19. Sol

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"This place is really doomed" Seokjin muttered under his breath as he brisk walked to one of the entry routes, assuming that Beomgyu's friends would take that path. Among the chaos, no one really paid attention to where he was heading, which was a good thing. No one was questioning or stopping him. 

His guess was right. Gunshots were heard the direction he was going to. Seokjin arrived too late. Beomgyu's friends had already entered the premises. He sighed softly as he walked right in.

"Sir! What are you doing here?" One of the men pulled him to safety.

"Is this not the escape path?" Seokjin put on his best confused expression and questioned the armed man. 

"No sir, it's in the opposite direction."

"Ooh is that so? Can you take me there? I have a bad sense of direction."

The man thought for a while. It was indeed dangerous and they couldn't have Seokjin stay with them. He assigned one of the men to lead the way for Seokjin.

"Thank you" Seokjin thanked the man who was allotted to guide him. Once they were both out of the sight, he pulled out a needle out of a small case that was hidden behind his white coat and stabbed it right into the the neck of the soldier, paralysing him. Those needles were coated with paralytic agents, given by Hoseok.

"I'm so sorry" Seokjin apologised quickly to the collapsing man. "You won't die from this, don't worry" he added before stealing the gun that had slipped out of the man's grip. When he was about to leave again, he looked back at the bullet proof vest that the man was wearing and squatted down to remove it from him. Wearing the vest, he apologised to the now paralysed man again before firing  the gun multiple times at the wall, distracting the rest of the armed men.

"They're here!" He shouted to divert their attention before hiding at a blind spot. 

Once he made sure that the team had left their original spot, he took a quick detour that led him to Beomgyu's group of friends. Maybe the Marusae guards weren't being smart enough. They could have approached them from both the front and the back but they only did it from the front. He sighed and shrugged as he quickened his pace.

Seokjin cowered in fear and raised his hands up when a gun was pointed to his head. He definitely did not expect Beomgyu's friends to be scarier than the guards. When he had approached them from behind, the pink haired had shot at his feet. 

"I-I'm with RM" Seokjin managed to speak up after struggling with his words. When he felt the gun leaving his head, he took it as a sign that he was allowed to speak more. "You're Beomgyu's friends right?"

"I'm his cousin."
"I'm his boyfriend."
"I'm his cousin's boyfriend."

Seokjin looked up at them, dumbfounded.

"Umm, I'm his friend." Kai spoke.

Seokjin let out a chuckle, his fear was completely replaced with amusement. Cousin? Friend? Boyfriend? He did refer to them as Beomgyu's group of friends but them claiming to be those after learning that Beomgyu was an Elaxus? Interesting. Even though he had never seen Beomgyu personally, he could imagine how attractive his soul was for these people to still care for him. If Elaxus even had a soul. He took notice of the little girl hiding behind Kai and frowned. "And who might this be?"

"My little sister, had no one to take care of her." Taehyun gave a simple lie to justify her presence in the facility. It would be too complicated and time consuming to explain who Haruna was and why she was here. 

"Hmm" Seokjin eyed the small girl. They sure were a reckless bunch. Before he could speak again, they heard a loud boom followed by a violent shake. They felt the floor tilt to the right as they tried to maintain their balance by crouching down on the floor and holding on to whatever they could find. 

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