Chapter 2

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"Kacchan are you happy?" The well known voice of a greenette echoed in my head. I tried responding to him but nothing came out. I looked around just to see myself on the rooftop of our school. "Are you happy that I'm fulfilling your wish?" Infront of me was a cryimg deku with a smile on his face. On the edge of the roof. I tried running and screaming but nothing worked, I only could reach my hand out and then he was gone.

Heavily breathing my eyes opened wide. I must've fallen asleep yesterday. I looked at the time only to realize that it was 12 am. Again shitty deku fucking up my night. I let out a deep sigh as I stood up and put on some black sweatpants and a black shirt with a skull on it.

My feet started moving towards Deku's dorm. Not that I was worried about him, no. I just didn't want to owe him anything because of what I did yesterday.

As I arrived I slowly opened the door. Unlocked huh? Idiot. I my eyes glide over his room and let out a small scoff because of all the All Might merchandise he had. My eyes fell on his bed and it was empty. Was he still at the nurse's office? But she said he'd be fine in a few hours... Why the fuck do I care?! I closed the door as silent as possible and tip toed my way to the nurse's office.

I slowly opened the door and looked around, stopping once I saw a green haired boy sleeping in peace. I let out a sigh of relief and closed the door as I walked inside. He looks so peaceful and cute... I pinched myself at that thought and sat down on a chair besides his bed.

I had no idea what has gotten into me but I knew it was all because of that shitty deku. My eyes wandered to his face and a small smile formed my mouth. I took his hand into mine and got surprised of how soft they were. "I will protect you from now on, Nerd." I whispered to myself and kept staying in this position. My eyes started feeling heavy and before I realized I fell asleep.

I woke up as I realized the warmth in my hand from the other boy disappear. "K-kacchan..?" His unsure voice made me smile for a second.

I stood up and stretched myself before taking a glance at him. "Why are you here, k-kacchan?" He looked at his hands, avoiding eye contact. "I don't want to be a murder or owe you anything, Shitty Nerd." Deku flinched at my response at nodded. "And...and why were you holding my ha-" Before he could finished I slightly punched his forehead. "Shut up, Nerd."

Before the other boy could respond I stomped out of the room and looked at the time. Fuck I'm going to be late because of that Asshole. I jogged to my room, got myself ready and started running towards my classroom only to enter 5 minutes too late and being a panting mess. Without looking at anyone I sat down and got scolded from Aizawa-sensei.

While our 3rd Class was going on the door slightly opened and a green haired boy who was smiling bright entered. Mic-Sensei stopped mid sentence and looked at Midoriya. "Ahhh! If that's isn't midoriya! Sit down!" He basically sang or yelled? Deku just quickly nodded and took his seat behind me.

My eyes were following his moves until he was out of my sight. Seems like he's feeling better today. That's good... Wait why the fuck do I care?! What the fuck is this strange feeling?! "Bakugo! Don't use your quirk while classes!" I flinched and looked at my palms, small sparks were coming out. Oh, I didn't even realize. I nodded and put my hands into my pants. This is all Deku's fault.

"K-kacchan are you alright?" I took out a pencil and destroyed it with my explosion, so that Mic Sensei wouldn't realize and gave a death glare to deku. He flinched and looked down on his hand while trembling a little. A small feeling of guilt came up and I tried to push it away.

It felt like the school day would never end until finally the bell to dismiss the class. I was about to leave the room as I felt something on my uniform pulling me back. I prepared to explode the person to death as I turned around. "WHAT THE FU-" I stopped mid sentence and looked into emerald green eyes. I frowned at him and pulled my sleeve away from him.

"Kacchan?" A small smile made his way up in the greenettes face. I gave him a small nod to let him know he can continue. "T-Thank you for coming to visit me." I leaned a little bit towards so my eyes were at the same height as the emerald ones. My hand moved towards his forehead and I flicked before turning around, not missing the decent blush around Deku's cheeks.

Before he could respond or do anything else I stormed outside and walked towards my dorm. He looked so fucking cute. Fuck no he didn't. Yes he did you know that. NO! He's the goddamn shitty useless nerd. Don't lie to yourself. My rage started increasing and as I was passing the halls my hand formed into a fist and hit the wall, which started forming small crumbles. "Fuck..." I let out a small sigh and looked at the hole at the wall.

"Kacchan!" I flinched at that voice and I started walking away trying to not meet the boy who was in his thoughts day and night. "FUCK OFF!" My feet started running faster and soon I was running down the halls before entering the cold outside. It was dark already and only the school lights were giving a dimmed way of sight.

I continued my run towards my dorm but go stopped by a hand around my waist pulling me back. "Kacchan!" His voice was steady and assured. From his grip I realized he would not let me go.

"What the fuck do you want?" I hissed at the greenette infront of me. We were still far from the dorms but not so far that I could yell without anyone hearing it. "I want to talk to you. I realized that something is not right and your hand" he pointed towards my bleeding hand "is prove enough." I looked down and pulled my hand into a fist, letting more blood spill out. It felt good. It distracted me from that moron infront of me.

"Let me go, Deku." My eyes fixed on his. "Kacchan, talk to me!" I pushed the greenette back who let go of my wrist because of the surprise attack. "Fuck. Off." I turned around ready to walk away as I again felt a warm hand around my wrist.

It made me flinch and I didn't dare looking back. "Kacchan, you were the only person who visited me" I heard him take a deep breath, probably to keep him from crying "please let me help you too." I felt a strange feeling around my wrist and it made my heart race. "Fuck OFF!" I let out a small explosion infront of Deku's face.

I grabbed him on the top of his shirt and pulled him aside, further from the dorms, so I could yell at him in peace. Once we were far enough I threw him on the ground and looked into his green emerald eyes which were filled of fear. "YOU'RE THE FUCKING ONE WHO IS DOING THIS TO ME! YOU'RE THE FUCKING ONE WHO MAKES ME FEEL LIKE THIS YOU USELESS SCUM. FUCKING STOP GOING AFTER ME! STOP DOING LIKE I DID NOTHING TO YOU! Just FUCKING stop." My voice towards the end started cracking and I looked away from deku, who was dumbfounded.

"I don't understand this fucking shit, why are you haunting me in my fucking dreams, why can't I fucking save you, why?!" My voice started cracking more with every word I said and I felt tears form in my eyes trying my best to keep them back. "W-what?" His voice was soft and sweet and yet it made me fail at keeping my tears where they were.

I turned around and walked away feeling the hot tears fall down from my cheeks. I quickly wiped them away and left to my dorm. Leaving a dumbfounded Deku sitting on the ground. I felt his eyes in my neck and yet I didn't turn back. I didn't care what he would think, I didn't care about anything at this point of time.

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