Chapter Fifteen

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Nikki was speaking from underneath the balcony with Brie and I on either side of her before I could wave. "Thank you all for coming tonight," she began. "We want all of you to have a good time so let's get started!"
Everyone applauded as the twins led everyone into the hall to eat. I stayed where I was and grabbed my sister's arm before she could get lost in the mass.
"Chalice?" I asked.
She turned her head and smiled up at me. "Sup, Chels," she greeted casually. She was sporting one of her pageant dresses. The pinkish orange one with the breast part heavily beaded. Her hair was up in a bun.
"What are you doing here?" I asked as I gave her a huge hug. "And where's everyone else?"
"Mom had to take Caiya to the bathroom...again," Chalice answered with an eye roll. "And Rob and Caron had to make a pit stop. They should be here any minute." Her eyes scanned my appearance. "Your dress is so pretty!" she exclaimed. "I've also been watching Raw and SmackDown. I can't believe you're with The Authority," she spat the name in disgust. "They're not here, are they?"
"No, I don't think so," I said.
I turned in the direction of the child like voice and saw Caiya running up to me. I scooped her up, pale pink dress and all and played with her curly ponytail.
"Hi, Caiya," I greeted. "Where were you?"
"The bathroom," she answered.
"Even though she already went, like, four times," Chalice mumbled making Mom, who was sporting a midnight blue dress with a slim skirt that grazed the floor and her mid-back length hair in a single braid, pinch her side.
I shook my head. I missed this so much. "I didn't know you guys were in town," I told Mom. It was rare for them to travel.
"The Bellas gave us free plane and Raw tickets," Chalice said excitedly.
"I was surprised that you gave them Rob and I's phone numbers," Mom said.
I frowned in confusion. "I didn't," I replied.
"Oh." She shrugged. "Oh well."
"Chelsea!" I turned and saw my brother run over to me from the entrance. He was sporting a black suit with a tie and hanker chief that matched Chalice's dress with his head cleanly shaved. He gave me a kiss on the cheek before standing next to Chalice.
"Wow," I said as I looked between the two. "Chalice, he's getting to be as tall as you."
"Don't remind me," she said miserably. "I remember when he used to be a head shorter than me. Where have the times gone?" She playfully cried into Caron's shoulder.
"You're telling me," Rob said as he walked up to us with a decent sized bouquet of blood red roses in his hands. I hiked my skirt up and ran to him, leaping into his arms. "Nice to see you too, Princess," he said into my hair as he set me back down. I took the roses from him and gestured them into the hall where the kids immediately ran for the food.
"So how's wrestling?" Rob asked as him and Mom sat down on the chairs, Mom keeping a close eye on the children.
"It's really good," I replied, sitting next to Mom.
"Made any friends?" Mom asked, hawk eyeing a boy that came up next to Chalice. He was about a head taller than her, looked to be about 14, 15 years old, and was about a couple shades darker. "Who's that?"
"I'm not sure," I answered before Big E Langston walked up behind the boy, clamping a happy hand down on his shoulder. I couldn't here what he said next, but it seemed as if he were making an introduction. "A son?" I said aloud before shrugging and giving up. "I've made some friends," I said. "The Bellas, The Shield."
"That's it?" Mom asked, finally looking at me. "What about The Authority?"
"Randy hates my guts. Kane and I's friendship is iffy, but Stephanie and Hunter like me a lot."
Her and Rob nodded soundlessly.

I smoothed out my dress even though it was free of wrinkles and felt my bun to see if it was still in place. This was so exciting. Going to a dance filled with WWE Superstars and Divas. Starstruck was definitely an understatement.
"Chalice?" Caron asked me. "Will you dance with me?"
"Of course," I said, slinging an arm around my brother's shoulders. I spotted Dean Ambrose, with AJ Lee clinging to his arm as if she was afraid he might fade away if she let go, looking at Chelsea with longing. Did he have a crush on her or were they dating and broke up? But I disregarded the dating part. Chelsea would've told me if that were true. Walking hand in hand, Caron and I were whisked away into the ballroom by the well dressed wrestlers that were heading that way. I placed one of my hands on Caron's shoulder and the other in his hand as he placed his free one on my back. We just swayed from side to side not sure what else to do since neither of us were great dancers.
"Ooh, let's dance!" AJ squealed as she pealed Dean off the wall and dragged him onto the floor beside us.
Caron started shaking with excitement. AJ smiled at me before I heard her whisper in Dean's ear, "That's so adorable."
"Ms. Lee?" I said politely. She turned to me, her eyebrows raised. "Could we switch?"
She looked at Dean, not sure if she should, but then she grabbed my brother's hand as I took Dean's.
"Hi," I greeted, having to crane my head all the way up to see his face. "I'm Chelsea's little sister," I stated. "You may know her."
His tired expression became alert. "You're her sister?" he asked, breathing a sigh of relief. "Well one, thanks for separating me from her," he jerked his head over to AJ who was laughing at something Caron had said, "and two, you have to help me."
"Have the hots for my sister, don't you?" I asked as he twirled me.
"I did something stupid," he mumbled glumly.
"Don't all men do?" He glared at me and I cleared my throat. "I mean, if you really want her forgiveness, then ditch McCrazy here and go for her. In case you haven't noticed, my sister's hot. She'll move on in no time. Example." I pointed to my sister, gliding across the dance floor with Seth Rollins. Dean followed my finger before turning back to me, his face bright red.
"Oh, no. It's not like that. We're just friends."
"Oh drop your man pride for a second, will ya?" Then I turned him around so that he was facing Chelsea and gave him a firm shove between the shoulder blades.

"Oh," I exclaimed, startled. "Hey, Dean."
"Hey," he replied shyly as he turned around to my sister's retreating figure. He turned back around after a moment. "Can we talk?"
"Sure," I said as I let go of Seth. "I won't be long," I told him as he winked and walked off. He offered me his hand but I shook my hand. He wilted a little. "We don't have to dance," I quickly said. "We can't just talk....out there." I pointed to the hallway.
He nodded before following me out of the ballroom. "Chelsea, I'm am extremely sorry!" he yelled before the curtains fell back in place. A couple of people near the entrance turned and looked in curiosity.
"Can you be any louder?" I teased.
Dean laughed a little. "Why are you smiling?" he asked.
"Because I forgive you," I said. "And I'm the one who should be apologizing. I tried to pry into your life and that was completely wrong because you don't do that to me. I thought I was trying to help, but I realized I was just being nosy." I sighed. "Dean-"
"Can you just shut up and let me dance with you?" he asked, stuffing his hands inside his pockets.
I laughed. "Sure."

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