♣️Chapter 16♣️

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Time passed quickly. The thought of the arranged marriage stuck to him like glue. He didnt know what to think anymore. He had just got to Japan only a few months ago and he was already deep in life like if he never left.

School was a struggle at first with people trying to steal his hearing aids but it's gotten better. Sakusa still did what he always did and hooked up with girls and boys.

Atsumu was kind of annoyed but it wasn't his life to control. He sat at the lunch table next to Oikawa who immediately grabbed his hand and stared at the ring on his finger.

"Oooo someone put a ring on it?~" he gushed and looked at Atsumu who blushed lightly.

"It was arranged.... but I'm okay with it" Atsumu admitted. Oikawas eyes widened and he looked around.

"Arranged?" He whisper shouted. Atsumu nodded and gently played with the ring on his finger.

"With who?" He asked watching as Atsumus attention snapped to the person walking into the cafeteria. Sakusa walked in with his arms wrapped around a girls shoulder and Atsumu frowned.

"WITH SAKUSA?" Oikawa shouted as he stood up. Atsumu face palmed and slapped Oikawa beside the head.

"Say it louder I'm sure he didnt fucking hear you" Atsumu hissed. Oikawa blushed in embarrassment and sat down slowly.

"I dont like when he hooks up with people but I can't stop him. Its technically not cheating if we aren't mutually dating. It makes me angry" atsumu admitted

Oikawas sighed and looked around.

"Show him that you're angry" he said simply. Atsumu raised a brow.

"What do you mean?"

"Make him feel what you feel. Hook up with someone and 'date' them. I know who you can do it with and I'm sure he'll be down to play the player"

"So don't actually hook up with them?"

"Nope. Leave fake marks and make it seem like it. They're new to the school but I'm sure he'll do it"

Atsumu locked eyes with Sakusas before smirking widely. "I'm in. Who is it" he asked not breaking eye contact.

"Sugawara Koushi. A third year like us" Atsumu nodded and watched Oikawa secretly point to a boy with silver hair. Atsumu got up and winked at Oikawa locking eyes with Sakusa again before saying loud enough for him to hear. "Wish me luck"

He walked to the silver head and tapped his shoulder.

"You up for a little mischief?" He whispered in the boys ear making his light up in excitement.

"Hell yeah. Let's get out of here so you can tell me the plan. I'm always up for causing trouble" They stood up and walked out the cafeteria. Once they were out they walked silently to the boys bathroom and locked the door after checking to make sure no one was in there.

"Okay one love the outfit. Super cute and two what's the plan and why are we doing it" Suga admired Atsumus outfit before placed his hand on the sink counter.

"Okay so. I have a fiance. It was arranged though so he has no romantic feelings for me.. but he does like to sleep around and it makes me angry. So my dear bestie kawa suggested making him angry. Playing the same game he is. And you just happened to be someone who likes to cause trouble" Atsumu explained. He watched as Sugas eyes lit up and he turned around to face him.

"Show him how hes making you feel by doing the same thing. Now that is hot and I am of course down. So you want to make it look like a quickie? I can do that easily. Anything else?"

"Pretend we're together. Is that good?" Suga nodded and gently shoved Atsumu against the wall.

"Now time to put it to work." He smirked and gripped Atsumus shirt instantly wrinkling it. He unbuttoned the first few buttons of Atsumus shirt.

"Can I leave a few marks?" Suga asked looking up at Atsumu who was smirking and blushing.

"Sure go ahead just not to many" Suga nodded and gently bit into the creamy white skin making Atsumu flinch and whimper.

He left a few bite marks and hickeys before nodding at his work. He ruffled Atsumus hair messing it up and doing the same to his own. He messed his shirt up and looked in the mirror.

"Looks believable?" Suga asked.

"Very. Ready to put it to action?"

"Born ready"


This chapter was trash lol

Hope you enjoyed

For those who got confused last chapter let me explain something.

The meeting that everyone was so worried about was Inko (Kiyos mom) telling them that they the parents of Kiyoomi had arranged a marriage for him and Atsumu to marry.

Its simple.

Yes it was random but so am I so suck it the fuck up. I'm writing this for myself and for my amusement. I dont fucking care if you don't like the twist that's your own fault and you can easily click out my book. Dont take your shit out on me because I can easily discontinue this book and everyone will suffer

If you dont like what I'm saying then fuck off


Sorry about that for the people who actually enjoy my books

Hoshi out♥️

Sounds Of Love (SakuAtsu) + (deaf Atsumu+ playboy Sakusa)Where stories live. Discover now