Chapter Twenty-Eight

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7:00am: I woke up on the dot to go downstairs and eat breakfast. I'm not exaggerating when I say every single superstar and diva was down there. They all had something to do starting at 8 either involving interviews, autograph signings, or Make-A-Wish. Plus every single one of us still had our pajamas on. Not that other people were looking at us crazy or anything. My match yesterday was the very first one and so after I finished, I quickly changed and hopped on the next plane out of D.C. to New Orleans. A crew director told me that Dean was already gone. As soon as I made it to the Marriott hotel, where everyone was staying at for the weekend and Monday-I got there a little after SmackDown ended-I quickly changed into my pajamas and dropped on the bed. I didn't bother taking a shower. I had to hurry up and eat so that I had time. Plus I had to pick out the right outfits for today? Now I know what JBL meant. I made myself a protein shake since drinking my breakfast was faster than eating it and seated myself with Nikki and Brie who were scarfing down their food.
"Slow down guys," I said.
"We can't," Nikki said.
"We have autograph signings at 8," Brie explained.
"Oh," I said. "I have interviews at 8." I sighed. "I can't believe we're not gonna see each other until 5."
"I know, but hey, it's Mania weekend. What do you expect, now eat up or...drink up," Nikki said.
"Alright, Mom," I teased.
As I did so I looked around the restaurant. John Cena and Daniel Bryan were seated at the closed bar, The Authority, Stephanie, Hunter, Kane, Road Dogg, Billy Gun and Randy were occupying one of the larger tables while all the divas except for AJ, Tamina and of course the girls at I were taking up the other. Dean, Seth, and Roman were seated two tables away from us. I turned away when Dean glanced in my direction.
"What are you planning on wearing for Hall of Fame?" Brie asked me once she put her dirty plate and silverware in a container to be washed and sat back down.
I shrugged. "I really have no idea. I was assigned maids that are choosing the dress for me."
"Same here," Nikki said gesturing between her and Brie. "All the divas are assigned maids to help them prepare."
"Not the guys?" I questioned.
Nikki scoffed. "Of course not. Guys like doing things themselves including getting themselves ready for events as big as Hall of Fame."
I nodded in understanding as I finished the rest of my shake. That should fill me up.
"We should go get ready," Brie suggested as her and I stood. Nikki soon followed suit and we headed toward the elevators.
I couldn't help but look over my shoulder and saw Dean staring at me. I quickly turned back around.
7:50am: I was down in the lobby by 7:50 after taking a shower and racking my brain over the outfits I should wear today and yes, I said outfits. As a member of The Authority, Stephanie and Hunter thought it appropriate for me to wear different attire for each event. One outfit for interviews, another for Make-A-Wish and another one for autograph signings. I had my two other outfits neatly folded in my duffel as I advertised my Interviews one, a high-low light brownish halter, ripped blue jeans, pumps with little bows on the toes and a white handbag. I was going to keep my hair down all day. When I walked past the restaurant, it was empty of my co-workers, this day was no joke. I walked outside to see a limo waiting for me. The chauffeur smiled at me before opening the door and gesturing for me to climb inside.
"You're bosses say to change in the limo. The windows are black from the outside looking in and I'll roll the window that separates you and me up when it's time for you to go to this Make-A-Wish," he informed and I nodded.
I had two main interviews, Sirius XM and Fox 8 New Orleans and then interviews where the interviewers from different companies combined and shot question after question at me. I was excited, nervous, and focused at the same time.
8:00am: "Hello everyone and welcome to Sirius XM, I'm your hostess Julie James and with me is a special guest of mine, Authority member and participant in the Divas Invitational, Ms. Chelsea Renee."
"Thank you very much, that intro was awesome," I said.
"Thanks. So how have you been feeling up to this point? I mean, WrestleMania is tomorrow. You're gonna be in front of thousands and thousands of people for your very first WrestleMania. How have you been feeling? This week had to be tense."
"Oh, it was tense alright," I said lightheartedly. "But I'm very excited and I feel awesome. Being here," I looked around the New Orleans Convention Center dressed in WrestleMania Axxess decor, "was definitely work waking up at 7 in the morning for."
Julie laughed. "Even though there's some nervousness, you have to be confident going into this match," she said.
"Oh, absolutely, no doubt. I'm very confident about this. I know without a shadow of a doubt that I'll win."
"Nice," Julie complimented. "So how do you feel about your fellow Authority members Randy and Kane? Do you think they'll come out victorious in their matches?"
"Um," I began. "It's very likely," I said, nodding. "Very likely. But really, why would they care about how I feel about their chances. It's all about them and how they feel about their matches. How confident they feel."
"Since The Shield is no longer in The Authority and you're friends with the members, does that cause tension between you and the others in The Authority?" Julie asked.
"Surprisingly, no," I stated. "I don't really talk to Kane but if I were to then there would definitely be tension but we really avoid each other so..."
Julie nodded, clearly interested. "And I don't know if you've been on Twitter as of late but a lot of people have been shipping you and Dean."
I laughed. "Oh, really?"
"Yep, and I was wondering if you would like to answer some questions for the people on Twitter."
"Of course," I said.
"@CR4Life says, 'What would you do as Divas Champion that's better than AJ?'"
I thought about it for a moment. "I really don't know, to be honest," I admitted. "I certainly won't be conceited like her and think that I'm the best because there's always someone out there that's a little bit better."
"And @TeamChelseaAmbrose," I laughed, "says, 'Would you ever consider dating Dean in the future? #LunaticLove.'"
"Um, I really don't know," I confessed. "I mean, Dean's a great guy and all but I really only see him as a friend."
The rest of my interviews were like that. We started off talking about my feelings on my first WrestleMania and my Divas Invitational match and then it turned to The Authority and then ended off with my relationship with Dean, but I managed to handle myself pretty well. Those were the shortest two hours I've ever had.
10:15am: Next stop: Children's Hospital for Make-A-Wish. I changed into an Avengers themed dress with simple white Converse. When I get out of the limo, John and Daniel's limo's pulled into the parking lot as well, parking on either side of mine.
"Hey guys," I greeted as we made our way toward the entrance together.
"Hey, Chels," Daniel greeted, slinging his arm around my shoulders. "How are you liking your first WrestleMania weekend?"
"It's awesome," I stated truthfully. "This is definitely an opportunity everyone wants to have."
The playroom at the Children's Hospital still looks like a playroom except the walls were plastered with Make-A-Wish posters and posters of superstars that were going to visit throughout the day. Mine was front and center and since I never really got my photos taken in a WWE photo shoot they used a picture of me with my hand raised in victory after one of my matches in my new ring gear. The WWE Power Couple was there and there was definitely some tension between Hunter and Daniel, but since this wasn't the time nor place to be jumping down throats, the men acted civil towards one another. John, Daniel and I sat at a white clothed table. The room smelled like baby, perfume and sharpie. Several kids piled into the room with WWE objects from T-shirts to pictures. Some kids were sporting John Cena head and wristbands.
Turned out, I had my own T-shirt. It was black with a cheetah placed front and center in mid sprint with its sports forming the name, Ms. Fierce. On the back in purple outlined white lettering, it said, "I'm not bossy, I'm The Boss." I liked it a lot. It was definitely me. I wasn't even mad that I wasn't included in the design. I should totally wear one when I go down to the ring. It doesn't look good when everyone's wearing your shirt except you. After signing T-shirt after picture, it was finally time for the Meet 'n' Greet. Daniel Bryan and John Cena had a lot more kids that requested them-I have 20-but I definitely wasn't complaining. 20 was pretty good for a rookie. Every single last kid was great but there was one kid that stood out to me. Her name was Rebecca. She was 14 years old and reminded me a lot of Chalice. She liked to read, write, and got good grades constantly when she was in school. She told me that she was diagnosed with Glioblastoma, a type of brain tumor, last year and the doctors said that her time was coming to an end.
"But I'm definitely gonna stay around to see you kick those divas' butts," she told me.
I tried not to get emotional when she said that.
1:00pm: Autograph signing. I change into a white strapless sun dress with a bow cinched right below my breast and bronze sandals with a turquoise necklace. Since its WrestleMania weekend everyone gets there own space that's blocked off by black curtains that not only serve as barriers but photo backgrounds too. I noticed that my space was right next to The Shield's. So much for trying to avoid them. I sat down at a square-shaped sector with one desk, a sharpie, and a photographer and gestured the first person in line to come over. I'm glad they gave us four hours for this. It'll take me that long to get through the amount of people I have. I finished with about 10 minutes to spare and the photographer was about to leave but Dean came around and told him to stay.
"Got time for one more fan?" he asked me.
I pursed my lips. "But I though you said-"
"I know what I said," he interrupted. "Please?"
I sighed and gave in. Our first pose was my back pressed against his chest as he placed his hands on my hips and I held onto his United States Championship.
"How was your day?" he asked as we switched into another pose of him standing behind me and holding his belt against my waist.
"It was awesome," I admitted. "Really great. But I thought you said we weren't friends."
"We aren't. I'm a fan, remember?"
He set his belt on the table and pulled me to him as I wrapped an around around his neck and placed my other on his chest. I knew this picture would look suspiciously couple-ly but I just went along with the poses he came up with.
After we took our pictures the photographer promise Dean that he will have them sent to him printed by tomorrow morning. When it was just him and I, we stared at each other for what seemed like forever.
"You know the reason why I don't want us to be friends, right?" he asked.
I shook my head. "But I don't need an explanation. You're not obligated to give me one."
"I think it'll be better for us not to be," he still explained. "When we're friends we just grow apart and I don't want that for us."
"But you said to act like complete strangers. I really don't understand, Dean."
He ran his fingers through his hair. "I know. I don't want us to be friends, but I don't want us to be strangers either. Do you understand where I'm getting at?"
I frowned in confusion. "Not really."
He smirked. "Think on it and get back to me when you have an answer. I'll see you later on tonight. " Then he went back to his section.
I tilted my head to the side, taking what he said into consideration. If he didn't want us to be strangers and he didn't want us to be friends, then what else can we be?
5:15pm: I met the girls at Muriel's Jackson Square. The inside made you feel like you were in a palace in the early 1900s. Brie was wearing a vibrant orange sundress that stopped at her knees while Nikki was sporting a vibrant blue one that stopped in the middle of her thighs. When I first got seated, I told them about what happened between Dean and I at the Convention Center and his implication.
Nikki squealed like a schoolgirl. "Are you gonna do it?" she asked excitedly.
Okay, maybe I was lying in that interview with Julie James with I said I only thought of Dean as a friend. That was far from true. I had a tiny crush on him before that grew with each passing day even when we were mad at each other. But I always kept my feelings safely tucked away, knowing without a shadow of a doubt that he didn't feel the same way. I guess I was wrong.
"I don't know," I said sheepishly. "Maybe."
"You totally should," Brie encouraged. "Dean's a great catch and besides, even when you guys were going to war with each other he was still doing better than he was before you came. If you can help him be better as a friend imagine what a life changer you'll be as his girlfriend."
I took what she said into deep consideration. Maybe I'll take a chance and go for it but after WrestleMania.

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