18. Beomgyu's control

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Beomgyu lied down on his bed as he played with his telekinesis. He had completely calmed down and had been experimenting. He found out that he could use his powers despite being in rooms that could nullify Inaxus powers. It only made him feel dumb for not testing out earlier. He moved the chair from one end of the room to the other and watched quietly. How come he could use his powers? He didn't understand that but it was a good thing that the rooms didn't work for him right? Beomgyu touched his eye patch and shut his eyes. He didn't understand why his eye was hurting too. It no longer hurt due to the painkillers he took though. Truth to be told, Beomgyu was afraid of unexplainable things. It wasn't cool of him to have powers. He found it frightening. And now there were more unexplainable things happening to him. He was afraid of himself and he had always been. He just hadn't show.

Turning his body so that he could lie on his stomach, he opened his eyes with his head facing the door. The only things that were going through his brain right now were Mai and the Marusae. Fuck the plans. He was going to carry out his own plan and wreck havoc however he wanted. He had the ability to do so and he would do it. But he was still waiting. Waiting for the right moment. Maybe at night when everyone's guard was down. He didn't have a clock in his room but he would know. He had been observing and counting his hours. He memorised his schedule everyday. The time guards would come in to wake him up, deliver his meals, send him to the training room. He got it all. Beomgyu quietly counted in his head. One more hour to go before the time when everyone was the most vulnerable. 

Why was doing all of these? He couldn't remember. All he knew was that he needed to kill Mai and destroy Marusae and that was what he was planning to do. Get over with it and then... What? Beomgyu frowned. What was he supposed to do after that? He felt the need to return somewhere but where? His memory was a haze. Rubbing his temple, he groaned as he tried to recall. Images of a university campus, a house, a home cooked meal, movies, games flashed across his brain. Someone was always with him too but his face was blurred and Beomgyu couldn't make out who it was. He didn't remember anyone before he came to the facility. The thought of him having a memory loss should be alarming and frightening to him but it surprisingly wasn't. He was way too fixated on his goals that he couldn't quite be bothered with it. He would figure out after completing his tasks.

On the other side, Hoseok was contacting Namjoon secretly in his own room to inform him about Beomgyu's current status. Namjoon had been oddly quiet about the whole matter and Hoseok immediately sensed that there was something wrong. He pressured Namjoon into spilling it. As he waited for his text, he heard an explosion and felt the floor beneath him shook. Soon, blaring alarms could be heard throughout the whole facility. He looked up from his phone and headed to his door urgently, wondering what caused the explosion.

"What's happening?" He asked, concerned.

"No.173 escaped" one of the men stopped to inform him. "I don't know how he managed do it but he made the explosives go off. He's currently heading to the lab. Please head and evacuate to the safety room."

"What-" Hoseok's eyes widened at that. "Thank you" he abruptly said and shut his door. He rushed back to his phone and called Namjoon. There was no need to hide anymore.

"Namjoon! What the hell is happening? This wasn't what we planned" He almost yelled into the phone.

"I assume that Beomgyu had acted on his own." Namjoon sighed deeply. "Have you read my text?"

"No" Hoseok's brows furrowed.

"Okay, listen carefully. Beomgyu's not an Inaxus. He's an Elaxus but don't stop him. Let him finish it off. If we get rid of him, no one else will he able to finish the job. Just let him run wild. You and Seokjin let the other Inaxus out and evacuate as quickly as possible. Beomgyu can't be stopped now and I'm sure he's no longer sane enough to think properly. He will be willing to kill anyone who's in his way. Stay safe Hoseok-ah."

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