Chapter Forty-Two

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I fixed the brown belt holding up my multi-colored high low skirt before piercing dangling purple stoned earrings through my earlobes.
"Alright, is everyone ready?" Roman asked.
Everyone looked around to make sure they didn't forget anything that they would need while at the Birmingham-Jefferson Convention Complex.
"I think we have everything," I told him, giving him the thumbs up.
He nodded and jerked his head for the guys to follow.
"Actually, can I talk to you for a minute?" I asked Seth, grabbing his arm.
He stared at me blankly for a moment before turning to the still open door. "Please?"
He sighed. "Sure," he replied, sitting on the foot of the bed.
"Thanks," I said, sitting next to him. I placed my left hand over my right and placed them on my lap. After moments of silence, I switched them. "Look," I began. "I don't want there to be any awkwardness between us, okay?"
He continued to look down at the ground. Did he even hear me?
"Just forget that night at the pool," I told him. "And let's go back to the way we were before, okay? I liked it then."
"Sure," he mumbled. "And besides, I don't even like you like that. You're attractive and everything, but I only think of you as a friend, maybe even a sister."
I smiled. "Same here," I said, playfully punching his arm. "Glad to see that's over."
I laid my head on his shoulder. "I don't know what I'd do if we became distant," I admitted.
"Same here."

"Randy," I replied stiffly.
"I see you and Dean are all lovey dovey still," he remarked.
"Yep," I said confidently, refusing to give him the satisfaction that he ruined the majority of Dean and I's weekend.
"So, how was your weekend?" he asked casually, leaning against a crate with his arms folded across his chest.
"Pretty good," I stated simply.
We seemed to have a little stare down and I refused to be the first to break away.
"Randy, Chelsea."
We snapped out of our trances and turned to Hunter.
"You guys okay?" he asked, averting his eyes from me to Randy.
"Yeah, are we?" Randy asked me.
I was so ready to slap that smirk off his face. But instead, I rolled my eyes at him and walked away.

"Break the hinges why don't you," Dean said when I swung the locker room door open, banging it on the wall. I just growled and stomped across the room to my duffel bag. I grabbed my ring attire and threw myself into the bathroom.
"What's wrong with you?" I heard Dean ask from the other side of the door.
"Randy and I are back to our old ways," I stated as I stripped my skirt off. "Figured the friendship wouldn't last."
"That shouldn't be a total lost, right?" he replied. "I mean Randy's...Randy."
I nodded in understanding. "True."
When I finished getting ready and opened the door he was standing there. "Don't let him get under your skin, alright?" I nodded. "He's a good friend to have for a little bit, but he's not someone you should invest all of your trust in cause he'll have no problem using your weaknesses to his advantage."
He pulled me to him and kissed my forehead.
"You're right," I agreed. "It's just....I don't know. I know Randy's been kinda depressed ever since WrestleMania but....I don't know, I guess I thought he would treat me differently than everyone else."
Dean nodded in understanding. "You still have me and the guys, though," he pointed out.
I smiled. "Yeah, I do."

"Care to explain to me why there aren't any diva matches going on tonight?" I questioned Stephanie as I walked into her office without knocking.
She didn't seem to notice, though. "These superstar matches are very important, Chelsea," she explained.
"And ours aren't?"
Stephanie sighed. "Why do you have to be the one diva that questions this?" she asked.
"Because I'm Chelsea Daniella Renee and when I see something that doesn't sit well with me, I bring it to attention," I said.
Stephanie interlocked her fingers and placed them on top of her desk. "Chelsea-"
"I want a match...tonight," I declared.
"I'm sorry, but I can't give you one."
I ignored that statement and went on. "I want it at the beginning of the show and it'll be quick."
Stephanie was still shaking her head. I shrugged.
"Fine, but don't be surprised when I drag one of those divas out to the ring by her hair."
"Wait," Stephanie said, standing.
I took my hand off the doorknob and turned to her.
"Fine, okay? You want a match so badly, you got one," she said.
"Was that so hard?" I questioned.
She glared at me as I wiggled my finger at her in a wave and walked out.
"So forceful."
I froze in my tracks and shut my eyes. You've got to be kidding me. I slowly turned around and came face to face with Bray. He was leaning up against the wall beside Stephanie's door, his arms folded across his chest. He was a party of one at the moment.
"I like how you just walked in there and demanded a match like that. Impressive."
"What do you want, Bray?" I asked.
He grinned. "I see someone's not tongue tied anymore," he observed.
He pushed himself off the wall and took a couple of steps toward me. I couldn't step back. It was as if my feet were superglued to where I was standing. "I've been watching you," he stated. "Even though you couldn't see me, I've been watching you. You and Dean are very cute." He laughed as he took a strand of my hair and twirled it around his finger. "It would probably devastate him if something happened to you."
I narrowed my eyes at him. "Are you threatening me?" I asked.
"Of course not. I've never made a threat in my entire life," he argued.
I don't know what it was, but something inside me snapped. I smacked his hand away. "You're working for someone," I stated. "You paid absolutely no attention to me until Brock and I have been talking, if you would even call it that. Is that who you're working for, huh? Doing the beast's bidding?"
He grinned. "Don't worry your pretty little head about it," he said, patting the top of my head.
I grabbed his wrist and yanked his arm down to his side. "I am gonna worry about it," I sneered. "Is Brock and Heyman paying you to take me out? To make me disappear?"
Bray stuck his hands in his front pockets and rocked on his feet. "No," he states simply. "Not them."
"But there's definitely someone?" I asked.
He shrugged. "Maybe," was how he answered as he brushed past me to walk down the hall. "All I'm gonna tell you," he began as he faced me, walking backwards, "is that this person is someone you would not expect."

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