♣️Chapter 18♣️

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Atsumu didnt think cheer would be his thing but it was. He tried out and was accepted into the team. Akaashi had loved his show and was happy to let him in. He hadn't spoken to Sakusa In a while and Suga became a close friend.

"Atsumu!! You have an ear appointment! Just a check-up to see how you're doing and if the hearing aids are still doing their job" His mom shouted from downstairs. He placed his notebook on the desk beside his bed and walked down the stairs. 

"I was supposed to hang out with a friend" He complained and gently pulled on his light blue shirt.

"I know baby but this appointment is important. How about- You invite your friend to the appointment!" She suggested. Atsumu smiled and nodded before running off. He grabbed his phone and called Suga.

He explained the plan and 5 minutes later Suga was knocking on the Miya house door. They all went to the car and drove to the appointment. Atsumu sat on the chair across from the doctor and explained everything. He winced at the object that checks inside his ear.

They tested his hearing in both ears before scheduling a new appointment and sending them off. Atsumu and Suga both left to a cafe while Atsumu's mom drove home.

"Oh look who's here" Suga pointed at a booth in the corner making Atsumu look over. There sat Sakusa and another random girl. They drank milkshakes and seemed to be having a good time. Atsumu looked at the ring on his finger before taking it off and giving it to Suga.

"I have a plan put it on" He commanded. Suga slipped the ring onto his finger and smirked. Atsumu gripped his hand and listened to the specific song playing.

"Come on let's dance!" Atsumu said loudly, smiling brightly at Suga who instantly caught on.

"A-Are you sure? We're in a public cafe!?" He fake argued back. Atsumu pulled him along under a speaker and began dancing with him. The speaker as beside Sakusa's table so Atsumu stopped for a second and walked to the table.

"Hey Sakusa I didnt see you there!? How's life" Atsumu asked, speaking with his hands to show that the ring was no longer there. Suga walked over and placed his hand that held the ring over Atsumu's

"Babe we gotta go. The movie starts in a few minutes" He said gently rubbing Atsumu's hand. Sakusa looked at their hands and saw the ring.

"Why is he wearing your ring?" Sakusa asked, gripping Suga's hand.

"I gave it to him! Let my boyfriend go. As you heard we're gonna be late to a movie" Atsumu pulled Suga's hand back

"Thats the ring my mother gave you! He shouldn't have it!!" Sakusa shouted.

"Oh you care now? Too late I gave it to the person who actually gives a fuck"








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⏰ Last updated: Nov 28, 2021 ⏰

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Sounds Of Love (SakuAtsu) + (deaf Atsumu+ playboy Sakusa)Where stories live. Discover now