Chapter 6

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I was hiding behind some trees, further away from the road to school, after the thought had hit me. I don't know what happened but I started feeling suffocated, my breath sharpen, sweat pouring from everywhere and my eyesight shorten.

What the fuck is happening?! I started trying to fill my lungs with air but I wasn't successful. My breath started shortening even more when I started hearing steps and voices of my classmates. Fuck think! Think! Think! I put my hands up to my throat as if it would help me catch atleast some of the sweet air my lungs were craving when something flashed in my mind.

"DEKU!" I saw my hands reaching out to the green haired boy who was falling off the rooftop from our school. I fell on my knees and felt tears forming in my eyes. You're not gonna cry you little shit! As I said that and idea came in my mind and without thinking I gave myself a hard hit on the nose. Forcing myself to not let out a sound I bit my lips which started bleeding at the inpact of my teeth, not beeing the only thing that bled.

I took a deep breath and soaked my lungs in the sweet air as I heard a voice. "Has anyone seen Kacchan? He went off ahead but he isn't at the classroom!" Shit. I wiped the blood off of my nose with the back of my hand and sneaked behind where my classmates were standing, only to slowly come out of the trees staying unnoticed. Well atleast I thought so. Green wide orbs met mine and the owner of these eyes started running towards me.

"I-I'm glad you're alr-" He stopped midsentence and looked at me for a second before coming closer. I started getting more nervous with every step he took. "W-Why are you bleeding Kacchan?" I flinched and forgot that my lips and nose were still bleeding. I started walking towards Deku who was dead on his track and liked my lips tasting the metallic flavor of blood and showing Deku my middle finger. "None of your goddamn business." I growled at him and kept walking past him.

Good to know that those dreams appear in the day time as well now. While walking I realized how exhausted my body was from not getting enough air, so I rushed towards the classroom to sit down. Before entering the classroom I cleaned my nose and hands.

Once I was seated I glanced at the door seeing Deku walking in. I kept staring at him as my thoughts started to wander off. Why do I have those strange dreams? And why is it's always him who is there? Why is he smiling while jumping? Is it my fault?

Before my thoughts could continue my eyes met green beautiful orbs, which had a confused look in it. I realized that I've been staring so my eyes quickly wandered off, outside of the window.

Fuck how long was I staring and who else saw that?! A sigh escaped my mouth and a short time later Aizawa-Sensei entered the room his eyes straightly wandering to me. It made me feel uncomfortable because he knew what the matter was with me.

We all greeted him and sat down. "So class, as you may have already heard about it we're planning a school trip for one week it will be on the beach side. Obviously you guys will have to train there as well but it is also to rest your body, because even heroes are humans." He stopped for a second and my eyes met his. This was meant for me I assume. Shut up. I rolled my eyes and he kept talking."I'm going to choose your roommates, each room will have two people in it, same gender" Now he looked at Mineta "and you'll spend most of your time with that person, while training, shopping, normal duties like cleaning, cooking, etc. I'll hand you some sheets with more information including your roommates in it."

The papers were given out and I looked up my name to check with who I was paired. As soon as I saw it I got mad. Not because it was Deku, no because that bastard knew what my issue was.

"HAH?! ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME?!" I rammed one hand on the table and with the other I started small explosions, giving a death glare to Aizawa-Sensei. That fucking asshole! "K-kacchan." His voice was full of fear and I turn around, still being mad. "Shut the FUCK up, nerd!" Before my hand could reach his table, to explode it I got stopped by some bandages. Aizawa-Sensei you bastard.

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