Chapter 4

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I opened my eyes and as soon as I opened them I wanted to close them again. No, not again! A green haired boy was standing on the edge of the roof, crying and giving me a smile at the same time. No! No! No! Fuck! I reached my hand and tried to run or scream but nothing worked, I was frozen at the place I was standing and forced to watch the boy slowly fall...

With a big gasp I opened my eyes and looked around me. My body was covered in sweat and my heart was racing. I tensed up as I saw a green haired boy sitting on the chair with his head on my bed, sleeping peacefully. He's alive, he's alive, he's alive, he's ok, everything's ok.

My heartbeat slowly calmed down and now I started realizing the whole pain that went through my body at once. I didn't realize it a few seconds ago, thanks to the adrenalin that kicked in but now that it was gone everything I felt was pain.

Fuck I feel like I can't move a muscle. It pissed me off to feel so weak so I started moving my arm towards the green hair of the boy infront of me. My body was screaming and begging me to stop but I didn't listen. Instead I placed my hand on his hair for a second and smiled. So soft... Fuck shut up brain! I used my last strength to flick Deku's forehead and then let my hand fall.

Deku straightly sat straight and hold his forehead with his hands. As he looked at me his eyes widened. "Kacchan!" His eyes and voice screamed of excitement and I let out a small scoff. "Oi, visiting someone and falling asleep before they wake up?" I got shocked at my own voice as it was rough and cracking.

"Kacchan...the nurse said that you overdid your body and damaged a few nerves and bones but she healed you as much as she could" the green haired boy took a deep breath "but she said you have to rest and you may have pain for the next few days..." His voice ended in more like a whisper and his eyes were fixed on his hands. "She said you'd be unconscious for a few hours but it hasn't even been 20 minutes!"

I looked at the nerd and listened to him carefully. Hah, when you follow me even in my unconscious state and terrorize me I can't do anything. I shrugged and let out a sigh trying to relax my body which was tensed up.

"Hah?! Rest because of some pain and overdoing my body? Are you underestimating me?! Die!" I let out small explosions from my hands and flinched at the huge pain that went through my whole body. Deku must've realized because he looked at me worried.

"K-Kacchan?! Are you alright?!" Before I could say another word he stood up and ran out of the room. If I wouldn't see him falling down the rooftop everytime I closed my eyes, I wouldn't be in this situation right now. A big sigh escaped my mouth and I started wondering where the nerd had took off.

Soon I got my answer as Aizawa-Sensei, the nurse and Deku walked inside. I didn't dare looking at any of them so I concentrated my stare at the floor, the wall, the window everything but them. "Bakugo we have to talk." I let out a small hum so my teacher may continue. "The nurse said you were in a very bad condition, lack of sleep and food in your body." I shrugged and slowly allowed my eyes to look at them. All three of them were worried.

"I don't need yo-" Out of nowhere I felt my mouth and throat become as dry as the dessert and I started coughing like crazy, it hurt. With every cough I felt a sting in my throat and aswell on my whole body. Fuck my body pisses me off!

Deku reached me a glass of water and I took it in my hands drinking from it as if I've never tasted water. As I felt better I looked determined into Aizawa-Senseis eyes. "I don't need your pity. I'm not weak!" Why is deku even still here? That fucking nerd.

"Pitying is a big difference from worrying, Bakugo." I frowned and looked at the glass I was still holding in my hands. My brain started working and I closed my eyes to think of something. I could tell them about my nightmare, atleast some of it. But deku has to fuck off.

My finger pointed at Deku and he flinched. "Get out." My voice was strict, still sounding strange but I showed what I wanted. Deku exchanged a short look with Aizawa-Sensei who just nodded. Good.

Once the nerd was gone my eyes wandered from the nurse to Aizawa-Sensei. "So I'm having this nightmare since a few days." I started explaining what was happening in my dream and also how my thoughts were overwhelming me. I told them that I went to train so I could get a distraction from all of this. The whole time they were listening and nodding, as if they'd understand me.

After I finished with my explanation Aizawa-Sensei and raised one brow. "I think you're worried about Midoriya." First I didn't realize what he said but when it hit me I frowned and looked at him. "HAH?!" If my throat wouldn't have hurt I would've kept yelling at him.

"You're dreaming about him killing himself and you're trying to save him but you can't", he sighed and continued his explanation, "you want to save him because you care about him. You should talk to him about this, it's affecting your sleep and so it will affect your school life aswell." Talk to him about this? Hell no. "Why should I talk to him?"

I think if I wouldn't have been in such a bad shape Aizawa-Sensei would have surrounded me with his scarf and punch my head because that's what his eyes were telling me, lucky me I guess. "Bakugo, he's also worried about you. Your whole body is screaming for a break and so is your mind", as he said that he put his index finger on my forehead, "let your pride aside for atleast once and talk him." I clicked my tongue and started thinking about what he was saying while looking down on my hands.

He's right I'm mentally and physically exhausted, I can't even move a little bit without feeling pain everywhere and I can't even sleep without seeing a goddamn nightmare. "What if the nightmare stays?" I looked up and stared into Aizawa-Senseis eyes. "What if this is the torture I get for bullying him for years?"

"Then we'll find a way to stop them, if talking doesn't help, maybe his presence will help." I flinched and gave Aizawa-Sensei a death glare. "I'm not gonna fucking share a room with that fucking scumba-" I felt something flick against my forehead and looked frustrated at my teacher. "Ow, what was that for?" My fucking throat is keeping me from yelling fuck. "You want to get rid of the nightmare? So you have to try everything out. Now if you excuse us we're going to leave you alone with Midoriya."

Without any other word the two of them disappeared and a few minutes later the boy who was in my mind the whole day and night entered. "H-hi Kacchan." I kept my eyes on him as he started walking towards me and sat down on the chair. "Aizawa-Sensei said you wanted to talk to me?" His voice was unsure and scared at the same time.

I didn't move my eyes from him and just stared at those beautiful green emerald eyes, the beautiful green and soft hair of his, his beautiful lips. I wonder how they tas-. Instead of finishing the thought I pinched myself and looked away. Fucking shut up brain. I let out a sigh and started thinking of how I could say what I wanted to say.

"Deku." My voice was serious and the boy in front of me flinched. "Y-yes?" I reached my hand out to him and kept staring at him. "Give me your hand and let me sleep." Deku started blinking a few times visibly irritated and then looked into my crimson red eyes. I could see that he a had slight blush in his face. "W-w-w-what?!" I frowned at him and repeated. "Give me your goddamn hand and let me fucking sleep" I took a deep breath and looked away "also don't tell anyone."

I felt a hand hesitatingly being put in my hands and I was surprised his skin was so soft. My face felt like it was burning and I knew my cheeks had a slight pink color. Why the fucking fuck am I blushing. Get your shit together! I lied down and closed my eyes with a last glance at Deku, who was a blushing mess. Why the fuck is he blushing?! Before my thoughts could started working I felt my body slowly drift to sleep.

If I have a nightmare again, I can at least proof that I don't need anyone to help or save me.

Hey! What do you think of my book so far? I'm not sure if it's really good or if it's just shit, hah. Thank you for reading! <3

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