3. The operation and the gunshot

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Trigger warning: Violence, mentions of slavery and blood

Taehyun drove them back to the Choi mansion after their tutorial class. They were being tasked with a new mission. Apparently the police department that their mafia was working with had received an anonymous tip that there would be an illegal slave trade happening that night in one of the red light districts. Beomgyu had shown disgust and anger when he heard about it. He couldn't believe that someone would do something this disturbing. Slaves in this day and time? Absurd.

"The red light district huh" Beomgyu smirked as they walked down the stairs to the hidden basement where their training grounds are.

"You better not be thinking about what I think you're thinking about" Taehyun showed him a disgusted and judging look.

"Chill, I won't stoop so low" Beomgyu said as he put on his protective gear for their gun range.

"Right. You don't even have to. You already have the girl who you were exchanging flirts with this afternoon during our tutorial. There are a lot of girls out there waiting for you too" Taehyun commented sarcastically. He felt salty.

"Don't tell me you're jealous of me" Beomgyu covered his mouth and gasped.

"No. Just no."

"Oh come on, don't be shy" Beomgyu teased and put his hand on his shoulder.

Taehyun shrugged his hand off and glared at him. Beomgyu immediately stopped. Taehyun's glares were definitely something.

Beomgyu pulled away from him and took a pistol. He popped a loaded magazine in and held it in one hand. He aimed it at the silhouette shooting target and fired. Headshot. Taehyun was always amazed at how accurate Beomgyu was. He had insane control and recoil management. Beomgyu was amazing at long range fights while Taehyun specialised in close physical combats. Taehyun wondered if Beomgyu was only this good because he was a pro at pc shooting games. Maybe not. They were completely different. Beomgyu must had just being born talented with guns. They had tried archery once during high school and Beomgyu sucked. Out of the five tries he had, only one hit the target. The rest flew over the target. It had damaged his ego and he refused to go to school the next day.

Taehyun picked up a pistol as well and held it with both hands. He straightened his arms and carefully aimed before taking a shot. He managed to get a cut eight. It wasn't a pure eight as the shot was on the line between seven and eight. It was the best Taehyun could do. He sighed, feeling disappointed in himself.

"Hey, it's alright" Beomgyu tried to cheer him up.

"It's not. I'm supposed to be the one protecting you but I can't even shoot right." Taehyun rebutted.

"Shooting someone isn't part of protecting. Your job is just to ensure that I'm safe. You keep a lookout for potential attackers and find routes for escapes. You only fight back when they're close. You will be using your body more than your gun in that case and I know you're the best in that. Moreover, you won't miss if they're close up. I can also protect myself and you know it" Beomgyu smiled and pat his head.

Taehyun could only nod his head. His words definitely made him feel better about himself. He leaned slightly towards his hand, enjoying his head pat. Taehyun usually hated physical contacts but Beomgyu was the only exception.

"Ahem" someone cleared his throat.

Beomgyu turned around and saw Yeonjun, his cousin, standing at the entrance. He removed his hand from Taehyun's head to Taehyun's dismay.

"Oh Yeonjun hyung!" Beomgyu put his pistol into his holster and walked towards him.

"Hey" Yeonjun smiled at the two and held out a folder. "Tonight's operation will be slightly different from the ones we've done before. As you guys know, it's them, the Kim family. I know we already went through everything but I just want to make sure everything goes smoothly. Soobin collected more information today."

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