♣Chapter 1♣

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♦12 years ago♦
Bold means Sign language

"The law says that we have to give one of them up!! Amaya we have to!"

Atsumu grabbed his little brothers hand and held it tightly. Osamu was listening to their parents argue about something he didn't understand. The twins were 6 and didn't have much interaction with anyone outside their house. Plus Atsumu was born deaf. Hearing aids were to expensive so they kept him inside since birth.

The law had just came out that every family in Japan were to have 1 child. If there were more then 1 child the oldest would be sent to the capital to be killed. The twins didn't know that.

"I am not sending my child to his death! He can't even hear! He doesn't deserve to die!! Listen... Itsu.... I'll take him to America. We'll leave and when everything is good we'll come back" Amaya placed her hand against the table that was between them.

Atsumu tapped his brother gently.

'What are they arguing for?'

Osamu shrugged and pointed at his lips. "They've been arguing for awhile. It's about you" he whispered making sure Atsumu read them. The older twins eyes widened as he turned to his parents to find out what happened.

"Mom" he spoke his voice coming out squeaky and forced. Amaya turned to him and knelt in front of him.

"Yes baby?" She asked while using her hands to sign it.

'Why are you and papa arguing?'

Amaya froze. She smiled kindly and ruffled Atsumu's hair.

"We have to leave baby. We're gonna go to America"

'Is Samu gonna come?' Atsumu asked as he turned to his twin. Amaya tapped his hand to grab his attention. Atsumu turned to his mom and titled his head at the sad expression.

"No I'm sorry baby... Samu has to stay with you papa okay? We'll be back I promise"



Atsumu was rushed out the house. A car was already waiting for them to leave. Atsumu hugged Osamu tightly and sobbed.

"Soon again us" Atsumu whispered out. Osamu nodded and pulled away from the hug.

'soon I'll see you again. Goodbye big brother' Atsumu smiled and lightly tapped his twins cheek.

'Goodbye Samu'

Amaya grabbed Atsumu and pulled him to the car. He waved goodbye one last time before the door was shut. Amaya kissed her husband goodbye before getting in the car and driving to the airport.

"Goodbye Japan" She sighed and looked in the review mirror. Atsumu was watching the rain droplets drip down the window. He had tears streaming down his face and his hand gripped the shirt he was wearing.

"Poor baby"
Present time♥

Osamu banged his hand against the locker and laughed when his friend jumped.

"Hey Samu!" His friend smiled and jumped up.

"Hey Hinata.. Have you seen Rintarou?" He asked. Hinata pointed down the lockers and directly at the brunette who was putting books away.

"Thanks shortcake" Osamu walked off and hugged his boyfriend from behind.

"Hello~" He whispered into Suna's ear who whacked him with a book.

"Ouch how cruel" he laughed. Another male walked by with his arm around a girl.

"What's up Miya" he shouted.

"Sup Sakusa!" Osamu nodded towards him and turned back to Suna.

"Did you see the news?" He asked as they started walking to class. Suna hummed and looked at the floor. "Yeah I'm so glad they got rid of that disgusting law. Now Hinata can stop hiding his little sister"

Osamu hummed in agreement before they went separate ways.

During lunch Osamu walked into the males bathroom and locked the door when he was sure no one was in there. He pulled out his phone and face timed his mom.

"Hey Samu!" She said happily.

"hi mom! How's America?" He asked as he put the phone on the sink and placed it facing himself.

"Its good like you asked awhile ago. Tsumu has learned English sign language and Japanese sign language"

Osamu smiled. He looked at the ceiling as a wave of loneliness washed over him. "The law was lifted! You guys can finally come back"

"We'll be there next month baby boy. Oh oh Tsumu wants to talk to you" The phone was handed to the now blonde twin who waved happily.

'Hi Tsum-Tsum' Atsumu opened his mouth and closed it slowly. He took a deep breath before trying again.

"H-Hi Samu"

Osamu clapped happily. 'Good job! That sounded amazing Tsumu-Bear'

Atsumu smiled happily and bounced.

'Look what mom got me!' Atsumu went off screen before coming back with cat ears on. He tapped the little bell on the ear and watched Osamu smile brightly.

'Wow! You look amazing'

'Thank you!'

Osamu nodded before jumping on the random bang on the bathroom door. He sighed quietly and looked at his phone.

'I've gotta go Tsumu I'll call you after school okay! Tell mom I love her' Atsumu nodded before pouting.

'I love you Samu'

'I love you too Tsumu' Osamu hung up his phone and signed before opening the door. Hinata rushed in to use the bathroom while Osamu walked out with his phone to his chest.

Bingo! Hope you enjoyed!!!!

Hoshi out!

Sounds Of Love (SakuAtsu) + (deaf Atsumu+ playboy Sakusa)Where stories live. Discover now