Chapter Twenty-Three

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I looked around the room from the wooden cubbies, to the bathroom off to the side, to the chocolate brown leather couch, to the coffee table; a short vase of roses in the middle. This was my new locker room and I had it all to myself. I went back to the Divas Room after I could finally move my feet and a crew director came to escort me to my new room with all the divas in there. The only people who were really happy for me were The Bellas who squealed and said they finally had a better place to hang out at and put their stuff in which made the other Divas' scowls deeper. I looked at the screen and saw The Undertaker grabbing a mic from one of the crew directors. I grabbed the remote from the armrest and turned the volume up a little.
Hey, I read from Jackson after it vibrated on my lap.
I bit my lip nervously. Should I ignore him or acknowledge him? But the thing is, Jackson's my friend. Why would Dean be so irritable about me talking to him?
Hey, I replied.

Watching Raw. A little bummed out that I'm not seeing your face.

I shrugged-or at least tried to-the comment off as heat rose to my cheeks.

Do you know if Jon's acting moody, Jackson asked.

Yeah, I replied. Why you ask?

When I told him about us texting last night he stopped texting me back. I haven't heard from him since last night.

He's a little moody, I lied. But I'm sure he'll get over it. Though, I don't know what there is to get over.


When I finally looked up, Undertaker was laid out on the canvas with Lesnar and Heyman looming over him. I frowned in shock. Maybe Undertaker didn't have all of his abilities still, but I had strong faith that he'll be 22-0 soon.
I was "patrolling" the halls as Big E Langston's and Alberto Del Rio's match went under way. I was bored and staying cooped up in my new locker definitely wasn't helping even if texting Jackson gave me at least something to do.
"What's up, Chels?" I turned and saw Brie and Nikki relaxing on a crate, their phones opened up to Twitter.
I made good on my word and told them what happened at Mr. and Mrs. Good's party Saturday. They were on Dean and Jackson's side 100%.
"It's surprising that Dean was so calm about it," Nikki had commented the next day when we came to D.C.
"Well, he wasn't really close with his parents from the beginning," Brie had explained.
I was on their sides too, but Mrs. Good needed my help and I couldn't just turn my back on her. If I was in the same position I would want someone to help me in my time of need as well.
"Hey guys. I'd love to talk, but I gotta go," I lied before walking away.
I didn't want to engage in conversation with them. I just knew they would bring up what I told them yesterday and I didn't feel like getting into it. It's over and people just need to learn to let it go, well, except for Dean and Jackson. They still need a little more time to recover from the blow.
"Why the long face, lass?" I turned and saw Sheamus, leaning up against the wall.
I was surprised he was talking to me. I would expect everyone to just glare as I passed, but I wasn't complaining.
"I'm just tired," I replied. "It's been a long weekend."
He nodded his agreement. "I think it's The Authority that's doing it."
"Why do you say that?" I asked.
"Because ever since you joined you haven't really been the way you were that first week. I may not know you that well, but I want the old Chelsea back."
I frowned, letting that sink in. I haven't been the same. I've been letting Dean's family problems be my problems and now I'm in the same glum mood as he. Without thinking, I hugged Sheamus, giving him a strong squeeze.
"What was that for?" he questioned after I pulled away.
I shrugged. "Just a thank you for having this talk with me."
He chuckled. "You're nothing like them. It surprises me how you'd join." With a shake of the head and yet with a whisper of a smile on his lips, Sheamus padded down the hall.
I turned and grabbed my phone from my pocket, dialing Mrs. Good's number.
"Hello?" she answered.
"Hey, Mrs. Good," I said.
"Chelsea!" she exclaimed. "What's going on?"
"Um," I paused, biting my lip. "I'm really sorry, Mrs. Good."
"For what?" she asked. "You didn't do anything wrong."
"Well," I drew out the word. "You're not gonna like what I have to say. I can't help you."
"W-what?" she stuttered. "But why?"
"I just can't. It'll complicate things between Dean and I. His friendship means a lot to me and it's gonna be ruined if I helped you. I really am sorry, Mrs. Good." The other end was silent for a very long time and it made me think if she was still on. "Mrs. Good?"
That's when the line cut off. I pulled the phone away from my ear and stared at the screen. Okay?

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