14. A young master who is loved

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"Young master! Wait for me!" Taehyun ran after the older boy in the maze like garden located in Choi residence. "Stop!" Taehyun shouted, his tone filled with frustration as he chased after the young master who clearly was able to run way faster than him.

However, all he could hear was giggles before he lost sight of the young master. Taehyun looked around the garden, the tall bushes surrounding him towered over him. He couldn't find Beomgyu. He was going to be in trouble if he really did lose the young master he was supposed to care for. He started to run around aimlessly, searching and calling out for the mischievous boy.

"Beomgyu! Come down please! We will get scolded!" He yelled furiously when he finally found him sitting on a tree at the other end of the garden.

Beomgyu looked down at the tiny boy on the grass and grinned. "Taehyun-ah, why don't you climb up here? Come here, let me show you something."

Taehyun sighed deeply and gave in since it seemed like he wouldn't come down any time soon. He climbed up the tree, struggling a bit on the way due to his inexperience. Beomgyu stood on the sturdy tree branch and pulled Taehyun up. Taehyun held onto the tree trunk for dear life as he sat on the tree branch and shut his eyes. He was afraid of heights.

"Taehyun, you don't have to worry. Remember? I have telekinesis. I will never let you fall! So open your eyes and look" Beomgyu held his hand softly and pointed towards the sky and their surroundings as Taehyun slowly opened his eyes.

The tiny boy slowly relaxed after taking in the scene. The sky was painted in dark blue. The remaining sunlight took on a blue shade and tinted their surroundings with a blue hue. It was breathtaking. It calmed and soothed Taehyun.

"This is blue hour, the period of twilight when the sun is at a significant depth below the horizon." Beomgyu explained.

Taehyun turned to look at the older boy. Beomgyu had a tender smile on his face, his gaze focused on the landscape before them. Even though Taehyun didn't quite understand the term "good looking", he believed that the term fits Beomgyu. His hair was styled messily and his rosy cheeks contrasted his pale milky skin. Taehyun could see his long eyelashes from the side and his eyes held so much warmth and peace.

"Taehyun" Beomgyu spoke.


"What will you do if I'm gone?"

Taehyun was confused. What did the older mean by that?

"I will come looking for you!" Taehyun replied. "No matter where you go I will always find you."

"Really?" Beomgyu finally looked at Taehyun, his eyes sparkling as he asked to confirm. He seemed pleased with what Taehyun had said.


"But what if I don't want you to find me?"

Taehyun paused and frowned deeply at that. He didn't know the answer to that. Was there a default answer to that? Was Beomgyu testing his loyalty?

Upon hearing no answer from the younger, Beomgyu giggled. "I will wait for your answer." He ruffled Taehyun's hair, messing it up. Taehyun's frown persisted and he tried to tidy his hair again.

"Now... I will be getting a head start!" Beomgyu smirked slyly as he stepped across Taehyun and climbed down the tree. He looked up at Taehyun who was completely stoned on the tall tree branch and waved at him. "Let's see who can get back first!" Beomgyu laughed as he ran off, leaving the horrified Taehyun all alone.

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