Chapter Thirty-One

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Yoshi Tatsu, Brad Maddox, Brodus Clay, The Great Khali, Zack Ryder, Darren Young, Drew McIntyre, Jinder Mahal, Heath Slater, Mark Henry, Titus O'Neil, The Miz, Santino Marella, Damien Sandow, Justin Gabriel, David Otunga, Big E, Fandango, R-Truth, Tyson Kidd, Goldust, Cody Rhodes, Rey Mysterio, Kofi Kingston, Dolph Ziggler, Alberto Del Rio, Sheamus, Big Show, Sin Cara, and Xavier Woods. They all fell victim and you'd never guess who beat all of them out. Antonio Cesaro. I know, surprised me too. I've never cared for Cesaro but I'd be lying if I said he didn't impress me in that match. Especially when he tossed Big Show out to win. I just knew Big Show had it in the bag. I have to wait for John Cena and Bray Wyatt's match and Undertaker and Brock Lesnar's match to pass before I can go out for the Divas Invitational. It took a little over 20 minutes for John to beat Bray but he did it, but, Brock and Undertaker's match was the most jaw dropping thing you could ever see. Brock was just decimating Taker and for a split second I thought he was actually gonna beat the streak.....and I was right. For the first time in 21, 22 years at WrestleMania, the referee has counted the 1, 2, 3, without The Undertaker being on top. I dropped my jaw to the floor in shock as the audience went quiet, a fan's face being more outraged than the previous one's. When the ref raised Brock's hand and he looked straight into the TV, I felt as if he was staring straight at me as if I was next. The last thing I saw were the guys lurching forward to catch me.

"Chelsea," someone whispered. "Chelsea."
I fluttered my eyes open and squinted at the bright light. I was off the ground I knew that, being held. Dean's face swam into view. He was holding me like a baby with one arm while the other was brushing hair out of my face. When he saw that I was awake, relief flooded his features.
"Are you okay?" he asked.
I took in my surroundings. "What happened?"
"I don't know," Dean said. "I remember Brock beating Undertaker-"
"That actually happened?" I asked.
"Yeah, unfortunately," he replied sadly. "I remember I had my arm around you and I just felt you go limp and fall forward. Luckily I was able to catch you before you hit the ground. You freaked us all out."
"Where are the others?" I questioned.
"Roman's checking the time to see when you go out for your match and Seth's in catering, getting you water," he explained.
"How long was I out?"
"Only a little over a minute. Roman said I should take you to Dr. Sampson, but I couldn't do that. He'd pull you out of the match for sure and I know how much that would hurt you. Luckily you woke up. Roman said that if you didn't by the time Undertaker walked out, I'd have to take you to the Trainer's Room."
He went over and sat down on the couch, placing me on his lap.
"You okay to go out there?" he asked. I nodded. "You sure?"
"Positive," I replied. "I'm ready."
He kissed my temple before I stood up. "Go get that title, Chels."

You have Aksana, Alicia Fox, Brie Bella, Cameron, Emma, Eva Marie, Layla, Natalya, Nikki Bella, Rosa Mendes, Summer Rae, Tamina Snuka, Naomi, AJ Lee, and I. That's 15 divas in all that are in this ring. But if I narrowed it down to who I really have to watch out for, it'll be 9. Aksana is too busy being eye candy, Emma.....I really have no idea what she's doing here, Eva hasn't been wrestling long enough so she should be no problem, Rosa....I can't remember the last time she was competing and Summer should really stick to dancing. Since it's an odd number someone will have to deal with two and I have a good feeling on three people being double teamed: AJ, Tamina, or myself. As I'm strategizing, the bell had already rung and girls were getting at it. No one came after me for some reason but I wasn't complaining. Punches were being thrown, bodies were being bruised. The five girls that I had tacked on as No Competition had proved me wrong.
People were getting thrown out of the ring left and right until it was only Eva and I left. I guess she didn't see me because she started gloating to the fans, flipping her fiery red hair every which way. Her chin caught the bottom of my boot. Everyone was gathered at the foot of the ramp. I grinned. I bounced off the ropes, sprinted, and soared over the top one on the other side, landing on and knocking every single diva off her feet. I raised my hand in the air and, surprisingly, was hit by an overwhelming wave of cheers. I grabbed the closest opponent, Summer, and threw her into the ring. When I hopped up on the apron, Tamina grabbed my foot and yanked me down, my ankle banging against the edge of the ring. I saw AJ slipped inside with everyone else. Summer came after her but AJ slammed her head on the second turnbuckle and attacked her chest with the bottom of her Converse boot.

I'm covered in sweat, bruised, and in pain. Tamina has kicked me in the chest so many times, I still taste blood in the back of my throat. I resting at the foot of the ramp, trying to catch my breath. This is the first time I've taken a break in this match. Divas were scattered all around the outside of the ring with only Naomi and AJ occupying the inside. AJ had Naomi locked in the Black Widow. I sensed the end of the match. Ignoring the pain for a second I slipped inside and grabbed AJ by the hair, pulling her off. Naomi rolled to the outside. I super kicked AJ in the stomach and hooked her arms behind her back, lifting her up in the butterfly suplex, but I turned at the last second so that she landed on her face instead of her back. I quickly pinned her leg, her knee kissing her mouth.
The crowd went wild. My jaw dropped to the canvas as I ran my fingers through my hair. I did it.
"You're winner and the new WWE Divas Champion, Chelsea Renee!"
The referee raised my hand before handing me the belt. I raised it over my head and grinned at the crowd. I stared straight at the camera and mouthed, "Take that, Steph."

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