Chapter Twenty-Two

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"Chelsea," Stephanie said, snapping her fingers in my face. I couldn't even get annoyed with her.
"Are you alright? You seem like you're out of it."
"I'm fine," I quickly stated. "Maybe I'm just tired."
"Or maybe you finally realized you're not good enough to be in The Authority," Randy mumbled.
I just stared at him blankly as Stephanie slammed her palm on her desk. "Say one more thing, Orton, and you're out of here," she sneered. "Got it?!" Randy was a little shocked, but clamped his mouth shut.
The face of the company can get put in his place too. Triple H walked in and sat down next to me. "What's Kane doing, Hunter?"
"I spotted him in the hall with Brian and Monty," Triple H replied.
"Who's that and why is Kane talking to them?" I asked.
Hunter looked at me like I was crazy. "Brian is Road Dogg and Monty is Billy Gunn," he said slowly. "They're his tag partners against The Shield at WrestleMania, remember?"
My eyebrows were raised so high they disappeared under my new bangs. "When did this happen?" I asked.
"Last Monday," Stephanie said, giving me the same look as Hunter. "Are you sure you're okay?"
"Yeah," I said quickly. "But to be honest, last week went by in a blur. Is there anything else I should know?"
"There's that Divas Invitational at WrestleMania, too," Randy said. "Vicki announced it right after the Diva match."
I rolled my eyes before frowning, my eyebrows reappearing. "How did I miss that?" I asked more to myself than to the others. I shook my head. "Anyways, this week will be different. I'm gonna pay attention."
"We're not mad at you, Chels," Hunter said, putting a hand on my shoulder. "Everyone has their off moments."

When Stephanie and Hunter dismissed me, I decided to just walk around since I had nothing else to do. I've been feeling sick ever since Saturday when I agreed to go behind Dean's back and help his mom. I felt horrible. Maybe I should bail out and see if Mrs. Good can get one of her friends to help, but maybe there was a specific reason on why she chose me.
"Well, well, well, if it isn't little Ms. Sell-Out."
I pursed my lips and turned around. AJ was carelessly leaning on a crate with her belt in her hand while Tamina stood behind her, her back straight, her eyes intense, and her arms folded across her chest.
"I don't have time for you AJ. Don't you have that Divas Invitational to worry about?" Her smirk slipped a little. "You're going against, what, 14 other Divas, one of them including me." I grinned. "I must thank Vicki for that, too. You guys have a nice night."

When I made it to the Divas' Locker Room, I glanced at myself in the full length mirror. I was wearing dark blue jeans matched with a black floral print tank top, a peach colored blazer and matching heels. My dangling, peach colored earrings and perfect bun made me look professional and good; I felt anything but. If Dean were to find out, I'd be a hypocrite. Even though I had Raw to worry about, I couldn't stop thinking about the position I put myself in. If I bail on Mrs. Good, I'd be a bad person. If I went with it, I'd be a bad friend to Dean. My head started to hurt. I walked over to my locker and grabbed my phone out of my black leather purse. I tapped into my Message app and hovered my finger over my conversation with Chalice. Even though she was only 14, she was smarter than most people would assume.
Hey, I texted.

Hey, she texted back almost immediately.

Whatcha doing? I asked.

Watching Law&Order before Raw comes on, she replied. What about you?

I'm in a little bit of trouble, I admitted.

What kind?

Dean's mom is getting back together with his dad. They're getting married again. Plus, she's having another baby, I explained.

Not to be mean or anything, but isn't she a little too old to have anymore kids?

Guess not, I texted. But Dean and his brother Jackson got so mad and now they're not talking to their parents anymore. Their mom called me and asked if I could help her out with the pregnancy because their dad won't be there due to work.

You said no, right? she asked.

I bit my lip, wondering how Chalice would respond if I told her I agreed to help Mrs. Good.

Actually, I said I would help and now I'm regretting it. I don't want this to ruin my friendship with Dean.

Well then call Dean's mom back and tell her you can't. I'm sure she'll understand if you tell her the reason. It's not like she can make you, Chalice said.

You think that'll work? I asked.

Worth a try, but I gotta go. See you on TV😊.

Just as I was about to put my phone away, I got another text. Hey, Chelsea, I was wondering if you could come over on Wednesday this week-Mrs. Good.
I guess, I texted back. I'll be there.
I'm so dead.

"Watch where you're going, Heyman!" I said as Paul ran, shoulder first, into me.
"My apologies, Ms. Renee," Heyman replied smugly.
I rolled my eyes. "You seem really confident with your bodyguard back," I stated.
"Brock Lesnar, my lady, has not come back for my beneficiary-"
"Oh, cut the formality, Heyman. We all know you're everything but," I snapped.
He chuckled. "I bet you wouldn't be talking that way if Lesnar were here right now."
And speak of the devil. "Is there a problem here?" Lesnar asked, standing behind Heyman. He looked down on me menacingly.
"I don't see a problem," Heyman said before tilting his head to the side, staring at me. "Do you, Ms. Renee?"
I scoffed. "You guys are pathetic," I told them. "You're not even worth my time."
I brushed past them, spotting the Deadman a few paces down. I turned around, knowing Lesnar and Heyman saw him, but they were nowhere in sight.
"Hi, Mr. Undertaker," I greeted making him turned around.
He nodded his head in a greeting way before jerking it to where Heyman and Lesnar used to be. "They bothering you?" he asked.
I smiled. "They were, but I handled it. I'm really excited to finally meet you. I've been a huge fan for, like, ever. I know you're gonna beat Lesnar."
"Thanks," was all he said in reply.
I decided to leave him be since it seemed like he wasn't in the mood for small talk.
"Chelsea, Raw starts in twenty," a crew director informed me as I walked past. I nodded in understanding before walking into the catering room.
Dean was occupying a table by himself right next to the catering table and he seemed very interested in the fork that was clutched in his hand. He pushed the prongs back with his thumb so hard that they snapped and fell to the table. I twitched, not liking the satisfied smile on his face. I imagined that being me.
"Hey," I said shakily as I took a seat across from him.
"Hi," he said bluntly as he snapped the handle in half. I jumped again. "Jumpy?" He smirked making me uneasy.
Did he somehow....know? Know what I was doing behind his back? Or maybe I was being paranoid. My temples started to throb. "No, not jumpy," I finally replied with a gulp.
When I finally locked eyes with him, his stare was intense. He had to know. He wouldn't be giving me that chilling glare if he didn't. I took a deep breath and mustered a smile that I knew had turned more into a grimace.
I grabbed a water bottle and took a hearty swig.
"Texted anybody lately?"
I spat out my water, choking and he certainly wasn't making any efforts to help or at least see if I was okay. Busted.
"What are you talking about?" I questioned.
He leaned forward, his face only inches from mine. "I think we both know what I'm talking about." My heart was pounding in my chest so hard, I was certain he could hear it. I just hope he didn't touch me so that he didn't know I was shaking so badly. "Since when did you and Jackson become best buddies?" he asked bitterly.
I blinked, confused. "What?"
"Jackson was just going on and on about how you and him were texting last night while I was asleep," he explained, frowning. "When did you guys become so close?"
I opened my mouth just to shut it. So this was what he was talking about. My heart rate went back to normal. "You think I'm trying to keep that a secret from you?" I asked.
"Well, you didn't tell me."
"I didn't know I had to," I stated. "I text Nikki and Brie and my family all the time and I don't tell you. Why is Jackson any different?"
Dean rolled his eyes before standing."Just forget it."
But when he turned to go, I grabbed his wrist. "No, tell me," I pleaded. "Why is that a problem?"
"I said forget it." He snatched his arm away and continued out of the room, leaving me there bewildered, yet relieved. I was confused on why Dean was upset about me talking to Jackson; he wasn't the problem, but I was happy that it was just that. I just knew I had been found out.

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