17. Irregularity

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"You told me that we are going to where Beomgyu is."


"So why are we here?" Soobin looked around the motel room.

"We don't know where Beomgyu is." Taehyun finally admitted.

"What the hell?! Can someone please explain everything to me?" Soobin desperately asked.

Yeonjun was busy on the laptop and Taehyun was now busy with getting Haruna to sleep.

Kai rummaged through his bag and took out a set of clothes for Soobin. "Here, I think we have a similar size. You can wear these. Let's wait til Yeonjun hyung and Taehyun are done before we discuss."

Soobin took the set of clothes and nodded. He headed to the bathroom to get changed. Kai gave him one of his shark jacket after he came out too.

Yeonjun had removed all the tracking features from their devices and Taehyun had successfully put Haruna to sleep.

"Gather" Yeonjun ordered.

All of them gathered around the table with Taehyun's and Yeonjun's laptops on it.

"Please tell me what's going on" Soobin pleaded.

"Wait, before we do that, I have something to show you guys" Taehyun spoke and took out his phone. "I have RM's phone number now too. He sent me a video that Beomgyu had filmed of himself."

Taehyun played the video and placed it in the middle of the table so all of them could watch.

"What's that place? It's all white and it looks futuristic" Soobin frowned. "What is he doing there?"

"Marusae." Taehyun replied.

"Ohhh the Marusae... Wait what?!?" Soobin's eyes widened as he gasped. "What is he doing there?!?"

"Beomgyu is an Inaxus... Well not really. He's an Elaxus." Yeonjun answered his question.

"What the fuck?! And what's an Elaxus?" Soobin was totally taken aback. He almost fell off his chair from the sudden information that he had to take in.

"An Elaxus is a totally different existent. They're beings with two or more abilities. They are similar to Inaxus but they cannot be considered and classified as one. Inaxus are technically humans... but Elaxus are not. They take an appearance of a human being and function like one. But they're not really humans. According to RM, they influence the magnetic field of others around them. They manipulate memories and emotions unconsciously too... Which aren't major threats. The major one is when they die. Well, like unpredictably. They have limited time and they act like a ticking bomb that could explode anytime. The effects of them dying that way on others around them are not ideal. Thus when an Elaxus is found, they must be killed before they die naturally. There isn't much information about them though. There is still a lot that we don't know or understand...." Taehyun explained concisely. "Beomgyu is an Elaxus. And..." Taehyun paused.

"And...?" All of them waited for him to continue.

"I think his time is up soon" Taehyun said in quiet voice as he looked down on the table, unable to meet their eyes.

"What do you mean? Taehyun explain, please" Yeonjun asked in a soft and concerned tone.

"I saw something in his diary" Taehyun took out the diary that he had decided to bring along at the very last minute. He flipped to the page that was dated 24/05/2012 and pushed the diary to the center of the table. "I've been thinking about this for a long time now and it's disturbing but... Beomgyu is destined to leave. Even if we stopped him from doing whatever he had planned, his time will still be up... like what RM had said and what is written in this diary." Taehyun's voice trembled as he continued to speak. "It would make our attempt to find him pretty much pointless but I want to find him... I want to see him."

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