Chapter 18

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After Jungkook insisted on making a complaint to the manager about the waitresses relentless flirting, we were appointed a new server

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After Jungkook insisted on making a complaint to the manager about the waitresses relentless flirting, we were appointed a new server. From there, dinner went by smoothly. The boys were overjoyed that I'd be accompanying them to their next bon voyage destination in the few following weeks. I shared in their excitement and jovial drinking for the rest of the night. Me, being the lightweight that I tapped out after two bottles of soju.

I couldn't stop myself from dosing off on Jungkook's shoulder by the end of the night.  Nonetheless, I still pouted and whined when Jungkook announced that we were leaving.

After Jungkook payed the bill, we walked through the back entrance the restaurant to the awaiting towncar.  Once we got inside I laid my head on my kookies lap and dozed off as his fingers tangled in my curly coily tresses and the cars engine lulled me to sleep.

"Baby." Soft whispers and gentle kisses peppered across my cheeks caused me to stir from in slumber. "Baby we're home wake up"

I rose from his lap and proceeded to make my way to our penthouse apartment in my zombie-like semi-asleep state. As we waited in our private elevator, I pressed my body into the completely awake taller man.

Jungkook ran his palm in circles across my back "We're almost there baby. Just one more floor."

I responded with a whine and nuzzled my nose into his chest taking in his comforting scent. "I need to get skinny so you can pick me up bridal style when I'm sleepy" My whines were muffled by the layers of clothing that covered his chest.

The elevator bell rang as the doors opened to the short hallway leading to our apartment.

"Nope! You're perfect the way you are." He kissed my temple. "I just need to get stronger so I can carry my thick girl  like the queen she is"

I chuckled and held onto him as he walked me backwards, with his arms wrapped around me, to our front door and into our apartment. Without detaching from one another nor turning the lights on we stumbled into our bedroom.

Jungkook pushed me onto the bed and started undressing me in a non-sexual manner. He knew that I was so exhausted at the moment that I would happily fall asleep in my jeans.
Jungkook undressed my top half and replaced my shirt with one of his own. It didn't fit oversized on me instead it fit somewhat snug and accented my curvy bust nicely.

I was dozing off enjoying the soft affectionate kisses jungkook placed on my calves as jungkook was removing my tight jeans, when I felt something stir on the bed next to me. Instantly i was wide awake


Jungkooks POV

The room was absolutely pitch black when I heard Y/n yell. Before I could question it our bedside lamp was turned on by none other than....

"Yeona what the hell are you doing here?"

"Well I was trying to get my beauty sleep" she rolled her eyes

"What-" I pinched the bridge of my nose in utter annoyance " you know what I mean. Why the hell are you in our apartment?"

"Sejin didn't tell you that I was moving in today?"

"Excuse me what?" Y/n voice cut through the room

"Yea don't you remember. The meeting? They want us to live together to make our relationship more believable." Yeona spoke as he served her freshly manicured nails as if to showcase her disinterest in the conversation at hand. "He gave me a key this mor-"

"Get out of our bed now" I said with an annoyed tone.
Yeojuns face fell into a pout. "But the only other room is on the other side of the house and I get scared in new places"

"I have a great idea to remedy that. Go home!" I crossed the room and pulled the blanket off of her to reveal a scantily dressed Yeona. "Why are you wearing my shirt!"

Y/n's who had remained motionless, too emotionally and physically drained to acknowledge the situation, shifted her gaze towards Yeona, who's form was engulfed by my button up shirt, and pulled the shirt that she was wearing to her upper thigh.

"Please just go" I said in a defeated tone. I know the longer she's here in my bed the more upset y/n will be.

"Fine I'll see you guys in the morning maybe we can talk tomorrow about clearing out the room next door." She said referring to y/n's art studio "so that I can be closer to you in case anything happens"

As soon as she said that y/n got up and went to the bathroom without a word. She was clearly upset.

"You're not touching anything. This is our home and you will only be here temporarily so please respect our privacy and our space while you are here"

Yeona nodded softly and slowly walked out of our room. I could have sworn I saw her bottom lip tremble as if she were about to cry. I felt bad but I didn't think I was being harsh. I decided tomorrow we would talk about our house rules.

I took a deep breaths and walked into the bathroom.

Y/n's POV

I needed a moment to calm myself. I had already gone through too much emotionally today. I figured it would be best to remove myself from the situation take a deep breath and figure it out tomorrow. 

I just can't believe how many ways she has violated our privacy in the span of one night. First I find her dressed in MY MAN'S shirt in OUR BED and in OUR HOME. Then she had the nerve to talk about clearing  out MY STUDIO so that she'd be more comfortable.

Call my mother fucking Paul because I'm appalled. Everything in me wants to go back and brag her out of my home but I refrain myself from doing so because I know that in the end this arrangement enables me  and jungkook to spend more time together.

To calm myself down I hop into the shower. As the warm water cascades down my tan skin I feel two strong hands once again tangle into my curly coily hair.

I let out a relaxed sigh and lean my head back into his hands. His voice broke the white noise of the water crashing the marble shower floors. "We'll make set rules tomorrow. I know that was unacceptable and I'll ensure that it never happens again. I will not allow you to feel uncomfortable in your own home."

I looked up at him as he cupped my cheeks and simply nodded in agreement. We showered together changed the sheets and cuddled one another as we drifted off into a peaceful slumber.

A/n: Not edited at all.

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