16. Video message

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"Hoseok hyung, please?" Beomgyu begged.

"I-" The white haired doctor sighed. "Just one video message, okay? Make it less than a minute. Make it quick, it will be suspicious if I stay too long." He gave in and passed his phone to Beomgyu.

"Thank you so much!" Beomgyu thanked Hoseok enthusiastically once he managed to send the video to Namjoon. "Thanks for keeping me updated about my friends and family too." He smiled.

"Yeah..." Hoseok quickly cleared the chat and shut his phone. He looked up at Beomgyu and sighed again. "I will try my best to alter your schedule so you can get some rest and stop using your power." He pointed to the white cloth damped with fresh red blood.

"Thank you" Beomgyu thanked him once again and smiled softly at him.

Hoseok grabbed the cloth and glanced back at Beomgyu who was still smiling before leaving the room.


Taehyun tossed and turned on his bed. He kicked the duvet off his body in frustration and groaned. He glanced at the digital clock on his beside table. 2am. He buried his face into his pillow and mentally screamed. He couldn't fall asleep and the fact that he wasn't sleeping made him even more stressed. He lifted his head up from his pillow and glanced at Beomgyu's diary that was now placed beside the clock. He couldn't get rid of the ominous feeling. The screen of his phone lit up, indicating that there was an incoming notification. He frowned at that and picked up his phone. Who would text him at 2am in the morning? He tapped on the notification of the unknown number and read the text.

"This is RM." He read out the simple text to himself and scrolled down to find a video attached to the text.

"Hello! Taehyun-ah!" Beomgyu's voice sounded out. Taehyun rubbed his eyes and stared at the screen in disbelief. It was indeed Beomgyu...in a white uniform. Beomgyu was smiling at the camera as he waved. "You must be really mad at me... I'm really sorry, but I promise you that I will be back soon, alright? I miss you so much. How's everyone doing? I hope all of you are fine. Hoseok hyung, hold the phone for me?" The camera was then covered and Taehyun could hear some muffling before it got uncovered again to reveal Beomgyu standing in front of his bed. "Taehyun, this is dumb but look! I was bored since I have nothing better to do here so I created this. It's called Beomgyu heart." Beomgyu smiled earnestly at the camera as he did the heart. "I will have to end it now. Don't worry too much about me. I will be home soon. I love you." The video ended.

"Fucking bastard..." Despite what he said, he sat up and replayed the video over and over again just to see Beomgyu. Beomgyu's hair was cut shorter and it looked fluffier. The more he watched the video, the more he knew that he was truly in love with Beomgyu. Throughout the past two weeks, he had properly sought out his feelings and realised that his feelings towards Beomgyu were real and genuine. They weren't manipulated. No matter how hard he tried, he could never stop worrying about him. He missed Beomgyu deeply too. He missed his presence. He missed his teases, his warm hugs, his deep voice, his pranks, his everything. He watched the video for the nth time, just staring at Beomgyu's face and listening to his mesmerising voice. He finally decided to take a look at Beomgyu's room. He played the video again and noticed how it was completely white. He stared at the white uniform he was wearing, an unsettling feeling erupted within him. White... It was Beomgyu's favourite colour but it was also the colour described in his diary. Then he spotted red amidst of the whiteness. He frowned at that and paused the video. He took a screenshot and zoomed in on it. His breath hitched when he saw that it was a bloodied cloth. A nasty imagination flashed across his mind. He imagined the scene in which Beomgyu was lying in his own pool of blood alone, just as described in the diary. He shut his eyes and took in a deep breath. He couldn't let that happen right? No one in the right mind would let that happen to a loved one. In the end, he still couldn't trust Beomgyu's words. RM was definitely lying too. Beomgyu wouldn't be able to make it home.

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