I was sitting on the ground of my room looking at the full moon outside of the window, filling the room with dim light. Since I've gotten back my thoughts where swirling only about the scenario. Hours have passed and yet everything kept playing again and again in my head. It pissed me off.

It was 3:20 am when I started feeling tired. If I sleep I'll only have a fucking nightmare again and when the fuck did it get so late?! I let my tongue click and stood up, holding my hand against the wall to not fall down from all the dizziness that kicked in out of nowhere. "Fuck." My voice was barely a whisper and I could hear and feel how sore my throat was.

After I gained back my equilibrium I started walking outside of my dorm towards the kitchen. Getting water wouldn't be a harm to me, right? Yeah, no, I thought wrong.

As I was heading back to my dorm with a water bottle in my hand I saw that the elevator was coming down. I was standing in the middle of the commons, not ready to see or talk to whoever is coming down right now, and didn't have a place to hide so I decided I'd just do like I'm sleeping on the couch and so I did. I sat down and closed my eyes leaning back my whole body relaxed and I waited.

The elevator door opened and someone stepped out. "H-huh?" That voice from all of the people that could be down here at this time it had to be that voice. Why the fucking fuck has HE to come down?! This shit is fucking pissing me off. I was barely able to control myself, trying not to stand up and walk away, trying not to make a fist and punch that goddamn nerd who makes me feel like this. It was hard but right now nothing was more important than staying "asleep".

The footsteps came closer and stopped right besides me. "Hm, Kacchan seems asleep..." I wanted to open my eyes and yell at him to get the fuck away but resisted. "He looks so peaceful...and cute when he sleeps." I felt a small hand hesitantly touching my forehead and pulling my hair back. Something inside of me screamed to slap it off as something else told me to give in and hold his hands. Shortly afterwards I felt soft lips on the spot where a few seconds ago his hand was. I felt a pure warm feeling in my whole body.

WHAT. THE. FUCK. Why THE FUCKING HELL did I like THAT?! His soft hand and lips let go of me and I felt the coldness wrap me inside its arms again. I was disappointed but pushed it aside. The footsteps went towards the kitchen and after a few seconds they started heading towards the elevator. I felt eyes on me the whole time but didn't dare to move a muscle. Thousands of thoughts going through my mind.

Why did he kiss me on my forehead? Why the fuck did I like? What the fuck was that warm feeling? Why the fucking hell was he awake? My thoughts got interrupted when I heard the elevator open its doors and close again, moving upwards. I still didn't dare to move any muscle in my boody for a few minutes.

When I decided that it should be safe I quickly rushed to the staircase and jogged or better said runned until I was in my dorm, my back against the wall slowly sliding down. I carefully touched my forehead, scared the kiss would fade and smiled slightly. Whatever this nerd is doing to me it pisses me off. I couldn't lie more about my feelings to myself and sighed.

A glance at the time told me it was already 4:30 am. One fucking hour I was downstairs holy shit! My thoughts were still a crazy mess and I decided I should train. Yes at fucking 4:30 am. Yes without any sleep. Was it a stupid idea? Maybe.

It took me 20 minutes to change my clothes and reach the gym area. My thoughts didn't stop, they kept going back to Deku and all the events from today. I clenched my hands into a wrist and started training out.

I didn't stop even if I felt the pain in my arms bursting through my body like a bullet. I didn't stop even if my legs started to tremble slightly. I didn't even stop after I knew I was way beyond my limit.

I kept pushing and pushing and pushing, my mind was blank. Empty. Nothing. Peaceful. I felt my legs collapse and was pulled back into reality. My whole body was shaking and my breath was uneven, no it was too fast. Soon enough I felt like my air support was cut short and my lungs were burning from the brain. My hands raised towards my throat and I started scratching them, hoping that somehow I could start breathing again but it was useless.

After 10 minutes, which felt like decades, kneeling on the ground gasping for air I started gaining back control over my body again and let out a huge blast, undescribeable pain shooting through my arms as a consequence but I finally was able to breathe normally again, inhaling a big amount of the sweet air my lungs were craving for so badly.

I didn't know how much time had passed but I knew school would start soon, or worse, started already. I forced my body to stand up and started walking back to my dorms with my whole body trembling and screaming in pain in exhaustion, but I didn't give in.

Once I reached my dorm I checked the time and groaned as I realized I was too late. Class started 5 minutes ago. I trained so long? I didn't waste any time, neither did I listen to the needs of my body and just took a shower, put my clothes on and went towards my classroom. I clenched my feet on every step in pain.

I pushed the door to my classroom open and headed straightly to my seat, forcing my eyes to not look at a certain green haired boy and forcing my body not to tremble which worked out pretty well, besides the first point. My crimson red eyes met the green emerald eyes which were filled with confusion, worry and shock.

"Bakugo, bother explaining?" The sleepy voice of my homeroom teacher, Aizawa-sensei brought me back from staring into those goddamn eyes and made me sit down on my chair, as I couldn't stand for any longer.

I didn't dare saying anything, knowing that my throat was hurting from me not getting enough air. "Bakugo?" His voice became inpatient and I just looked up to him. "Stay after class." That was his only comment before class continued.

I felt everyone staring at my and my hands started to shake again. I grabbed my wrist and pushed my hands into my lap to stop them from doing so.

"Kacchan?" He is the one who made you weak. He's the one who I try getting out of my head. He's the one from who I want to be hugged and kissed on the forehead again. My body and my mind were too exhausted to fight against my thoughts.

Out of nowhere the vision around me started to blur and I felt my body losing weight. Soon afterwards I felt myself fall on the floor and the darkness slowly grabbing me. I could hear some muffled screams and chairs scratching the ground and saw Deku infront of me, mouth wide open and yelling something before my eyes shut down and I was surrounded by darkness.

This chapter was rather short than the other ones but yeah I got lazy as fuck and thought this a good ending.

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