20. Truth about Elaxus

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⚠️ Historical events aren't accurate in this story. They're all fictional.

A/n: Sorry for the late update! I might need to fix this chapter a bit in the future. I hope it's not too confusing. It's actually very late here right now and I worked on this with a sleepy brain

"Elaxus studies. There used to be little to none known about the Elaxus but that should not be the case anymore. Throughout the years of research done by the Jeon family, progress was made and there are a few things that had been discovered about the Elaxus. Although the question of why must they exist may still remain a mystery by the end of journal.

To start off, we are going to provide a quick summary of what we used to know about them. Elaxus have more than one abilities. They were believed to be a dangerous existence that only cause harm to those around them. Manipulation of memories, emotions and magnetic fields of others was recorded by previous researchers. There were only ever three found Elaxus over the period of three hundred years. Their appearance was believed to be sudden and unpredictable. However, the Jeons had discovered that it was quite the opposite. We will be exploring the truth behind their existence in this documentation and perhaps clear any previous misconceptions about them."

Beomgyu was losing. He was being pushed back and he didn't know how much longer he could last. Void against telekinesis? It was obvious that void was much stronger. Especially when there were no side effects for the female void user. Beomgyu could control matter. She could destroy matter. Mai could easily erase his existence, if not for Beomgyu's insane control over his own power, which took up a lot of his energy and focus. He had to make sure that he was not within the range of her attacks, and if he was, he had to take control of every cell or atoms in his body and surroundings so they could not be erased. He had to overpower her void. And as anyone could guess, it was not easy, particularly when Beomgyu was already quite drained before Mai even appeared. Thus, he was currently losing, with his white uniform painted red with blood. Flicking his fingers, he sent a metal table that was in the vicinity into Mai's direction, which immediately disappeared into nowhere. He needed to buy himself some time to gather all his power. It was risky, Mai could get to him before he could even strike but it was worth a try. It was all for the sake of achieving his goals.

"The first ever discovered Elaxus had two powers. Control of diseases and foresight. The second found Elaxus possessed three abilities; Mind control, foresight and deception. And the third had foresight and invisibility. The common ability among them is foresight. Just like how they unconsciously manipulate memories and emotions, they can't control their foresight power. This leads to another question that we have. Should foresight be counted as a sub power along with manipulation of memories? And why do they need those abilities?"

Haruna ran as fast as her short legs could carry. Passing by falling soldiers and debris, she continued to run. Chaos. That was the only word that came into her young mind. She didn't know where Beomgyu could be, but she wouldn't give up until she found him. It was a task given by her parents and she wished to fulfill it. She fell down many times along the way, scrapping her knees. She held her tears in as she stood up again and again. Running through the crumbling facility, she headed to the only part that was intact, assuming that he would be there.

"Oppa!" She yelled at the top of her lungs, her high pitched voice ringing throughout the whole place.

Beomgyu instinctively turned into the direction of her voice and spotted the little girl, her expensive clothes that he had bought her slightly tattered. She was covered in small cuts and bruises.

"Who are you?"

"Why do they possess those abilities? What are they for? We believe that we have found the answer for that. Looking back at the timeline and events that happened around the time they had appeared and the activities they were involved in, there is a high possibility that they appeared to prevent catastrophes. It may sound a bit far fetched but evidence is provided to support this claim. The first known Elaxus was a disease controller. It was during the 1710s. There was a uncontrollable plague at that time when the Elaxus appeared. The fatal airborne disease continued to spread from corpses and with the lack of technology and proper hygiene, it was unstoppable at that time. Until the Elaxus came. With some unconscious manipulation of memories, he became Dr Wright's assistance. Together, they went from place to place to contain the plague. In Dr Wright's diary, the Elaxus was described to a very bright and committed person. He had a special charm to him which attracted the mass. The Elaxus went by the name of 'Elijah'. According to witnesses and Dr Wright's diary, Elijah had a very attractive physical appearance, which added to his charm. He was hailed as a hero for containing the disease together with the doctor. However, after the plague was under control, he died. What was concerning was that the people and objects within his radius of 300m all perished along with him. The doctor wasn't with him during that time and thus he was able to tell the tale. After Elijah had passed, his original memory returned to him and that was how he was able to determine that his memories got rewritten."

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