Chapter 38

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Y/n's perspective

After 'surprising' Jungkook with breakfast, we decided to spend a family day in the park. After a brisk walk through our hipster neighborhood, we arrived at the near empty playground. Our tired little bunny seemed to surge with energy as the park came into view.
"Dada! Wan go on swing!!"
"What my babygirl wants she gets." Jungkook sweeped her in his arms and placed our giggling girl in the swings.
"Higher dada!! " Kit squealed out to which Jungkook responded by pushing her slightly higher. "Look mama!" She called to me.

I wanted to pull out my phone to document the cute moment, but I had left it at home. I decided to use jungkooks phone instead. My heart seemed to melt out of my chest when I saw his lockscreen. It was a picture of me and Kit during our brief nap earlier today. He's too cute.
I continue to snap away at my buck and kit as they frolic and play, ultimately joining them eventually.

"Mama, I hungry!" Kit whined and poked her lips out in her signature pout as she reached up to me signaling me to carry her. Of course I obliged and picked up the hangry little bunny.

"Let's go home. I'll make something for lunch since you guys made me such a delicious breakfast" Jungkook said as he pulled kit into his embrace and grabbed my hand.

The walk home was calm and quiet. There was a comfortable silence among us as we basked in each other's presence in our leisurely stroll home. Kit had fallen asleep in her Appas arms, exhausted from hours of play.

The serene and content atmosphere seemed to fade as soon as we arrived at my front doorstep to see the other members huddled together incognito, anxiously anticipating our arrival. The tension and anxiety in the air was almost palpable. Namjoon was the first to speak "Can we come in and talk?"

I looked over to jungkook waiting for his response. I could tell he was uncomfortable with the situation by the way that he shifted his way from foot to foot and refused to maintain eye contact with the boys. He looked at me, silently asking my permission to allow them into my home, to which I gave him a curt nob. How could I say no?

Once everyone was inside I grabbed Kit and placed her in her bed. After that, I returned to the living area where the boys sat in silence, all too afraid to say how they truly feel.

Hobi, being the first to voice his opinion on the matter, spoke. "I don't want this to be the end of us. We aren't bts without you. Each and every member is important. How do you think army will feel?"

"They'll understand, they have to"

"You know as well as I do that they'll hate her and blame her and your daughter for us breaking up."

Taehyung interjected "Is there any way we can figure this out? There's gotta be a way that you can have your career and your family. We can't do this without you, Kook."

"You guys know that family comes first. I'm not leaving Y/n and Kit here. We all know there's no way I can live here in America and still work with our schedule." Jungkook says and though I am grateful that he is taking responsibility and making changes for our family I also know that this isn't right. So I finally grab the courage to speak.

"They are your family too Kookie. I know I said I wouldn't move but I can't be the reason that you give up after all of your hard work. Even though I am terrified to uproot my life and start again. I'm willing too do so if it makes you happy."

"Baby are you sure! What about your career, your friends, your family. You have also worked so hard and I don't want to be the reason you have to start over. I've already fucked up so much. I don't want you to resent me for this."

I couldn't help but look up at the pleading eyes of the other members. With a heavy heart I finally except my fate. "They're my family just as much as yours. I wouldn't be able to live with myself if I kept you all from reaching your fullest potential."

A/N: I'm sorry I haven't updated in a while I've been having writers block. It wasn't my best chapter but I'll do better next time.

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