♣️Chapter 13♣️

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The night was quick. Before he knew it the morning had come and the sun had shine brightly through the curtains. The unfamiliar curtains. He sat up and looked around slowly. The room he was in was huge. The bed was overly large and the walls were a red.

Atsumu pushed himself off the bed and ran his hand over the expensive  wooden desk that was set so perfectly beside the bed. His bare feet rubbed against the cotton carpet that felt like a cloud.

He slowly walked to the window and tiredly opened the curtains. The bright light flashed in his face as he shook his head slowly and looked at the floor.

Once he turned around he raised his head and walked to the door. A small note was taped to the door catching Atsumus attention instantly.

'Once you're awake come downstairs for breakfast

Atsumu took the note off and crumbled it before walking out the room and looking down the hall. Doors lined the walls and he couldn't tell which way to go. His memory flooded back into his head. He stayed over at Sakusa's mansion and met his cousin Komori who was deaf.

His hand reached back and he turned his hearing aids on before walking down a hallway. He turned into another hallway and saw a staircase. He gripped the railing and slowly walked down. He just ended up in another hallway. Frustrated he fished for his phone only to find it wasn't in his pocket.

A shout of frustration rang from his lips as he turned around and rushed back up the stairs. He walked back down the hallway and into a room. He grabbed his phone from the desk and stuffed it in his pocket before leaving the room.

His body came in contact with a more built one making his fall down. That body wasn't Sakusas and it wasn't a womans either. When he looked up his eyes locked with black ones. They weren't Sakusas though. They were more sharper. The man's hair was curly just like Sakusas and he had a mole under his eye.

"I'm so sorry for not looking where I was going" Atsumu rushed to say. He pushed himself off the ground and felt his hearing aid making sure they were still there.

"Its fine.. who are you?" The man asked.

"Atsumu Miya!" Atsumu bowed quickly before standing up straight.

"Oh. You're my little brothers guest. I'm Aitso Sakusa. Kiyoomis older brother" Aitso eyed Atsumu slowly before his lips curled into a dark smirk that made Atsumu tremble.

"Aitso leave Tsumu alone" Sakusas voice echoed the hallways making Aitso back away.

"Omi-Kun" Atsumu sighed in relief before smiling. Sakusa wrapped an arm around Atsumus shoulders and he faced his brother.

"You're a dick. Now let's go Atsumu I had the cook make you breakfast"

"The cook!! You have your own cook?" Atsumu asked in shock. Sakusa laughed and nodded. He walked Atsumu down two flights of stairs before walking him to the large dining room. The table was huge enough for 30 people. The chairs were empty except three. Sakusas sister. Komori and a little girl who Atsumu didn't recognize.

"I have a question" Atsumu finally realized something.


"The law. It was to only have one kid so... how come you have so many siblings?"

Sakusa thought for a moment. Atsumu was right to ask that question.

"My siblings are all adults. They were adults when the law was made so it didn't really matter. My little sister however was moved to England where she was raised by my auntie. Then when the law was gone just like you she came back to Japan"

Atsumu nodded before sitting down. A plate was placed in front of him with everyday normal American breakfast.

"Since you grew up in America I thought it'd be normal for you to eat some American food"

"Thank you" Atsumu smiled and ate the food that was given to him slowly.
Once he was done a maid took his plate. He suddenly felt like he was being watched.

The little girl was staring daggers into him making him turn to her.

"Um hi?"

"You're deaf?" She asked. Atsumu nodded and smiled. "Born deaf" he said.

"Howcome you can hear me then?" She asked

Atsumu pointed to the hearing aids "they help"

She nodded and picked at the food on her plate.

"I'm Saiko. It's nice to meet you" Atsumu introduced himself and looked to Sakusa who had a small smile.

"Your family is nice"


Hope you enjoyed

Hoshi out

Sounds Of Love (SakuAtsu) + (deaf Atsumu+ playboy Sakusa)Where stories live. Discover now