Chapter Forty-Six

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We had just arrived at The Center and were ushered in a room, but not before I caught a glimpse of Dean, Jackson, and their dad. Dean spotted me too and gave me a wink. When we stepped into our room, ten girls started to swarm us. Two girls were assigned to each of us. My two couldn't have been but a year or two older than me. One was a brunette-she told me her name was Brenda-and the other a redhead-Hanna.
We gathered into a corner and the girls got out a makeup bag.
"I don't do makeup," I told them.
Brenda dropped the bag at her side, deflated.
"Well, your face looks good like that, so I guess we don't have to worry about that portion," Hanna said.
Brenda reluctantly nodded in agreement. They took my bridesmaid dress out of its clear bag and held it up for me to see.
I gasped and so did someone else nearby. I looked over and saw Madison ogling my dress. Mine was in two pieces and reminded me of my Hall of Fame dress except it was light purple and the top wasn't just a "bra" covered in lace. It stopped just below my breast and the straps were connected by see-through cloth. Madison's, however, was a strapless one piece. The waist was decorated in diamonds and the skirt was slimming, hugging her thin legs. I didn't really see what the big deal was. They had no trouble putting the skirt on me, it kissed the ground and the waist line reached all the way just past my belly button. But the top was a different story. They made a huge deal about how getting it on would mess up my hair.
"Guys, I think it'll be fine," I told them.
"Think?" Brenda questioned. "No, you can't think. You have to know for sure."
I rolled my eyes. "Just put the top on me, will you? I'll be forty by the time I make it out of this room."
They reluctantly did as told and slipped nude colored heels onto my feet.
Other than that, they put silver circle studs through my ears and bracelets around my wrist, the same color as my dress.
Madison, Linda, and Marion had on the same jewelry.
Because I'm short, the skirt of my dress covered my shoes completely, but you could slightly see the other's. Madison and Marion had on silver heels while Linda's was light purple. Besides the shoes difference, the twins were wearing the same dress. The skirt puffed out just slightly and there was a wide ribbon around their waist that made a bow on their back and lacy sleeves.
Mrs. Good didn't even have her dress on yet. They were swiping silver eyeshadow on her lids.
We were ushered out the door where we met the groomsmen. The Best Man was indicated by having a lilac colored flower on the chest pocket of his suit while Linda's was in her hair. We all knew our places. Linda and David would go out first, followed by Marion and Jackson; Madison and Dean; and me and a man that look like he had just hit thirty.
"Hi," I greeted. "I'm Chelsea."
"Henry," he replied, shaking my outstretched hand.
I looked over at Dean who was scowling at Madison's cheery face. He caught me staring and mouthed, "Sorry," while jerking his head at his ex.
"It's okay," I mouthed back.
"I've heard a lot about you," Henry said.
"You have?" I asked surprised.
"Yeah. Mrs. Good wouldn't be quiet about you," he teased with a raised eyebrow. I giggled.
"I've also seen you on TV. You're a firecracker."
"You watch wrestling?" I questioned.
"Of course," he answered as if I should already know that. "Who doesn't?"
We both laughed.
"It's an honor escorting a champion down the aisle," he stated. "I couldn't think of a better way to spend my Saturday."
I blushed. "Well, thank you."
A little girl in a short, light purple dress with flowers circling her head ran up to Henry.
"Hey, pumpkin," Henry said, scooping her up.
"Is this your girlfriend?" she asked.
Both Henry and I blushed. "No, I'm just a friend," I told her.
"Oh," she said with a pout.
As I looked between Henry and his daughter I noticed that they both had medium brown hair, blue-green eyes and Cupid's bow shaped lips.
"I'm guessing you don't have a significant other?"
"Nope," Henry said sadly. "Ran off a couple years back. But me and Taylor have been getting along just fine."
"That's good and I'm sorry to hear that."
He shrugged. "Happens to people all the time, right?"
I nodded in agreement. I glanced over and saw that Dean was staring at Henry with a frown. I held up a finger and walked over.
"Your eyes are stuck," I told him.
He cut his eyes my way. "No they're not," he said.
"They might as well be. Stop staring, it's not nice," I scolded.
"Well sorry for not liking the fact that this dude's flirting with my girlfriend."
"He's not flirting with me," I protested. "You're just being paranoid."
"I am?" Dean questioned. "Come on, the guy's totally checking you out." He subtly jerked his head in Henry's direction. I peeked at him out of the corner of my eye and saw that he was smiling at me. I looked back over at Dean. "See what I mean?"
"Okay, maybe he's checking me out a little-"
"A little?"
"-but, you have nothing to worry about. He's just gonna walk me down the aisle and that's it."
"I don't like the way that sounds," Dean said making me roll my eyes.
"Um, excuse me?"
I turned around and stared at Madison. She smirked at me. "Do you mind? The wedding's about to start and Dean has to walk me down."
"Oh certainly," I said in mock kindness. "I love your shoes by the way." I smiled at her before walking away. "I hope you fall and break your neck."

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