♣️Chapter 12♣️

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Bold means sign language

Sakusa drove Atsumu to his house in silence. Atsumu had admitted to not wanting to go home yet so Sakusa offered to take him to the Sakusa house. So here they were driving through the storm with music playing. Rain patted the window quietly as Atsumu watched the droplets fall.

He wanted to be the rain. The rain was free. It was able to move freely and travel through the world without being constantly judged. The rain was a liquid that flowed calmly without a care in the world. Kinda like the ocean and rivers. They travel free of any responsibilities.

"Hey Atsumu?" Sakusa called instantly knocking  the blonde out of his head. He replied with a lazy hum to show he was listening. Sakusas hand tapped the steering wheel before he turned the music off.

"The video.... Of you and Kawa..."

Atsumus lips curled into a soul crushing smirk.

"Why does it matter?" He asked as he leaned his head on his hand and smiled innocently at the male.

"I'm a growing teen. Few months and I'll be an adult. I'm not taken nor am I committed into a relationship so what does it matter if I play around a little.... I mean you should know a lot about that" Atsumus smirk never faltered. Sakusa remained silent before roughly turning into a driveway. Big gates opened up to a large mansion.

"Wai- why are we here Omi?"

"Well- this is my house"


Uncomfortable wasn't the right word for what Atsumu felt. Him a poor man was in the house of a rich business owner. A woman with curly black hair and emerald green eyes sat on the large couch in nothing but a lingerie and a glass of wine in her left hand. Her face structure matched Sakusas and Atsumu instantly knew they were siblings.

"Hey little bro who's this cutie?" She asked. Her voice was low and seductive. Nothing really pitchy but not deep either. It was soothing in a way.

"Atsumu Miya. Tsumu that's Hanako Sakusa my older sister" Sakusa introduced them. Atsumu waved awkwardly and suddenly felt exposed. The skirt was to short or his hoodie was to big. He felt the need to be presentable to the older woman who eyed him.

"Komori's here. He's sitting in your room. Oh and the girl you left. Yeah she's pissed but I managed to... help her"

"Komori's here? Call him down. I'd like him to meet Atsumu" Sakusa spoke. His voice sounded formal for some reason. A smaller boy came running down the stairs

His hair was light brown and he had matching eyes. His feet slapped 5he floor quickly as he jumped on Sakusa.

"KIYO" he shouted. Atsumu stood there awkwardly before turning his hearing aid off and stepping away. He admired the beauty in the house. The walls were painted  a light yellow and sometimes black.

A tap on his shoulder made him remember where he was. He turned around to see the boy with brown hair.

'Hi! Kiyo said that you're deaf too... is that true?' He asked. Atsumu nodded and pointed toward the hearing aids in his ear.

'It helps me hear a lot. It was like... $4,000 you should try!!"

Komori smiled and turned up Atsumus hearing aids. They talked for awhile before Atsumus phone buzzed.  When he looked he ignored it and put it away.

"Omi can I spend the night? Samu is being ridiculous"

Sakusa nodded and watched as Atsumu pulled his phone out again.

From: Samu💞
To: Tsum-Tsum💖

Where are you?
Moms worried where the hell are you
Atsumu Miya answer the fucking phone I know you're reading this

I'm staying at a friend's house
Sorry not sorry❤

Who's house are you staying at?
Ah fine😒


Tsumu smiled in victory before turning to Komori.

'I like ya better then Omi-Kun'

Komori giggled.

"Fuck you too Atsumu"


Hope you enjoyed this

I'm going to six flags today

Ima get on a rollercoaster called the ride of steel

Ima die today



Anyways bye guys

Hoshi out❤❤

Sounds Of Love (SakuAtsu) + (deaf Atsumu+ playboy Sakusa)Where stories live. Discover now