Chapter Seventeen

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Dean and I went back to the hotel hours later to get our stuff for Raw tonight. Dean and Seth had a tag match against the Real Americans and AJ was going against Naomi with me at ringside alongside Michael, Jerry, and JBL. I spotted Arnold Schwarzenegger and Joe Manganiello talking to each other a couple of paces down the corridor as Dean and I walked side by side. They were Raw's guest hosts tonight. I love Arnold Schwarzenegger. I've watched almost all the movies that he's been in. I wonder if it'll be unprofessional to ask for an autograph.
"You can at least ask," Dean said making me looked at him in confusion.
"What?" I asked.
"You wondered if it would be unprofessional to ask for an autograph and I said, you can at least ask," he explained.
My jaw dropped. I didn't realize I had said that out loud. I nodded before walking up to him.
"Hello, pretty lady," Mr. Schwarzenegger greeted making my face burn. "What can I do for you?"
I kept a cool exterior, but I was dying on the inside. "I was wondering if I could get an autograph," I said, getting redder by the second-if that was even possible.
"Sure," he replied before taking out a black Sharpie from his back pocket. I nodded, impressed. When you're that famous, you have to come prepared. "Where?"
I pointed to my white shirt that I changed into after we left Brooklyn Bridge Park. Dean wanted to get some exercising in which was smart since I haven't done so in a while.
He bent down and signed his name, the tip of the Sharpie tickling my stomach. He capped the marker when he was finished and admired his work before smiling at me.
"Thank you so much," I said as I basically skipped back to where Dean was. He had his arms over his chest and a smirk on his face as our bags lay at his feet. "What?" I asked.
He shook his head. "Nothing."

The show went by in a flash. The only thing I really remembered was Naomi's championship match against AJ, but she-AJ-won by count out and Dean and Seth's tag match. By the time I really got my head together, Dean and the guys were taking me home. I think I was so nervous about this party that Ms. Daniella and Mr. Tyler were throwing Saturday. I mean, I was about to meet Dean's parents.....both of them. I hope I make a good impression.
"You okay?"
I snapped back into reality and looked around, noticing my room. "Oh," I said, running a finger through my hair. "Sorry. Blanked out for a moment."
"Wanna talk about it?" he asked as he sat beside me on the bed.
I shook my head. "It's nothing."
He gently slapped my thigh. "Oh, come on," he said. "Tell me."
I sighed. "It's about this party Saturday," I admitted making him sit up a little straighter. "I'm nervous about meeting your parents. I mean, not as nervous as a girlfriend would be," he scratched the back of his head, "but still nervous all the same. Is there a certain thing that I should wear? A certain color for the party?"
Dean laughed, shaking his head. "Take a deep breath." I did as he said as he laid his head on my shoulder. "You'll be fine, okay? My mom loves you, she can't keep your name off her tongue. My dad will love you, too."
"What about your brother?" I asked just remembering the third oldest family member.
"My brother loves everyone at first sight. As long as your not mean for no reason, then you guys'll be best friends."
I relaxed a little. Maybe it wouldn't be so bad. "Sorry. it's just that....I've never been this nervous before and the feeling is hitting me pretty hard."
He nodded in understanding. "I get it, but I'll know what'll cheer you up even more."
"What's that?" I asked.
"Ice cream."

We found a spot beside Ample Hills Creamery because they didn't have a parking lot and since it was almost 10:30, the streets were mostly empty aside from the cars across the street. Dean opened the door for me and let me get out of the car before leading me into the building. We sat on the stools at the counter.
"Have you been here before?" I asked, looking around.
"Nope, but I've heard of it. I just haven't had anyone important to come with."
I turned my head away to hide my blush. "Wow," I said. "Wait until I tell Roman and Seth that."
"Oh, shut up," he said. "They'll understand."
"Maybe, maybe not."
"What can I get you guys tonight?" a lady in a light blue shirt with the shop's name and a black apron on asked.
Dean and I looked up at the menu. "I'll try a Butter Pecan Brittle," I stated, turning to Dean.
"And I'll have the Chocolate Milk and Cookies."
"Great choices. I'll be right back."
"Would you cut that out?" Dean asked.
"What?" I asked innocently. He pointed to my rapidly bouncing leg under the counter. "Oh," I said. "Sorry."
"You're reading too much into this," he said. "You need to relax."
"I know!" I exclaimed. "But this is, like, eating me alive. I just have this feeling in the pit of my stomach that someone at that party is not gonna like me and usually I don't care about things like that."
Dean grinned. "Well I'm glad you care this time," he replied, rubbing my back comfortingly. "Means a lot."

It was a little after midnight when Dean and I made it back to my room. We ditched his car for a little bit and walked around some. Surprisingly I saw a bunch of people walking their dogs, but other than that, it seemed as if it was just Dean and I in the world. We collapsed onto the couch in the main room as Brie and Nikki walked out of their shared bedroom.
"Finally," Brie sighed.
"Your home," Nikki stated.
"Where've you been?" Brie asked.
"Just out," Dean answered before getting comfy on the couch. "Mind if I crash here?"
"Sure," I said.
"I don't mind," Brie seconded.
"By all means," Nikki stated before they went back into the room.
"Stay out here," Dean whined once he saw that I stood to go into my room. "We can watch some movies until we fall asleep."
"I can't," I replied. "I have to get up early in the morning to see my family off at the airport."
Dean stuck his bottom lip out. "Please?"

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