Chapter Twenty-Five

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I had never slept more perfectly than when I did last night. As soon as my head hit the pillow after I got my pajamas on, I was sound asleep. I didn't even try to get cozy under the covers, but when I woke up the next day, I was under the blanket that was tucked in at the sides. I turned and saw a Starbucks coffee on the bedside table with a sticky note on it that simply said: Morning-D.
I snatched the blanket off me and frowned at the cup. I won't let Dean think that this time was going to be like the others. Where he does nice things for me and I forgive him.
I had a meeting today with Stephanie regarding Main Event and the Divas match. After emptying the Starbucks coffee and writing under Dean's notes: Try harder-C, I got dressed in a sleeveless number with flowers that faded more and more as they made their way down to the skirt, black earrings, matching pumps, and an aqua colored clutch. I put my hair back in its perfect bun and examined myself in the mirror. Looking good.
My phone vibrated in my purse and I fished it out. Hey-Randy.

Hey, I replied. Whatcha doing?

Still in bed. I don't have anything to do today so I'm resting up. What about you?

Stephanie called me in for a meeting, I answered. Something to do with Main Event. I don't know if that's good or bad.

Let's hope good, he texted. Text me when you get out.

Will do.

It still surprised me that Randy and I were actually talking. It seemed as if we'd never be able to coexist, but now all those argument we had the past weeks seemed petty.

When I walked into the Verizon Center, it all looked the same from last night except instead of signs that had the Raw symbol, they had the Main Event one. When I looked up at one of the TVs that peppered the halls, I saw that the cameras were on for testing. The ring area was bustling with life with workers changing the decorations to Main Event's. From the apron on the ring, to the lid on the commentary table, to the screen where the superstars and divas make their entrances.
"Good, you made it," Stephanie said as I stepped into her office. AJ, Tamina, and Summer Rae were on one couch, and Nikki and Brie were on the other across from them. Everyone was glaring at each other.
"What's going on?" I asked slowly as I took the last seat beside Nikki.
"Yeah, why are we here?" AJ practically sneered.
"I'm making Tamina's match with Brie a Six Diva Tag," Stephanie answered.
"What, why?" Tamina asked, frowning.
"Because," Stephanie said simply. "Besides, Chelsea needs more ring time."
"But we don't care about Chelsea," AJ said.
"And no one cares about you," I countered, making her scowl at me.
"Enough, ladies," Stephanie intercepted. "My say is final and I'm not changing my mind. If you have such a problem with it AJ than maybe I should take you out of the Invitational match Sunday. See how you retain your title now."
AJ's jaw dropped so far. "You can't do that!" she shrieked.
Stephanie leaned forward onto her desk, the heels of her hands digging into it. "How much you wanna bet?"
AJ clamped her mouth shut. "Fine," she grumbled.
"You guys are dismissed, Chelsea stay."
When everyone left, Stephanie took a seat behind her desk. "About this Divas Invitational-"
"Don't worry, Steph, I got it. I'm gonna work extra hard this week so that I win."
The smile she gave me didn't even go past her lips let alone reach her eyes. "I was thinking about maybe hiring some people to help you. You know, win."
I jerked back a little as if she'd slapped me. "What are you trying to say?" I asked defensively. "You think I can't win by myself?"
"No, no, no!" Stephanie quickly said. "I'm not saying that at all. But my help is always here. If maybe you're kinda not believing in yourself Sunday, then I can-"
I held my hand up for her to stop as I rose to my feet. I glared at her for what seemed like forever before I took a deep breath so that my anger didn't boil over. "I'm perfectly capable of getting things done by myself, thank you very much, Steph," I said calmly. "And you'll see that very soon."
"Chelsea, I didn't mean-"
Not letting her finish her sentence, I stomped out of the room, slamming the door hard behind myself.
I clomped down the hallway fuming. How could she not believe in me? I've been nothing but dominant ever since I came in here and......
I frowned. What was I saying? Why did I care about how she feels about my ring abilities? I scoffed and shook my head before continuing down. When I passed the guerrilla and saw that the camera on the TV was giving me a view of Roman, Dean, and Seth practicing in the ring, I made my way out, trying not to get noticed so that I didn't break their concentration. I took of my shoes for they were the source of the noise and continued down the ramp, watching as Roman slung Dean into the ropes and shoulder tackled him. Roman glanced up for a split second and smiled at me.
"Hey," he greeted.
Dean sat up from the canvas and stared at me, attempting a smile. I didn't return the gesture.
"You guys aren't a part of Main Event," I stated.
"Well, we're trying to get as much training in as we can," Seth answered.
I nodded. "And I'm sorry for ignoring you last night," I told him.
He shook his head. "Don't worry about it. You were out of it. We all have our off moments."
I nodded. "Thanks. But I'm much better now."
"So, you in Main Event?" Dean asked.
I pursed my lips before finally deciding to talk to him. "Yeah. I have a new ring outfit, too. It's hot."
The guys chuckled. "Well, we look forward to seeing it," Seth said.

And my gear was hot. A black crop top with holes along the sleeves, black shorts and matching Converse boots. And it fit me so well. I had to thank Samantha when I got the chance. I fluffed my hair up some and sat in the locker room I had last night with Nikki and Brie on either side of me on the couch. We were watching the last of Sheamus' match against The Miz. They were the battle participants in The Andre the Giant Memorial battle royal Sunday. I had to ask the guys what happened on Piper's Pit. Dean and I were at least talking again, but we aren't exactly friends yet. My phone vibrated on the coffee table and, I reached over and picked it up.
Got your note, Dean texted, referring to the sticky note on the Starbucks cup. I will.
"And the winner of this match, Sheamus!"
"Alright, girls, let's get moving," Brie said. "Got some girls to set straight."

"Come on, Brie!" I shouted as I reached out my hand for her to tag. Brie and Summer were laid out in the middle of the ring because they clotheslined each other at the same time. It was anything but pretty. Brie was slowly crawling to me. "Don't crawl, it'll make you go slower! Tuck and roll! Tuck and roll!"
And she did, quickly tagging me in. I leaped over the top rope and charged at AJ, tackling her to the ground. I punched her repeatedly before yanking her up by her hair and roundhouse kicking her in the side of the head.
She kicked out of my pin attempt. I grabbed her by the ankle and dragged her to my corner, tagging in Nikki. With AJ leaning on the bottom turnbuckle, Nikki kicked her in the chest time and again. She dragged AJ into the center of the ring and went for a pin.
Kick out. Nikki placed AJ onto her shoulders for the rack attack, but Tamina slipped in and kicked Nikki in the face. Brie ran in and tackled her out of the ring. Summer Rae ran in and charged at me but I punched her in the face before getting into the ring and clotheslining her over the top rope. I went back onto the apron and Nikki tagged me in. I ran in and put on the black widow. When it seemed as if she was about to break free, I spun around and did a tornado DDT. I pulled her to her feet, spun her so that we were belly to back and did a German suplex, keeping her shoulders on the mat.

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