Chapter Two

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"The following contest is set for one fall!" Lillian Garcia announced. AJ's theme hit and Tamina came out flanked by the champion. "Introducing first from The Pacific Islands weighing 150 pounds, Tamina Snuka!"
Tamina had a cold expression on her face making me smile. I couldn't wait to get this match started. Tamina stormed to the ring and slipped inside while AJ skipped around. AJ's theme was silenced and seconds later my music blared through the arena. I came out in black leggings, combat boots, and a camouflage crop top with a black fingerless glove on my right hand. My red-chocolate brown hair fell down in little ringlets at the bottom of my back. I stood on the stage for a good moment, smirking as I watched Tamina pace the ring.
"And her opponent from Hampton, Virginia weighing 110 pounds, Chelsea!"
I casually strolled down the ramp making her even more agitated. "Get in the ring already!" she shouted, walking forward but the ref held her back.
AJ was glaring at me from ringside, clutching onto her title. I wasn't worried about that title. I was going after something bigger. I finally slid into the ring and the ref rang the bell. Tamina charged at me, but I moved out of the way making her hit the ropes and stumbled back. I went into the corner. She charged at me and I did the same thing making her head hit the top turnbuckle. I found this sad. Just very, very sad. I snatched her up by her hair and punched her in the face. She fell back and held her nose, blood seeping through her fingers. I stood across the ring from her, gesturing for her to get up.
"Come on Snuka!" I yelled. "Come on pawn!"
That set her off. She forgot all about her nose and charged at me for the third time. I ducked from her clothesline and kicked her in the side of the head before throwing her out of the ring at AJ's feet. AJ backed up as she saw me slip out of the ring myself. I grabbed Tamina by the hair and threw her across the announce table. "Oh!" filled the arena from the crowd.
"Chelsea is absolutely decimating Tamina at the moment," Cole stated. "And AJ cannot be happy about this."
I turned to AJ and saw she was giving me the meanest look ever. I flashed her a devious smile before picking Tamina up and slamming her face on the table before sliding her back in.



She kicked out of my pin attempt and I grabbed her hair again. She smacked my arms away and super kicked me in the face. I laid diagonal from one of the turnbuckles and Tamina climbed to the top rope. I shook my head and jumped on the second one. I punched her in the face a couple of times before hooking both of her arm behind her back and delivering a butterfly suplex.




"Here is your winner, Chelsea!"
The ref raised my hand as I smiled down at Tamina.
"Who's the better woman now Tamina!" I screamed.
AJ was staring at Tamina as she backed up the ramp. I slid out of the ring and gripped her by the hair making her drop her title. I pushed her into the ring. She got to her feet and I wrapped my legs around her head before locking in her signature, the Black Widow.
"Tap!" I screamed and she did almost immediately.
"You're done, Chelsea!" the ref yelled trying to pry me off.
I let go and propped her onto my shoulders before slamming her face into the very tip of my knee, but it was nothing like the Go To Sleep, especially if you combined it with the F5. I dragged AJ to Tamina so that they were laying side by side and laughed as the crowd went wild. I slid out of the ring and grabbed her title, raising it up. Even though I wasn't interested in the title in any shape, form or fashion I had to make the people and everyone on the roster believe I was.

Once I got back stage and made my way to the locker room, Stephanie and a guy with a camera walked up to me. She had a big smile on her face. Once she made it to me, the guy gave her a thumbs up signaling they were rolling.
"Congratulations Chelsea," she said. "Not only did you take care of Tamina Snuka without problem, but the WWE Divas Champion as well. With that type of aggression I can see a championship in your future." She winked at me making me smirk. She had no idea.
"I do too," I replied before she walked away and the camera stopped.
"Nice job, guys," he said before following Stephanie.
I felt a presence and turned around to see Randy eyeing me.
"Can I help you with something, Mr. Orton?" I asked and he walked passed me. I rolled my eyes and finished my journey to the locker room.


As Randy was walking down the hall he couldn't stop thinking about Chelsea. Everyone might not know what she was up to, but Randy could read her like a book. She was going after his championship. Randy has seen Chelsea wrestle in the Indies and he's also watched her win all of her title matches against guys. He knew what she was capable of and he had to tell The Authority right away. The first one he spotted was Dean who was wrapping his hands in black tape.
"Dean," he called out.
Dean's head snapped up and he nodded in a greeting way. "What's up?" he asked.
"I don't like Chelsea," Randy confessed.
He frowned, "Why not? She's pretty cool, I like her," he replied.
"I didn't ask what you liked," Randy snapped making Dean's frown deeper. "She's after my title." Dean couldn't help but laugh. "What's so funny?"
"Dude, she's a girl, her focus is the Divas title, you and I both saw what she was doing out there," Dean explained.
"She was acting. I think she's gonna use The Authority to get to me," Randy said making Dean roll his eyes. Randy was getting frustrated that Dean wasn't believing him. "Fine," he finally said in irritation. "I'll find someone that will believe me."
Dean shook his head as he watched Randy stomp down the hall.

At the Divas locker room.....

I walked out of the Divas locker room with some sweats and a black t-shirt that said BOSS in white lettering. I was gonna watch the rest of the show in the TV room. As I was walking down the hall, I spotted black out of the corner of my eye. I just kept walking, knowing it was a Shield member.
"Hey, wait!" they called out and I finally stopped to turn around. It was Dean.
"Can I help you with something?" I asked and he got closer.
"Um..." he began before chuckling to himself and shaking his head. "I, uh, heard something funny, not too long ago, about you."
I raised one of my eyebrows. "And what was that funny something, Mr. Ambrose?" I questioned with a smirk.
He shook his head. "Randy thinks that you wants his championship."
I folded my arms over my chest as I saw him laughing. "And why is that so funny?" I asked with a little bit of annoyance in my tone.
He quickly straightened up and put on a frown. " are?" he asked and I shook my head.
"No, but I don't see why that's so funny. Is it so impossible for a girl to want to be WWE Champion?"
I could see guilt in Dean's eyes. "I'm sorry," he said, "I didn't mean to offend you. It's just that Randy-"
"You believe what Randy says?" I asked. "He thinks everyone is going after him and his title. He thinks the janitor is going after his title. Don't you think he's being a little paranoid?"
Dean nodded his head. "That's what I thought," he admitted. "I just needed confirmation from you to let me know that he's crazy." He looked around before stepping a little bit closer to me. "But just between me and you, I don't really like Randy. He's gotten a big head over the two years I've been here and it kinda would be awesome to see him lose his title to a girl."
He laughed at that as I looked at him in confusion. "Really?" I questioned, shock that Dean, apart of The Shield that works for The Authority, would say that.
"Yeah," he looked down, shocked himself that he would say that out loud. "Don't tell The Authority though," he said, panicked.
I laughed. "Don't worry," I assured him.
"Our little secret?" he asked, putting a finger to his lips.
"Our little secret," I replied before mimicking his gesture.
Even though I heard that it would be awesome for a girl to take Randy's championship out of Dean's own mouth, I couldn't tell him my plan yet. For all I knew Randy could have told him to say that. I had to wait a little while before revealing anything or I could just not tell Dean anything like I planned to do all along. I don't know. This is something I was not expecting. What a curve ball.

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