♣Chapter 10♣

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The next day at school Atsumu decided to play a small game. He constantly ignored Sakusa and talked with Terushima all day. Of course Terushima knew of Atsumus little game and he played along.

Teasing flirting and all the in between.  Small touches like arm slaps and face caresses. They laughed and giggled at each other.  During lunch they both dissapeared after saying they wanted to have fun. They obviously didn't do anything but the scowl on Sakusas face was amusing.

Atsumu jumped on a table and sat down. Terushima sat beside him and laughed quietly.

"God I knew having you here would be a blast" Atsumu giggled and looked at the ceiling.

"Yeah but for a cost. Here ya go. Half of what I owe you today" Atsumu handed a small wad of cash over to Terushima who took it and dropped it in his bag.

"So why exactly are you playing with the Sakusa Kiyoomi?" Terushima asked. He knew the game but not the reason.

"Yesterday I told Oikawa my feelings for Omi. He completely doubted him saying that he was bad for me and he would break my heart y'know just not even giving me a chance. Said I was playing a dangerous game that would end with me in pain" Atsumu explained. Terushima nodded and looked at a fly that was buzzing around.

"That's so not right. Aren't they friends or some shit? Oikawa literally put no faith into Sakusa whatsoever and just automatically doubted him. I mean yeah Sakusa is a player. He's a fuckboy but he just hasn't met the right person" Atsumu nodded in agreement and tapped his finger against the table.

"My brother is the same way. He literally doubts Omi for something that he chooses to do. Like.... At least give him a chance. That's why I threw it right back in Oikawa's face and told him that I'd play the dangerous game. Omi deserves better I swear he does"

Terushima laced his hands with Atsumus and leaned his head on Atsumus shoulders.

Being with Terushima constantly finally revealed things about him

First he has a long term boyfriend  who goes to another school but his name is Daishou. Second that he was 100% a bottom and loved affection even if it was simple hugs from friends and third he was really chill and opened. If he had a problem he'd say it and he was always able to listen.

"You're going to introduce me to Daishou one day right?" He asked as he wrapped an arm around Terushima. The Male nodded and looked into the caramel colored eyes.

"Well of course. You're like my closest friend" Terushima stated. Atsumu smiled and looked towards the door. He gasped at the sight and got up from his seat. Sakusa was outside the door with a girl. They were across the hall so they obviously didn't see them but Atsumu could feel a small shock of pain through him.

Sakusa was holding the girl agaisnt the locker as they made out. Tongue involved. Drool dripping down their chins.

"He wants to play that game? Fuck it. Let's play" Atsumu left the classroom with Terushima following him. Sakusa broke off the makeout and turned to see Atsumu storm down the hallway.

"I Like games Omi! But I'm always the winner" Atsumu shouted before slamming a locker close and walking to the cafeteria. He walked right towards Oikawa and slapped his hand on the table.

"You have no faith in Omi. No faith that he'd change and that's fucked up. But since you're single I need you"

Oikawa smirked instantly knowing what was happening. And it was a good way to make Iwaizumi jealous. He grabbed Atsumus hand and dragged him into the hallway before gently pushing him against the locker. Terushima started recording as they started a heated makeout against the locker. Once he felt like it was good Terushima stopped recording and sent it to Sakusa.

"Thanks for helping Kawa. He should learn that I like to be petty and a brat. Teru dear send it to Iwaizumi as well. Kawa deserves his reward" Atsumu smiled as if nothing happened and walked to class when the bell rang.

When he walked in Sakusa was sitting there with his phone in his hand. He looked furious and Atsumu had to use all his energy to contain his laughter.

"Hi Omi-Omi  how are ya feelin?"


So how do you feel about Atsumu rn? Do you think he's doing the right thing?

Anyways hope you enjoyed

Hoshi out🥰

Sounds Of Love (SakuAtsu) + (deaf Atsumu+ playboy Sakusa)Where stories live. Discover now