Chapter 12

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"I don't think we should have done this," I mumble with a raspy voice.

Winter cuddles on my chest and she replies, "Me neither."

"Then why did you start this?" I ask looking down at her.

She looks up at me and she answers, "Because-" she looks away and she continues. "Because I never stopped loving you and I got scared when you said you would have walked out on me forever. That night I realized immediately what I did and it almost broke me, I cried once the soldiers left the apartment, then any other night for half a year. When we saw each other in Vale I was so nervous, but I couldn't show it with my sister or anyone else present, especially Qrow. I wanted to say many things in that elevator but I couldn't, I didn't think I deserved any forgiveness from you. But then we talked in the airship and..." she stops to take a shaky breath. "It was nice. And then our letters, I couldn't give up on you when you just lost so much, so I forced myself to write to you. I still have them in a drawer in my desk." she points to the desk in front of her window and I nod. "I miss you, all of you. I don't think we can be just friends. I would have messed that up later on in our rekindling, like I did just now."

I shake my head. "You didn't." she looks up at me and I see the uncertainty in her eyes. "I... I miss you too." I admit, slowly I let my hand slip to the one she keeps on my abs and I hold it gently.

"I feel there's a but coming."

I nod. "But I am serious, I was your only form of support before I ran to Vale and... you hardened yourself so much it hurts. If you want to have a shot to get back together with me, you need to work on your relationship with your brother and your mother. This..." I point to us, cuddling naked in her bed. "won't happen again until you have one, even shaky, with them."

"It will be months," she replies, a little taken aback by my conditions.

"I know and I don't care about how much I love sex with you, but we can't ignore our past and our present. I'm not going to withhold it forever, it's just until I trust you enough to not bolt or leave me again, Winter."

She looks away and as she starts to get up she says, "I understand."

I frown and I throw my arm around her shoulders, dragging her back to our cuddling position. "Who said we couldn't cuddle? It's just that next time will be with more clothes."

"Next time?" she asks, looking at me with shiny eyes.

I grin and I answer, "Of course, I banned sex until later date. If I forbid cuddles too I might die."

She chuckles and she relaxes on me. "Alright, drama queen. But won't the huntresses question where you were all night?"

"Nope, free night. Mother is away and Nila is with them. Their questions will come later on. Now sleep, Winter. You have an early morning tomorrow."

She yawns and she complies. "Good night, Nerys."

I smile and I bid her good night, I listen to her breath evening out and surprisingly it lulls me into a dreamless sleep.

The following morning I am surprised by the hour I wake up to, it's barely dawn when I open my eyes.

I feel weight on my shoulder and I can't feel my arm, when I look to the side I smile a little at Winter who's still sleeping soundly using me as a pillow. I sigh almost melting again in her bed, it's so warm and comfy here... My thoughts start to wonder but suddenly it all comes to a stop.

I frown and then I tense up the more I think of this 'anomaly'.

"What's wrong?" asks a groggy voice, I turn my head and I see Winter blinking lazily as she starts to wake.

Mending Hearts (Winter Schnee x Original Female Character)Where stories live. Discover now