4. That's kinda sus tho

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Thank god it was the weekends after that whole event which meant that they didn't have any classes, which also meant that they should be able to sleep in. Should. They weren't able to do that. The cause? The little girl Beomgyu saved from the slave trade. Apparently the girl wasn't even registered and had no parents. She had nowhere to go. Soobin had taken the girl back home that night but the girl kept calling out Beomgyu's name. She had grown attached to Beomgyu and didn't want to leave his side so they had no choice but to let her stay with Beomgyu and Taehyun. Soobin drove the girl to their house at four in the morning since she wouldn't do anything nor sleep. So... two college boys with zero experience of taking care of a kid and a kid? They actually did pretty well.

"Taehyun" Beomgyu held Taehyun's hands softly and looked into his eyes sincerely.

"Yes?" Taehyun looked back at him, his heart racing at how gently he held both of his hands.

"I'm leaving the bathing to you. Good luck." Beomgyu smiled and pushed the little girl towards him. "Thank you!" He waved at him cheekily before leaving the room.

Taehyun stood rooted to the floor, unable to process what had just happened. He was baffled. He peered down at the girl and she stared back at him. Did Beomgyu just push the responsibility onto him? He stood there awkwardly, not knowing what he was supposed to do. It was not something he had trained for and he didn't know how to do things that he had never been taught before. Sure, washing Beomgyu was fine but a small girl? He wasn't so sure. He didn't know if it would be the same. He was afraid that he would make her uncomfortable or hurt her in any way.

The small girl tugged his pants softly and rubbed her eyes sleepily. "Are you close with Beomgyu oppa?" she asked in a quiet voice.

"Mhm" Taehyun replied. "Let's get washed up and go to bed okay? Beomgyu hyung will sleep with you if you let me bathe you" his voice softened when he spoke to her.

She nodded her head upon hearing that and let Taehyun take her into the bathroom. Taehyun made sure that the temperature of the bath water was just right before helping the little girl in. He had made a bubble bath for her. The little girl sat in the bathtub obediently despite being curious of the bubbles. Taehyun washed her hair carefully and noticed how her eyes would follow the bubbles. He smiled and blew a few bubbles for her.

"You can touch and play with them if you like" he told her.

She looked at him and felt hesitant. She didn't know how to play. Taehyun scooped up the foamy water and blew, demonstrating it to her. The corner of her lips curved up and she finally broke into a smile. She had dimples just like Taehyun. She imitated Taehyun and played with the bubbles. She tried to pop them and giggled every time she managed to do so. He watched her enjoy and smiled to himself. He was glad everything was going smoothly. He rinsed her hair and body once he believed that it was enough playing. He dried her off with a towel and dressed her in one of Beomgyu's smaller shirt. They definitely needed to buy her proper clothes soon. Taehyun then made her sit in between his laps on the bed as he used the hair dryer to blow dry her soft black hair. She rubbed her eyes and yawned once they were done. She tried to stay awake nevertheless as she was waiting for Beomgyu. Beomgyu entered the room as if on cue and smiled when he saw that the little girl was now clean and comfortable. She reached her arms out to Beomgyu, wanting him to hug her and he did what she wanted. He hugged her and rubbed her back softly.

"Sleep?" Beomgyu cooed in his deep low voice and slowly tucked her in. "I will be here." He reassured her and pat her chest rhythmically. They were in Beomgyu's room and Taehyun was about to leave when the girl tugged his sleeve. She wanted him to stay too. He glanced at Beomgyu, looking for his approval.

"Sure, you can sleep here with us" Beomgyu said. "This bed is big enough for the three of us anyways."

Beomgyu had said it so casually like it was not a big deal. It honestly helped Taehyun because he was feeling nervous for a second there. He slipped under the blankets and settled down beside the little girl. She smiled, liking the warmth both the boys gave. Beomgyu noticed her identical dimples to Taehyun's. How cute, just like him. Beomgyu thought to himself. He switched off the lights and climbed into bed. With his arm around the little girl, he provided her with security and warmth. They all drifted to sleep quickly since they were all exhausted.

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