♣Chapter 4♣

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Bold means sign language
Means writing

Atsumu was sitting on the floor with Osamu's friends around them. Amaya walked into the room slowly with a big smile on her face.

Osamu tapped Atsumu's hand and pointed at Amaya and Itsu.

'Hi mom hey dad'

Amaya waved and sat down on the floor.

'I have good news'

Osamu raised an eyebrow. He held his brothers hand and looked at Itsu who just smiled.

'Baby...we got the money to pay for you to get cochlear implants... You're going to hear' Atsumu froze. His body burst with excitement as he started crying. Osamu hugged him tightly.

"I'm gonna hear" he whispered. Sakusa smiled before turning away and sighing softly.

Atsumu had fallen asleep against Osamu and nuzzled against him. Oikawa had offered to carry him towards the room which everyone agreed on. Oikawa lifted Atsumu's sleeping body and carried him upstairs and into Osamu's room.

He laid Atsumu in the bed and covered him with blankets. He turned and whined loudly while burying himself deeper in the blankets. He hugged the pillow close to his chest and sighed in his sleep.

Oikawa smiled and grabbed the notebook. He opened it and sat on the bed beside him. He read the pages slowly turning each page into the next one. Harsh words were written on all the pages. Rude homophobic slurs and disrespectful insults.

"All because he's deaf..." Oikawa whispered. He tore the pages out of the notebook and grabbed a pen. He popped the lid open and flipped to the next clear page.

'hey! When you read this I'll probably be gone but I wanted to say you're amazing. You're so pretty and kind and just adorable in general. I'd love to be your new best friend. Here's my number xxx-xxx-xxxx

Your truly Oikawa

P.S I ripped the rude pages out. You don't need any negativity from your pass'. 

Oikawa closed the notebook and laid it against the nightstand before clicking off the lights and closing the door. He walked downstairs and sat next to Osamu.

"Your brother... He was bullied in his past school" Hinata looked up and frowned.

"Bullied?" He asked as he leaned forward and stared at Oikawa who bit his nail.

"Yeah.. His notebook was full of so many hateful things.. Slurs. He was called so many names and he seemed to only respond with nice stuff" Oikawa explained. Iwaizumi moved his hands and held them to stop Oikawa from biting down.

"Did you take your meds this morning?" Iwaizumi asked. Oikawa shook his head and apologized quietly when Iwaizumi frowned.

Osamu stood up slowly.

"My brother was bullied?" Suna stood up and wrapped his arms around his boyfriends waist. "Dont do anything stupid" Suna whispered. Osamu gently removed his arm and shook his head in frustration.

"He was bullied " Osamu growled lowly.

"He's freaking deaf! D e a f! He's a cinnamon roll!" Osamu shouted. He didn't have to worry about waking anyone up since Atsumu couldn't Hear them screaming. Amaya walked into the room with Itsu following her.

"What's all the noise?" She asked.

"Atsumu was freaking bullied! Slurs, insults! All in his notebook!" Osamu shouted. Amaya froze before her eyes widened in shock. Her purse fell and she gripped her shirt.

"Bullied? In America?"

Osamu nodded.

"Its a good thing Oikawa speaks fluent English" Sakusa mumbled catching everyone's attention.

"Yea... Didn't your brother make cookies? Why don't we have some?" Hinata jumped up trying to change the mood. Osamu walked to the coffee table and grabbed a cookie before munching on it.

"This is amazing" he said. Oikawa grabbed a cookie and nodded.

"Its good" he said happily. Soft footsteps wondered down the stair case and a tired looking Atsumu walked into the room. He had showered and changed his outfit in the time of them talking.

He was wearing the cat ears against his wet hair and a light yellow oversized hoodie with black shorts that were covered by the hoodie. He rubbed his eyes and looked around.

'I need help dyeing my hair again'

Osamu went to sit up but Oikawa and Sakusa jumped up.

"I wanna do it!!" They said at the same time. Atsumu giggled before breaking into a fit of laughter. Everyone was shocked on his laugh. It was so small and full of joy.

Osamu sighed and fell onto the sofa with a groan. Oikawa clapped and grabbed Atsumu's hand walking him upstairs.

'The dye is in the bathroom so come on'  Oikawa's face changed into confusion.

"He said the dye is in the bathroom" Sakusa said. Oikawa thanked him and smiled.

"This is gonna be fun"

Hope you enjoyed

My cousin proposed to his girlfriend today! She said yes!! I like her a lot so I approve//JP

I rode a trolley for the first time today!! I went to Niagra Falls and it was fun!

Anyways love you guys!!

Hoshi out

Sounds Of Love (SakuAtsu) + (deaf Atsumu+ playboy Sakusa)Where stories live. Discover now