6. Let's have a talk

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"Beomgyu, wake up!"

Beomgyu could hear Taehyun calling out to him. He fluttered his eyes open to find Taehyun leaning over and shaking him violently.

"Is this a dream too?" Beomgyu grabbed Taehyun's arms and flipped them around. Taehyun was now under him. "Oh? I can actually move?" Beomgyu looked at him with hazy eyes. He leaned down and breathed in his scent, his breath tickling Taehyun's neck.


"You always drop the honourifics when you speak to me" Beomgyu angrily pointed out as he held both of Taehyun's wrists above his head firmly with one hand. He looked into Taehyun's shocked and terrified eyes and smirked. "Are you afraid of me?" He caressed his cheeks softly before planting a small gentle kiss on his neck.


"Shh..." Beomgyu placed a finger on Taehyun's lips and hushed him.

"Just stop these dreams already and let me sleep..." Beomgyu mumbled before he released Taehyun's wrists and hugged him tightly. He shut his eyes and buried his face into the crook of Taehyun's neck before passing out again.

Taehyun's heart raced. His face was completely flushed. Everything happened so quickly and it had left him flabbergasted. He looked at Beomgyu and tried to wake him up again but Beomgyu did not budge. It was already 1pm in the afternoon. When he came in the morning, Beomgyu was still sleeping and he had seen how exhausted he looked so he let him sleep in. Both Haruna and Kai were already up in the living room watching cartoons. Pushing Beomgyu arms away, Taehyun got up and glanced down at the sleeping Beomgyu, blood rushing up to his cheeks as he was reminded of how Beomgyu had kissed his neck. He closed the door softly behind him and went down the stairs to the living room.

"What's with your face?" Kai asked when he saw Taehyun's beet red face. He had his headphones on so he wasn't able to hear from afar but he got a hunch on what had happened.

"Beomgyu's not waking up" Taehyun ignored Kai's remark. "Also, shouldn't you get going? Don't you have a project that you need to work on?"

"Oh shoot! You're right, I'm going now! Bye Haruna, bye Taehyun!" Kai said in a hurry and left the house. He had to meet up with his groupmates for his music project.

Haruna ran towards Taehyun and hugged his leg cutely. Taehyun giggled at her adorableness and ruffled her hair. He spent the afternoon watching over Haruna who got busy with the crayons Beomgyu had bought from the previous day. Taehyun glanced at the clock repeatedly, he grew worried for Beomgyu. He already slept through lunch and it was already 4p.m. Taehyun got up from his seat and told Haruna that he was going to check on Beomgyu.

He walked up the stairs to Beomgyu's room and opened the door slightly. He peeked in first and and noticed that he was no longer on his bed. He opened the door wide and looked around.

"Beomgyu?" He panicked slightly when he couldn't spot him.

"Yes?" Beomgyu's groggy voice appeared from behind. Taehyun almost had a fright. He turned around to face him, their faces inches apart. He took a step back to maintain some distance between them.

"I went to grab some medicine, I'm having a headache." Beomgyu explained.

"Are you sick? You've been sleeping a lot..." Taehyun reached his hand out to touch Beomgyu's forehead, checking if he was having a fever. He looked concerned. Beomgyu smiled at his touch and shook his head.

"It's nothing much. Can you get me some food? I'm starving."

Taehyun nodded and frowned at Beomgyu who was blocking the doorway. He waited for him to move aside but the raven haired stayed put. Taehyun was about to open his mouth to speak when he felt a pair of lips on his forehead. His eyes widened at the contact and bit back a blush. Beomgyu had been making his heart skip a lot lately. He had also been showing a different kind of affection towards him ever since Taehyun's birthday. Taehyun had tried to convince himself that Beomgyu was just playing around and that it was no different from a friend's affection. It didn't work though, he knew he couldn't lie to himself.

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