Chapter Twent-One

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"You're, what?!" Jackson screamed shooting up.
Dean stood up too, but not in surprise. It looked as if he was ready to leave.
"Your mother's pregnant," Mr. Tyler said.
"Shut up, I wasn't even talking to you!"
"Jackson Oliver Good!" Ms. Daniella screamed exasperated.
I stood up and placed a hand on Jackson's arm. "Jackson, I don't think this is the right time," I whispered urgently.
"No," Jackson replied sternly. "Now's as good a time as any. Mom, do you not remember what he put us through? What he put you through?" Ms. Daniella pursed her lips. "Now he's just waltzing back into our lives, into your life, and next thing you know you guys are getting married again and having another baby. You're not thinking, Mom, you're just being stupid!"
"Jackson, that's enough," Mr. Tyler said. "You have no right to talk to you mother that way."
"If you honestly think I'm happy for you guys, then your insane." With that, Jackson stormed out of the tent, leaving silence behind him.
Everyone was looking around awkwardly, at a lost for words. I looked over at Dean and saw his intense eyes fixed on his dad. He strolled over to him and leaned into his ear. "If you think I'm gonna accept you back into my life, you're sadly mistaken," I heard him say. "As far as I'm concerned, I don't have a dad."
"Dean," I said.
"Jonathan," Ms. Daniella sobbed.
Dean turned to his mom. "Things in my life were better when you weren't in it anymore," he told her. "Just dumping all of this on me, on Jackson and I, and we barely made up for all those lost years. I didn't really have a problem with you guys dating, but this," he gestured between the diamond ring and his mom's stomach, "is just too much." He shook his head before walking toward the entrance of the tent. He looked over his shoulder at me. "Come on, Chels," he said in a low voice.
I shook my head. "I think I should stay," I replied.
The laugh that came from him made me uneasy, but it quickly died away and his face was menacing. "I SAID COME ON!" he shouted making everyone jump.
Not needing to be told a third time I quickly followed Dean out of the tent and let him lead me to the car.
He yanked the passenger side door open. "Get in," he said.
"Dean, I really think-"
"Chelsea," he said warningly and I crumpled into the seat.
The whole car ride was silent. I didn't even turn the radio on for fear that he might lash out at me for that. When we made it to our hotel and up to our room he immediately went into the bedroom that held both of our beds, slamming the door behind him. I heard the click of the lock being turned. I slumped onto the couch and stared at the turned off TV. I glanced at the door before turning back around. My phone started to ring, making my brown leather purse jump a little beside me.
"Hello?" I said tiredly.
"Chelsea?" It was Nikki.
"Hey, Chelsea!" I heard Brie say in the background.
"Is something wrong?" Nikki asked.
"Um, I'm fine," I assured.
"You don't sound like it. What happened? Aren't you at the party right now?"
"I'll tell you when we meet up in D.C."
"Um," she sounded as if she really wanted to talk about it now. "Okay," she said. "But remember that you have to tell me, okay?"
"Alright," I replied.
"Bye," Nikki said.
"Bye!" Brie shouted before the line went dead.
I slid my heels off and laid down on my side, cradling my phone in my hands. This explained why Ms. Daniella wanted to talk about it-or announce it-in person. This wasn't something you could just say out over the phone. I felt so bad for Dean and how he felt about it, but what about Jackson? It seemed as if he took it worst of all. He allowed Ms. Daniella to still be in his life, to still act like his mom and how she just dumped this on him and expected him-him and Dean to be happy with it. Yeah, she was grown, but she should have at least ran it over with them. I felt so tired and drained and I didn't have anymore energy to move. Snuggling more into the couch, I drifted off to sleep.

I sneezed. Something smelled sour, making me a little dizzy. Was that beer? I fluttered my eyes opened and saw that there were, like, 5 beer bottles on the coffee table. Dean had his back against the edge, twirling a half drained bottle in his hand as if he was inspecting the label. The corners of his mouth were aggressively turned down and his eyebrows knitted together in a ragged V. I shifted my feet a little, noticing a huge blanket, that should've been on one of our beds, draped over me, but my phone was still in between my palms.
"Dean?" I said groggily.
"Hm?" He looked up at me, but his eyes weren't red and puffy like I was expecting, just sad and tired.
"You okay now?" I asked.
He shook his head. "I tried, Chelsea. I really tried." He laughed sadly and shook his head again.
"I know," I whispered gently before pealing the blanket off of me and sinking down to the floor. I slowly took the bottle from him, set it on the coffee table and wrapped my arms around his shoulders.
"I'm not gonna cry, Chels," he stated.
"I know," I repeated. "But everyone needs a hug every once in a while."
With that, he engulfed me in a hug, rubbing my back as if I was the one that needed to be consoled and we just stayed there for a long time.

"Welcome, guests, to Washington D.C.," Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport's PA system announced as Dean and I stepped through the gates. It was still Saturday, but about an hour later. We decided to leave Cincinnati behind us until our tour's stop was there. Dean insisted on leaving immediately which kinda made me sad; I didn't get to tell Jackson goodbye. As we were waiting for our bags to show up, Dean glanced at me before looking back down and jamming his fists into his pockets.
"Sorry for yelling at you," he said. "I shouldn't have made you leave the party if you didn't want to. I'm not your," he cringed, "dad."
"It's okay," I murmured. "You were my ride," I said jokingly, but his dimple was no where near showing itself. My smile wilted as I swallowed and I ran one of my Converse over a stain that made the grayish carpet darker.
"Hey guys!" Dean and I turned around to see Jackson walking up to us. My chin hit the floor.
"Jackson!" I exclaimed happily. He wasn't smiling, but his face wasn't contorted into an upset mask like Dean's. I cleared my throat, calming down. "How did you get here?" I asked as he came and stood next to me, watching as the belt that moved people's luggage slowly rotated.
"Simple," he said matter-of-factly. "I bought a ticket, handed it to the flight attendant and hopped on the plane. Now I'm here."
I placed my hands on my hips. "I meant why are you here?"
"What, you're not happy to see me?" Jackson asked teasingly.
"Dude, just answer the question," Dean said irritably.
Jackson stared at his brother, lips pursed as I averted my eyes, uncomfortable being between them. "Look, I know you're not happy about this either, but what's going on with Mom and Dad doesn't have to ruin our day."
"So....." I trailed off. "You're over it?" I questioned,
"I'm not exactly over it," he clarified. "But I am putting it on the back burner for now so that I can enjoy the rest of my Saturday. I see a certain little brother isn't doing the same, though."
"Can you just leave me alone," Dean snapped making Jackson put his hands in surrender.
"Fine," Jackson replied before looping his arm around mine. "Me and Chelsea are gonna see if there's any gift shops around."
I looked back at Dean to see if he was okay with it, because I didn't want to leave him alone, but he wouldn't look me in the eye and I really had no choice but for Jackson to lead me away after he got our luggage.

"Fix your face," Jackson said as we passed by restaurants after clothing stores that the airport held.
"Sorry," I mumbled. "But what happened earlier today-"
"Please don't talk about it," he begged. "I don't want to think about it right now."
"Of course."
"So, in the mood to eat?" he asked. I shook my head as he stopped next to a Five Guys. "Hellooooo burgers."
I smiled as my phone vibrated. I had forgotten to turn the silence off after I got off the plane. "I'll be there in a second," I told him as he went inside. "Hello?" I said in the phone.
I heard a sniff on the other end. "Chelsea?" It was Ms. Daniella or should I say Mrs. Good and it sounded as if she was crying.
She sighed in relief. "I've been trying to call you for about an hour now," she stated.
"I was on a plane," I explained.
"A plane?" she questioned.
"Yeah," I scratched the back of my neck uncomfortably, "Dean thought it would be a good idea to head to our work's next stop today instead of later on tomorrow."
A choked sob came from the other end. "This is horrible. I really messed up."
"I'm sorry," I said. "But, um, not to be mean or anything, why were you trying to call me?"
"Well, Tyler travels a lot for his job and so he won't really be here to fully help me with the pregnancy. I know you have work and everything, too, but I was wondering if it would be too much to ask for your help. You know, come back to Cincinnati when you have the chance and help me."
It seemed as if the airport dropped 30 degrees in a matter of seconds and I suddenly felt exposed and vulnerable as if someone was listening in. "I'm sorry Mrs. Good. I don't know if that's such a good idea. I'm mean with Dean-"
"Dean doesn't have to know, Chelsea," she cut in. "It's not like you're obligated to tell him your whereabouts. Just say you're going to visit your family and if he asks to come along, say it's personal."
A golf ball-sized lump formed in my throat. Lie to Dean? I couldn't do that. We told each other we'd be honest. But, Mrs. Good does need my help. I'm sure Dean would understand, right?
"Um, okay, sure," I finally answered. "I'll come by once a week."
"Thank you so much!" she exclaimed.
We said goodbye to each and hung up. I exhaled a shaky breath. What. Did. I. Just. Do?

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