Chapter Eighteen

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I woke up on the couch in the fetal position. I was under a white little throw blanket with Dean laying on the floor. Well, technically he was laying on the floor, more like sitting. His back was leaning against the couch with his legs stretched out and his head by my knees. There was a bowl of popcorn kernels in the middle of the coffee table and a bunch of Rush Hour and Fast and Furious DVDs sprawled around it. I reached for my phone that was hanging off the edge of the little table and saw that it was 5:45 in the morning. I stretched myself out and groaned as something popped and another thing cracked. I gently moved Dean's head away as I got up so that I wouldn't wake him up and went into my room to shower and get dressed. I slipped the outfit of black leggings, a light blue button down and my Uggs on. I put my hair up in a perfect bun and put on a pearl necklace and studs.
"Where're ya going?" Dean mumbled sleepily. Even with heavy eyelids, he grabbed his keys and tried to get up. "I'll drive you."
"Ah, ah, ah, sit," I demanded. "I'm just heading to the airport. My family's going back home today."
He raised his arms above his head and let out a huge yawn as he stood. "I'll drive you," he repeated.
I pushed him over the couch's armrest and he fell onto the cushions. "Stay," I said. "I don't need a babysitter."
"I'm not trying to be a babysitter," Dean insisted less groggily. He was starting to wake up. "I'm just trying to help."
"Trust me, I know you are," I assured. "But I have a rental outside in the parking lot that's only been used, like, once. I can drive myself."
He exasperatedly sighed, dramatically throwing his hands above his head. "Fine," he mumbled. "Be safe."
"Okay, Dad," I teased before grabbing my phone and heading out.
I met my mom and the others at the JFK International Airport in Jamaica, New York-which was about 30 minutes over if you took Atlantic Avenue and Nassau Expressway. They were sitting in the waiting area just relaxing until their plane was called.
"Chelsea!" Caron and Caiya exclaimed, running up to me. Chalice, like the adult she was or was trying to be, calmly and casually walked up to me and wrapped her arms around my shoulders.
"So where's your boyfriend?" she teased. "Did you guys make up yet?"
"Oh, shut up," I said. "He's not my boyfriend. We're just really close friends."
"Yeah, a little too close," she muttered with a playful grin. I punched her in the shoulder.
"You're as bad as Nikki."
"Flight 451 to Hampton, Virginia is now boarding," an automated voice announced over the intercom. "Flight 451 is now boarding."
I gave Mom and Rob a hug before they gathered Caron and Caiya up. "I'm gonna miss you guys," I said. "You guys need to call me."
"You need to call us," Chalice corrected. "What happened to, 'Imma call you guys every single day'?"
I smiled at them sheepishly. "My bad."
She shook her head before they headed to their gate. My phone vibrated in my back pocket.
Tell your boyfriend😉 I said hi. Love ya😘-Chalice
I shook my head as I put it back in my pocket. My sister's something else.

When I got back to the hotel, Dean was taking a shower and Nikki was drooling over a fashion magazine. Brie was on the couch reading The Help, a book that I had left in the bottom of my duffel years ago, but it was still in mint condition surprisingly. Everyone was doing or engrossed in something but me. My phone rang from the kitchen counter. Not bothering to look at the Caller ID, I pressed the answer button and brought it to my ear.
"Chelsea!" A familiar voice exclaimed. "How are you?"
I dropped the phone onto the carpeted floor. Dean came out of my room at that time. He dressed in some basketball shorts and a T-some clothes he brought from his room while I was at the airport. I asked him why he didn't take a shower at his place and hr said we had nicer bathrooms than him and the guys.
What's wrong? he mouthed with a frown.
Your mom, I mouthed back. She's on the phone!
Talk to her, Dummy!
First of all, what? He did not just call me a dummy. I'm not a dummy! It's not my fault that as soon as I heard her voice I got nervous again, right?
"Hello?" I heard Dean's mom say faintly.
I picked the phone back up and placed it right back on my ear. The Twins didn't move a muscle. As if this was normal. "Hi, Ms. Good," I greeted brightly. "How are you?"
"Amazing," she gushed. "Jonathan told me that you two are coming to my party Saturday."
"Yep and we're really looking forward to it," I lied.
"That's a relief," she said. "Because I have some things to discuss and it'll be nice for Jonathan to have a close friend there with him to calm him down."
"Calm him down?" I echoed, glancing up at Dean who just shrugged back. "What do you mean by that?"
"I really should discuss this with both of you face to face," she said quickly. "I should get going-Tyler, you're drum set is not gonna fit in the living room. Go put it in the back!" Then the line went dead, but I really wanted more detail.
"Hello?" I said, before looking at it quizzically and placing it back on the counter.
"What was that all about?" Nikki asked, not looking up from a Spring green dress the page she was gazing at was advertising.
I shrugged. "No idea," I admitted. "It was odd."
"Well, my mom's an odd person, so..."
I scrunched my face up. What was on Ms. Good's mind that she wanted to discuss, just not over the phone. I looked over at Dean who was wiping away some water that made its way over his face from his hair. How would Dean react to what his mom had to say Saturday?

Friday Night SmackDown went by in a blur as well. The only thing I really remembered this week was yesterday when Dean took me on a tour of Boston. Dean and Seth once again had a tag match except this time with Curtis Axel and Ryback and The Bella Twins went up against AJ and Tamina. I'm surprised we haven't gotten into anymore confrontations, but that'll change by next week when I finally have my head together. I had a one on one match against Eva Marie, but I easily won that-and I don't even think I really put forth that much effort. Instead of staying in Boston after the show like our co-workers including Nikki, Brie, Roman, and Seth, Dean and I were leaving to go to Cincinnati. We were sitting in the waiting area, hanging around until our plane was called. Well, Dean went to go get us coffee and the airport's Starbucks.
I think I'm gonna be sick, C, I texted to my little sister.
Why? Chalice texted back almost immediately. What's wrong?
I'm in the airport right now about to go to Cincinnati.
Isn't that in Ohio? Chalice asked. I thought you were staying in Boston for a couple more days.
Well, Dean and I are going to Cincinnati to meet his parents. They're throwing a party and they invited us. Well, they invited Dean, but he invited me, I replied.
Of course DEAN'S parents would invite him.
Well, Dean hasn't really gotten along with his family as of late so....... But you can't tell anyone. He only told me about it in details.
My lips are sealed👍
"Mocha latte, madam?"
I looked up to see Dean bent at the waist in a bow with a cup of steaming coffee in his hand. I laughed a little, before taking it from him. "Why, thank you," I replied.
He sat beside me and took the lid of his cup, blowing the liquid a little. "Still nervous," he asked.
I shrugged. "Not as nervous as I was before, but in all honesty I'm more curious. About what your mom and dad have to say, I mean."
"Why curious?" he asked. "They're just gonna tell everyone what we already know. About them getting back together and everything."
"I have a feeling there's more to it than that, though," I mumbled, but I guess he didn't hear me, because he went back to trying to cool his coffee down.

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