Chapter 22 - Everything is going to Hell

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Reaching the Huntresses I see them regrouping, I shoulder the rifle and I hug Fiona to me. "You are all right..." I mumble.

"And you are still in one piece... and alone. Where is Robyn?" May asks, concerned.

I step back from the other faunus and I answer, "She stayed in the Manor. Jacques has been apprehended so he won't be a problem. How are things here?"

"We are trying to keep them back, but the evacuation is slow," Joanna replies, frowning.

I look around and up and I see many Teryxes with a few Manticores, so I tell them, "I can try covering you from the flying ones, but we have to be quick. I doubt I have many bullets left."

May and Fiona check our surroundings and then the Faunus perks up running towards a window, she smashes it with her crossbow, she grabs something and then she runs back to me with a few magazines for my rifle. I raise an eyebrow but I accept them as Joanna and May smirks and Fiona beams at me. "Now you can have more fun as we run for our hides!"

I chuckle and I say, "Alright, let's move gals. We don't have much time because I need to go to Winter."

"Fine, now get to the roof." May pats my shoulder and then they turn their back on me. I close my eyes, travelling to the closest roof, I get my ranged weapon and I immediately begin decimating flying Grimm.

During our retreat, we see the screens flicking back to life and Robyn and Ironwood appear, holding hands while her Semblance is active. Hope sparks in my chest, warming me and contrasting the icy winds of Solitas. They are doing it...

I smile, but then I hear a screech behind me and I turn around shooting a Teryx. "For fuck sake..." I growl, I glance down and I notice that more Grimm are closing in on my friends, I frown, so I try attracting them to me. I let all the negative emotions out, all the rage I've stashed for more than half of my life inside, the despair I felt when I had to leave Solitas, the disappointment that every man in power caused in me...

Then I watch them as they snap their heads up to look at me. I clench my teeth as my heart beats a little faster. Come on, you are doing it for them...

The first flock of Teryxes comes at me with a vengeance, so I change weapons and I start fending them off with my sword. You owe me big time, Huntresses!

I pant as I take a breath. "You okay?" I glare at May and she throws her hands in the air. "Just askin'..."

I groan as I stand straight. "I feel like I depleted my Aura for that trick."

The Huntresses all turn to look at me, worried, and Fiona asks, "Are you okay to travel to Winter?"

"I can't afford to be otherwise. You have each other, she may have only Penny." I look down.

"Penny is a machine made to fight Grimm. She'll be fine," replies May.

I shake my head. "They won't if that bastard shows up."

"Who?" They ask, a frown creasing their foreheads.

I clench my fists and I answer, "The one who first killed Penny, who started the fall of Beacon, who killed my student and almost got Ruby." I turn my head to the side and I add, "Winter is an exceptional fighter, and Penny is no joke either, but I can't bear the thought of leaving them alone when I know where Fall is going."

A hand finds its place on my shoulder and I look up into golden eyes. "Drink something before you go." May's other hand comes into my sight and it's an opened bottle of vodka, I frown and she replies, "You won't stomach food at the moment, but this will at least warm you up inside."

Mending Hearts (Winter Schnee x Original Female Character)Where stories live. Discover now