Chapter Fifty

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In the Locker Room...

Dean opened the locker room door and peeked out, looking both ways down the corridor. No one. He scratched his head. He could've sworn someone had called his name. He clicked the door in place and plopped down on the couch, running his hands down the sides of his face. Chelsea didn't know what she was talking about. He had known Kelsey for years, she wasn't the type. He had to admit that Kelsey's friendly flirting was a little too friendly, but that was just the way she was. Still, he decided to apologize to Chelsea. He was tired of fighting with her all the time. He would make things up with that swim they were supposed to do earlier today followed by a nice late night dinner. He stepped out into the hall and made his way toward the main area where Samantha was, thinking Chelsea was hanging around there; but it was just the gear designer, Naomi, and Cameron.
"Hey, Sam," Dean said. "Have you seen Chelsea anywhere?"
Samantha shook her head as she handed off ring attire to Naomi. "The last time I saw her she was walking in here with Seth," she replied.
Dean nodded. "Alright, thanks."
His next stop was the catering room, but she wasn't there either. "Has anyone seen Chelsea?" he called out to no one in particular, but everyone shook their heads, clueless to her whereabouts.
He knocked on The Authority's door much to his displeasure. Stephanie opened up and eyed him curiously. "Chelsea?"
She shook her head. "I haven't seen her at all," Stephanie stated. "You should check with Randy."
And so he did. He was sitting on a crate, typing away on his phone. There was no Chelsea anywhere. "Dude," Dean said a little tiredly, "have you seen Chelsea?"
"You can't find her?" Randy questioned. His lips morphed into a concerned frown despite his tainted relationship with Chelsea, but his eyes had a look of completely different emotion. "That's odd. Did you check the parking lot?"
Dean trudged to the back door that he came in an hour earlier. Why was finding his girlfriend so hard? Was she really that upset that she didn't even want to be found and apologized to? Just as Dean pushed the door open, a white van backed out its slot. Bray Wyatt and Luke Harper were in the front seats, mysterious smiles on their faces.
Freaks, Dean thought as he looked around. No a soul in sight.
When he got back to the locker room, he decided to call her phone. As his end rung, something vibrated and lit up in Chelsea's duffel bag. Dean ended the call as his arms hung loosely at his sides. This wasn't good. Chelsea never went anywhere without her phone. Dean's heart rate picked up. What if something happened to her?
"Someone wants to take me out. Someone wants to make me disappear and they're paying Bray and his little goons to do it."
"What's wrong?" Roman asked as him and Seth emerged into the locker room.
Dean turned his horror stricken face to his friends. "Chelsea's missing," Dean said slowly, each syllable making his heart drop lower toward his stomach. "And I know who took her."

In the Back of Bray Wyatt's Van...

"Have you heard?"
"About?" I asked my mom.
"Jason got shot in the head...twice."
I raised my eyebrows halfheartedly at the news of my dad. Shame.
"Have you talked to him lately?" she questioned me.
"No," I answered slowly. "Why would I?"
Mom slumped in the chair next to me. "So you haven't at least talked to him on FaceBook? That's how I knew."
I shook my head. "I haven't spoken to him in years, Ma."
"So you don't know if he's okay. If he's even alive or not?" she asked.
I shook my head with a shrug. "I'm clueless."
She ran her fingers through my hair. She didn't say anything else, just stared at me with sympathy. I didn't like the look in her eyes. I didn't need to be comforted. It's bad what happened to Jason, but it's not my job to care anymore.

I cracked my eyes opened into little slits. I was in a car. I knew by how the road jostled it around when it came in contact with potholes or made sharp turns. How was I here though? Was the show already over? It seemed as if I had just gotten there. Didn't I have a match? What about Dean and the guys? Weren't they supposed to be doing something with the reunited Evolution in Hunter, Randy, and Batista? I looked around. Metal shelves lined both sides of the back of a...van? I looked down from where I was laying and saw the driver and shotgun seats and who filled them. Bray grinned at me from the rearview mirror. Erik was laying against the back of their seats, flicking a cigarette lighter on and off, seemingly fascinated by the flame that sparked up. Someone really needed to take that away from him. The windows on the back doors were barred. I laid my head on the carpet floor and took deep breaths. Did I pass out? I remembered storming out of The Shield's locker room after my fight with Dean and how Bray and his goons showed up with a mischievous gleam in their eyes. Did I buckle then when Bray grabbed my wrist? I shivered and curled up under the blanket that someone had thrown on me while I was momentarily dead to the world. Did Dean know where I was? Was he trying to find me right now? Was he still in the locker room and unaware of my absence from the arena? Did he even care?
With me gone he has Kelsey to comfort him, I thought bitterly as silent, sad, and frustrated tears rolled down my cheeks. A tissue appeared in front of my face. I looked up at Erik who had a blank expression on his face as he eyed me curiously. I sheepishly took it and wiped the salty rain drops away as he laid on his side facing me.
"Pretty," he whispered.
I silently laughed. I had to be anything but. My eyes were probably red rimmed and puffy even though I hadn't been crying that long and my face was probably blotchy. I certainly didn't feel pretty at the moment but I took the compliment and sluggishly walked with it.
I tuned in and out of sleep for the next hour or so as Erik kept his eyes glued to me with the same flat look. I sat up and peeked over Bray and Luke's seats to a sign coming up on the horizon.
Welcome to Hershey, I read once we got close enough. My heart fluttered with hope. They were following the work schedule. It wasn't going to be some wild goose chase. After about a mile or two, we pulled into the parking lot of a Motel 6. Not that many cars occupied the lot. Definitely not something the WWE workers would check into which is why Bray would choose here. Something under the radar.
Bray parked in the handicapped zone by the entrance. He had a pass hanging from his rearview mirror that he probably mugged an old lady for. Erik opened the back doors and jumped down, holding his hand out to me. My face crumpled as I took it and was being helped down. I hid my entire self in the blanket hoping that once it dropped to the ground, I wouldn't be there but of course, magic wasn't real. It was just another myth that people made up to entertain themselves with the theory and thought of. The check-in with the man at the front desk was brief and I was being swept into one of two rooms that Bray was paying for for the rest of the week. I would be sharing it with my car buddy in Erik which I was kind of glad about. He seemed like the sanest of the three but not by much. I took the bed by the window while he plopped his bag on top of the one by the door. I sat Indian style on the foot of the bed and watched him unpack, stuffing his clothes in the draws under the flat screen. I was surprised to see he had other clothes at all. I thought he lived in that green jumpsuit. Once he was finishing emptying out his duffel he turned to me and pointed at the TV.
I nodded. Did he ever say a complete sentence?
He grabbed the remote from the nightstand that stood between our beds and clicked the TV on, channeling through until we hit USA. Rob Van Dam and Cesaro were going at it though I didn't really pay much attention. I just wanted to go home.
A couple minutes later and it was time for the main event that one of the Wyatt Family was supposed to be headlining with John Cena. The polls showed that John was gonna take on all three. I shook my head. Wasn't he in for a relief. Familiar laughing erupted throughout the arena and the lights cut off. The titantron glowed and shifted, Bray's face appearing before everyone. The background was his hotel room next door.
"John, my man," Bray said lazily. "How ya doing? Consider yourself lucky that we're not there to take you down. My hands are tied at the moment so I had to leave early as you can see." He gestured to a framed mural above the headboard of his bed. "But, trust and believe, we're not through with you yet."
The Shield!
Dean and the guys basically sprinted down the steps and leaped over the barricade to get inside the ring. Completely ignoring John all together, Dean snatched a mic from ringside and glared up at Bray. His face was the most frightening shade of red and a vein twitched dangerously on his temple. The microphone shook in his hands. Seth and Roman didn't seem any calmer. Roman was pacing the width of the ring, his eyes never leaving Bray's smug face and Seth had his teeth bared, looking as if he was ready to lunge through the screen.
"Bray Wyatt," Dean spat. "You have something that I want. And I want it now."
Bray smirked. "No can do, buddy," he replied.
Dean closed his eyes and pursed his lips, a sure sign that he was about to bust some heads. "I'm not in the mood for games, Bray. Chelsea. Where's Chelsea?"
The crowd gasped.
Bray chuckled. "Don't worry, she's safe and sound. In fact, she's in the other room. Wanna talk to her?"
My heart rate picked up. Yes!
"Yeah, I do," Dean answered as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.
"Oops, sorry, can't at the moment," Bray sighed as if he was truly upset about this. "Maybe some other time."
"There's not gonna be another time because she's coming home today," Dean declared.
"How?" Bray questioned. "We're not even in the state."
Dean dropped the mic. He started cussing at the screen, I knew because of the way his lips moved when he formed the words. I could see some of the parents out in the audience covering their kids' ears. Frustrated, Dean hopped out of the ring and sprinted up the ramp with Seth and Roman following close behind.
"Well, ladies and gentlemen, this unexpected turn of events is scary," Michael Cole said. "Chelsea has been kidnapped by the Wyatt Family. How is The Shield going to get her back?"
The TV clicked off and I looked back at Erik.
"Sleep," he said.
I crawled under the covers as he kicked his shoes off and did the same. He turned the light out without even saying goodnight.

At the Baltimore Area...

Dean stormed into The Authority's office. Hunter and Stephanie were arguing, both seeming frazzled.
"We're doing everything we can, Dean," Stephanie said before Dean even had the chance to utter a word. "We're trying."
"Well not hard enough, I'm guessing!" Dean sneered.
Dean pushed Stephanie and Hunter aside as he rounded to the other side of the desk. He started rummaging through the draws.
"What do you think you're doing?" Hunter questioned.
Dean ignored his boss and kept looking for something. When he found it, he pulled it out and scanned his eyes down the list. Bray Wyatt's contact information was at the bottom. He branded the cell number into his brain and marched out of the office.
"Don't do anything rash, Dean!" Stephanie called out.
"Leave me alone," Dean growled as he clomped down the hall to his locker room.
When he bursted in, Seth and Roman were quickly packing their stuff, already in their street clothes.
"I got his number," Dean announced as he typed it into his phone and pressed the green call button. It rang six times before going to voicemail. He swore. He was gonna try again but Seth stopped him.
"Leave it be for right now," Seth said. "We need to head back to the hotel so that we can get the rest of our stuff."

A knock sounded on Dean and Chelsea's hotel room door. He opened it up and saw Kelsey, smiling up at him. "Hey," she greeted.
"Hi," he grumbled making Kelsey's grin crumble.
"What's wrong?" she asked.
"Chelsea's missing. Some dudes from work took her," Dean explained as he stuff clothes into his suitcase.
"I'm so sorry to hear that." Dean spun around to face his old friend. She sure didn't sound like she was sorry, Dean noted.
"It'll be okay though," Kelsey soothed as she wrapped her arms around his waist. "You have me."
Dean grew very angry as he looked at Kelsey in a different light, taking what Chelsea said into some serious consideration. Kelsey didn't want him then, he found it funny that she did now.
"I don't want you," he said lowly.
Kelsey stepped back, shocked. "What?"
"You heard what I said," Dean replied. "Why would I want a girl who shot me down, not to mention cold, when I have someone like Chelsea who's funny and smart and is without a doubt the best thing that could happen to me."
Kelsey scowled. "She's not all that great," she spat. "She's just a chick."
"No," Dean protested. "You are. Get out of my room."
"Fine," Kelsey scoffed before stomping out the door.
Chelsea's phone vibrated. Dean retrieved it from her bag and pressed the home button. Brie's, Nikki's, and Randy's named popped up on the screen.
Where did Bray take you??-Nikki.
Did they hurt you?-Brie
Hang tight. You're gonna get out of there-Randy.
Dean slid his finger across each message and pressed the X button before staring at Chelsea's lock screen picture. It was of her and Dean in Boston. They had someone take a picture of them in front of all those American flags that signified each solider that had fallen in war. They were clinging to each other as if afraid of the other disappearing if their grip let up even a little. Chelsea looked so happy. Her reddish-brown hair fell in curls way past her shoulders and her hypnotic ocean blue eyes popped from the screen. Dean could've stared at that picture forever, he always loved how he got lost in her eyes, but he knew that he wanted to see her face to face. He wanted to touch her; feel her body heat. He stuffed her phone in his jacket and stalked out with their things.

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