2. Kylan and his headphones

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"Hi guys!" Kylan's voice boomed from behind, startling Beomgyu. The grown man jumped in his seat, his popsicle deciding to give up on clinging onto the stick and fell to the ground with a "splat".

If only his precognition happened for this, he could have saved his popsicle. His popsicle held more importance than Taehyun's laptop in his opinion. Beomgyu's brows furrowed as he stared at the remainings of the popsicle on the ground. Taehyun noticed his saddened expression and was about to talk when Kylan interjected. 

"Omg! I'm so sorry Beogmyu hyung! I will buy a new one for you!" Kylan looked at Beomgyu apologetically. Beomgyu could see that he was being genuine and only smiled at him.

"It's okay Kylan, you don't have to. You're such an angel unlike the one beside me" Beomgyu pat Kylan's head softly, showing him some brotherly affection. 

Taehyun watched them quietly, his chest tightening. He ignored the weird feeling in his chest and proceeded to roll his eyes at Beomgyu. He pinched Beomgyu's arm as a revenge and put all his strength into it. He did it not only because he indirectly called him a demon but also because he didn't like how close Beomgyu and Kylan were for some unknown reason. 

"Ow ow! I get it! I'm sorry okay?" Beomgyu winced in pain as Taehyun released his pinch. Beomgyu looked at his arm and noticed how a bruise had formed. He sighed. One thing about Beomgyu was that he would never return the violence and attacks Taehyun had shown to him no matter what. It made Taehyun feel guilty every time after he realised that. He muttered a small "sorry" but Beomgyu didn't catch it. Kylan watched the two "friends" and giggled. He thought that their friendship dynamic was really interesting. 

Kylan was in music major, so how did he get to know the duo? Let's start with who he really was. Kylan wasn't Kylan. He was Kai. Kai Kamal Huening to be exact. Why was he hiding his identity? That was because he was an Inaxus on the run. He was once captured by the Marusae but managed to escape using his ability. Luckily, the Marusae didn't know what he looked like. Kai knew that the organisation was up to no good and knew he couldn't escape from them at the beginning. Thus, he lied. He had put on a mask, claiming that he needed it to regulate his ability. He was very convincing, thanks to his angelic voice and his insane control of his own ability. He called his ability "sound travelling". He initially wanted to give it a cooler name but was unable to think of one so he just went with that. He could see sound waves and turn himself into them and travel into wavelengths with any sound he produced. In simpler times, he could travel at the speed of sound. The Marusae considered this as a very tricky but useful ability and classified it as red. Therefore, it was a rare ability to them and they did not want to hurt Kai too much and agreed to let him keep his mask on. The downside of this ability was that it needed a cool down time that would take about ten minutes. Kai had claimed that his ability was out of control and could harm himself without his mask. So how did he manage to escape the facility and organisation? That's for another time. All you have to know for now was that he managed to hide identity and live as a fake university student with the help of someone.

Kai had met Beomgyu and Taehyun during orientation. The duo were second years and were put at a station to recruit new students into the band club. The thing was, they were not even part of the band. Their friend had begged them to help them and told them that all they had to do was to stand there and use their looks to attract the new students. It actually worked. Students, mostly girls, lined up at their station, trying to sign up for the band club. What they didn't expect was the shameless students asking them to perform. Both Beomgyu and Taehyun were taken aback. They tried to escape the situation but were unable to since everyone was hyping it up. Beomgyu sighed and picked up the guitar laying beside him. He nudged Taehyun. "Lets just get it over with quickly" he said. "Sing something, I can play anything." Taehyun sighed as well and looked at the small crowd that had gathered to watch them perform. He felt extremely reluctant. He had never sang in front of strangers. He took a big breath and held the mic tightly. "It's like a song... That no one hears... I'm screaming out... But you're not here" Taehyun started. Beomgyu quickly found the chords and strummed his guitar. Taehyun sang "heartbeat" by Christopher with his clear and honey-like voice, earning a lot of attention from the surrounding people and Kai was one of them. Kai loved music. He had seen the sound waves Taehyun's vocals and the guitar had produced. He took his headphones down and listened intently. He could feel the complex emotions when Taehyun sang the chorus, as if Taehyun had meant it. Kai squeezed through the crowds to get a better view of the two performers. He saw how Taehyun had his eyes closed with a pained expression as he sang. Kai was amazed. How could someone sing with so much emotions so easily in front of a crowd? His eyes then landed on the guitarist. The melody he was producing was so beautiful and perfect. Every note fit perfectly. Kai was instantly drawn to the two. The short performance ended before he even knew it. The crowd cheered for them and slowly dispersed after a while. Beomgyu and Taehyun started bickering after the crowd left, unaware that someone had remained there.

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